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The GOP (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
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Has the gop become a party of conspiracy theorists willing to believe the most outrageous of accusations about democrats? It looks like a believer of Qanon will be joining their ranks in congress next election.

If someone had told reagan years in the future there will be a republican president who casts doubt on every american institution, calls soldiers losers and suckers and refuses to say anything bad about russia, what do ya' think reagan's response would have been?
Has the gop become a party of conspiracy theorists willing to believe the most outrageous of accusations about democrats? It looks like a believer of Qanon will be joining their ranks in congress next election.

If someone had told reagan years in the future there will be a republican president who casts doubt on every american institution, calls soldiers losers and suckers and refuses to say anything bad about russia, what do ya' think reagan's response would have been?


You want "conspiracy theories"???

Just look at ANYTHING that comes from the mainstream media. That's where your conspiracy theories are.
Has the gop become a party of conspiracy theorists willing to believe the most outrageous of accusations about democrats? It looks like a believer of Qanon will be joining their ranks in congress next election.

If someone had told reagan years in the future there will be a republican president who casts doubt on every american institution, calls soldiers losers and suckers and refuses to say anything bad about russia, what do ya' think reagan's response would have been?

Has the gop become a party of conspiracy theorists willing to believe the most outrageous of accusations about democrats? It looks like a believer of Qanon will be joining their ranks in congress next election.

If someone had told reagan years in the future there will be a republican president who casts doubt on every american institution, calls soldiers losers and suckers and refuses to say anything bad about russia, what do ya' think reagan's response would have been?

The GOP has been taken over by the crazies and the rest of the party needs their votes so badly they refuse to disown them.
The GOP has been taken over by the crazies and the rest of the party needs their votes so badly they refuse to disown them.

Ya know, the democrats always accuse Republicans of the things they themselves are doing.
The GOP has been taken over by the crazies and the rest of the party needs their votes so badly they refuse to disown them.

True fact right there!
The GOP has been taken over by the crazies and the rest of the party needs their votes so badly they refuse to disown them.

The monster they created to eat obama is out of control and now eating the gop.
The GOP has been taken over by the crazies and the rest of the party needs their votes so badly they refuse to disown them.

Sounds more like Democrats than Republicans.
The black guy drove the GOP bat****. Now they're essentially smearing themselves with feces and firing empy pistols at the moon while screaming. It's sorta sad in a not really way.

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