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The future of marriage and robots (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 2, 2005
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United States of America and proud of it!
Political Leaning
In the future, we WILL have robots, it's a certainty. Honda has unleashed a robot called, "Asimo" and the Japanese also have other robots. Someday, I think there might be robots that look and act just like humans.

I know how you liberals feel about same sex marriage. BUT I'm just wondering, how would you guys feel about people marrying robots? I think in the future people might actually have relations with robots. There is a Japanese Anime film called, "Parasite Dolls" about that same incident.

So how would you liberals feel about people actually marrying robots? Suppose they were completely conscious and self aware. I know this sound kind of, "humorous" but it could just be a real scenario 50 years from now.
Wont happen....Baby Jesus would cry
Can't wait but will probably be too late for me. I'm sure it would be more cooperative and and less bitchy than my wife. And most likely more responsive too.
Old and wise said:
Can't wait but will probably be too late for me. I'm sure it would be more cooperative and and less bitchy than my wife. And most likely more responsive too.

I couldn't have put it better myself. But let's not forget the fact that it would probably cost less money too.. :lol:

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