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The French need to wake up (1 Viewer)


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Nov 8, 2005
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I really think that the French need to wake up... Because of their need to be "non-racist", they have let it a ton of Arabs/Muslims which are now slowly destroying the country from the inside-out. Also, they let all of the Arab immigrants become citizens! Now 10% of the French are Arabs! So now, they can't deport them and there is no way to get rid of them -- you can't deport citizens. France's soft policy when it comes to Arab immigration has come back to haunt them.

The first thing that should be done to free France from the Islamo-Facists is to not elect Jaque Chriac; he will continue to be stuborn when it comes to getting the savage, barbaric, Arabs out of France.

When will France come out of this... dream that they are in? When will they go back to being one of our greatest allies? When will they start supporting us more on the war on terror and wake up to the awful peoplet that have started a virtual insurgency in their country? Will the great nation of France every have a strong leader like Napoleon Bonaparte, a ruler that united France, again? I sure hope so...

The French need to wake up

Thats exactly what Sean Hannity said.

However, the French gov has so many problems its rediculous. I can basically map it out for everyone but it would be pointless becasue personally I dont give a dam about france. I really hope these riots kill the french gov and end up creating a major breakdown in their economy and then they will once again be crying for our help as they waller in their own mud.

This is what happens when they turn their back on their saviors. Karma pays a visit to them.
There are a lot of things I admire about France but what I don't like are their screwed up labor laws. I think once you hire somebody over there, you can't fire them NO MATTER WHAT for several months. That is just so messed up.

But I don't think that they really have that big of a problem with arabs immigrating. A lot of could it be due to the fact that they have a lot of business connections to the Middle East.
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And people say the French are soft? Ahem how hard line can you get?

France to deport foreign rioters

Sarkozy said even foreigners with visas would be expelled if convicted
Interior minister Nicolas Sarkozy has ordered the expulsion of all foreigners convicted of taking part in the riots that have swept France for 13 nights.
He told parliament 120 foreigners had been found guilty of involvement and would be deported without delay.

Police said overnight violence had fallen significantly - although trouble still flared in more than 100 towns.

The government has declared a state of emergency in Paris and more than 30 other areas to help quell the unrest.

The northern city of Amiens was the first to impose an overnight curfew under the new powers, which came into force at midnight.

The french have been very embarassed by these riots.They have especialy been stung by news coverage in the U S A .
Even French tv news that is seen in the U S A has reported this. In the USA it is normal for Troops to be sent in to back up local police to restore order during Urban riots.Either federal troops or more often state national guard units. Frace may have been so embarassed by the riots and the foreign coverage.The idea of using the french army ( I thought they should have used the Legion ) might have been too much for the govt. . That as long as they could use more and more police.They didn't need to compound their embarassment by calling in the french army.
JOHNYJ said:
They have especialy been stung by news coverage in the U S A .

That's right and for two main reasons. First, US televisions do not really know the location of European cities, especially Toulouse or Strasbourg. More seriously, Paris does not burn. Even if there are riots - for domestic reasons, not for religious or political ones - the French civil war is not on.

For instance, I live in the southern suburb of Paris and I use trains or buses everyday. Since the beginning of the riots, I haven't had any problem.

We pay in foreign medias the price of numerous years of arrogance. But without a piece of "mauvaise foi", Frence people is not really French.

Wotk said:
That's right and for two main reasons. First, US televisions do not really know the location of European cities, especially Toulouse or Strasbourg. More seriously, Paris does not burn. Even if there are riots - for domestic reasons, not for religious or political ones - the French civil war is not on.

For instance, I live in the southern suburb of Paris and I use trains or buses everyday. Since the beginning of the riots, I haven't had any problem.

We pay in foreign medias the price of numerous years of arrogance. But without a piece of "mauvaise foi", Frence people is not really French.

First off, welcome to the forum Wotk!:2wave:

We have read where these riots are happening within hundreds of towns, so YOU not having any problem does not rectify the situation that there IS a problem...I'm sure there are soldiers in Iraq who have said "I haven't been in any altercations with the enemy."...That doesn't mean its not happening...

Could you give the forum members here a little "local insight" as to WHY these riots are taking place?...Does the current employment system or the riotor's claim of racism & intolerance by the French people play a smaller part than reported here in the US?...Should the military get involved?...

RE ; Wotk # 6
French Media which seeems even more leftist than our own. Tried to turn the Katrina mess into a racist thing ,when it was old fashioned beaurocratic icompetence. That irritated a lot of Americans.So when the self important french Republic's muslim minorities started burning down their neighborhoods and the french govt. couldn't restore order. Of course American media might have engaged in a little hyperbole.
Considering how much muslim / Arab ass kissing France engages in .It was also surprising how little good it did.
When France needed their help,where were they.
French televisions had shameful behaviours during the Katrina mess, I am agree with you, Johnjy.

I do not deny that there is a problem, but we can't compare these riots with a civil war or a fourth French revolution. Inside Paris, the situation is very peacefull. Riots take place during the night and especially in suburbs of big cities, where unemployement is very high and where people are from the third generation of after-war immigration.

There is indeed a problem of racism and there are a lot of difficulties for Arab or Black people to find a job or an appartment to live in. Rioters are not Muslims, they are atheist like a huge majority of French people, and they are very young (15-16 years old).

That means that they just express there disappointment and there rage by stupid acts of violence. In fact, they burn cars of their neighbours, of poor people living in the same suburbs, and they destroy their own schools. They don't want to do the revolution, they just want to be heared and to have other means of success than music or sport.

France deffinitely needs to wake up. More American soldiers died in a matter of hours on French soil (liberating their country) than over the course of the entire War in Iraq and their government has the audacity to criticize our fight against terror and pretty much everything we do. Oh wait, we severed their business deals with Hussein... that must be why they're mad.
Joseph said:
I really think that the French need to wake up... Because of their need to be "non-racist", they have let it a ton of Arabs/Muslims which are now slowly destroying the country from the inside-out.

Have you ever BEEN to France? It's one of the most racist countries in Europe aside from the Balkans. The French policies toward screening immigrants are too lax, but it's certainly not because they care about being "non-racist."

Joseph said:
Also, they let all of the Arab immigrants become citizens! Now 10% of the French are Arabs! So now, they can't deport them and there is no way to get rid of them -- you can't deport citizens. France's soft policy when it comes to Arab immigration has come back to haunt them.

It's not so much the immigration policies THEMSELVES that are the problem; it's the fact that their archaic labor laws make it difficult for immigrants to find a job, and therefore difficult to integrate into society. Also, it's the fact that France does very little screening for Islamic fundamentalists before granting them the right to immigrate or become citizens.

Joseph said:
The first thing that should be done to free France from the Islamo-Facists is to not elect Jaque Chriac; he will continue to be stuborn when it comes to getting the savage, barbaric, Arabs out of France.

"Get them out"? Most of them are citizens, as you noted. The only thing he could do would be to tighten the influx of immigrants. Jacques Chirac is certainly a mediocre leader, but he's about the best that France can hope for; his main opposition is much worse.

Joseph said:
When will France come out of this... dream that they are in?

Not for at least several more years.

Joseph said:
When will they go back to being one of our greatest allies?

Umm...they are.

Joseph said:
When will they start supporting us more on the war on terror

OK, this is just stupid. France is probably the staunchest supporter in the world of the war on terror, except perhaps Israel and Australia.

Joseph said:
and wake up to the awful peoplet that have started a virtual insurgency in their country?

It was a few riots. Nothing that doesn't happen in the United States every year. Just because they're Muslim doesn't mean they're terrorists or insurgents.

Joseph said:
Will the great nation of France every have a strong leader like Napoleon Bonaparte, a ruler that united France, again? I sure hope so...

I'm more worried about America once again having a competent leader...

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