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The Fraud In “Gungate” Is Real, And Should End Katie Couric’s Career[W:190] (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 2, 2013
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Of course, the question might be" What career'?

The Fraud In “Gungate” Is Real, And Should End Katie Couric’s Career – Bearing Arms

Ladies and gentlemen, Dan Rather had a certain degree of deniability when his producers failed to do their due diligence and vet the so-called “Killian documents” for authenticity. It was a mistake, but still cost four people their jobs at CBS News and tarnished Rather’s lengthy and up until then, respected career.

Yahoo! News anchor and Under the Gun executive producer and narrator Katie Couric cannot off up any plausible deniability at all for her team’s decision to commit what is nothing more or less than fraud.

This project was Couric’s “baby,” and she was responsible for every aspect of the final cut of a heavily-biased documentary which now appears to contain blatant and intentional fraud designed to make the VCDL appear as if they didn’t have an answer to the interviewers questions, when they did indeed have an immediate, detailed, and rational response from three members of the group which went to so far as to cite law and Supreme Court decisions on prior restraint, pointing out the sort of “pre-crime” laws championed by gun control supporters is both Orwellian and blatantly unconstitutional.

Katie Couric’s “Gungate” was intentional, willful, and malicious fraud, and should in Couric’s immediate termination and her being treated as a pariah for the rest of her life.
Re: The Fraud In “Gungate” Is Real, And Should End Katie Couric’s Career

The Left is exposed as a bunch of fraudsters, everyday it seems.
Re: The Fraud In “Gungate” Is Real, And Should End Katie Couric’s Career

Of course, the question might be" What career'?

The Fraud In “Gungate” Is Real, And Should End Katie Couric’s Career – Bearing Arms

Ladies and gentlemen, Dan Rather had a certain degree of deniability when his producers failed to do their due diligence and vet the so-called “Killian documents” for authenticity. It was a mistake, but still cost four people their jobs at CBS News and tarnished Rather’s lengthy and up until then, respected career.

Yahoo! News anchor and Under the Gun executive producer and narrator Katie Couric cannot off up any plausible deniability at all for her team’s decision to commit what is nothing more or less than fraud.

This project was Couric’s “baby,” and she was responsible for every aspect of the final cut of a heavily-biased documentary which now appears to contain blatant and intentional fraud designed to make the VCDL appear as if they didn’t have an answer to the interviewers questions, when they did indeed have an immediate, detailed, and rational response from three members of the group which went to so far as to cite law and Supreme Court decisions on prior restraint, pointing out the sort of “pre-crime” laws championed by gun control supporters is both Orwellian and blatantly unconstitutional.

Katie Couric’s “Gungate” was intentional, willful, and malicious fraud, and should in Couric’s immediate termination and her being treated as a pariah for the rest of her life.

The controversy is about one edit in an interview and the director has apologized publicly for it Katie Couric stands by 'Under the Gun' as director apologizes for misleading edit - May. 25, 2016 but, you're right, Katie has no career...
Re: The Fraud In “Gungate” Is Real, And Should End Katie Couric’s Career

The director's apology was in fact a non-apology.

The whole thing is a tempest in a tea pot. The upshot is, I hadn't even heard of the documentary until this thread tried to make hay about it.
Re: The Fraud In “Gungate” Is Real, And Should End Katie Couric’s Career

The whole thing is a tempest in a tea pot. The upshot is, I hadn't even heard of the documentary until this thread tried to make hay about it.

Please see the link in #3.
Re: The Fraud In “Gungate” Is Real, And Should End Katie Couric’s Career

I saw that: that's what I posted. It's still a tempest in a tea pot and a lot of right-wing gun owners ARE idiots; so what's your point?

Erik Wemple (from my link) is quite sound on media topics and is certainly not on the right. His conclusion:

Here the Erik Wemple Blog stroke our gray beard and reflect: In the years we’ve covered and watched media organizations, we’ve scarcely seen a thinner, more weaselly excuse than the one in the block above. For starters, it appears to count as an admission that this segment of the documentary was edited. The artistic “pause” provides the viewer not a “moment to consider this important question”; it provides viewers a moment to lower their estimation of gun owners. That’s it. As far as the rest of the statement, adults in 2016 may no longer write the phrase “apologize if anyone felt that way” and preserve their standing as professionals. To compound matters, here’s the accompanying statement from Couric:

“I support Stephanie’s statement and am very proud of the film.”
That, from the Katie Couric of Yahoo News, of “CBS Evening News,” of “60 Minutes,” of the “Today” show and so on.
Many of those who sampled the discrepancy between the video and the audiotape were already enraged by the depiction of these gun owners. The statements from Soechtig and Couric will surely intensify the backlash, as well they should. An apology, retraction, re-editing, whatever it is that filmmakers do to make amends — all of it needs to happen here.
Re: The Fraud In “Gungate” Is Real, And Should End Katie Couric’s Career

Death of a Journalist's Career, by Katie Couric
With Foreward written by: Dan Rather
Re: The Fraud In “Gungate” Is Real, And Should End Katie Couric’s Career

I saw that: that's what I posted. It's still a tempest in a tea pot and a lot of right-wing gun owners ARE idiots; so what's your point?

Then she should be able to demonstrate that easily without having to manipulate the facts. Integrity should mean something to you, why doesn't it?
Re: The Fraud In “Gungate” Is Real, And Should End Katie Couric’s Career

Couric is not a journalist, she is a political hack.

There is a difference everywhere but in the DNC's MSM.
Re: The Fraud In “Gungate” Is Real, And Should End Katie Couric’s Career

The controversy is about one edit in an interview and the director has apologized publicly for it Katie Couric stands by 'Under the Gun' as director apologizes for misleading edit - May. 25, 2016 but, you're right, Katie has no career...

So you think a lame apology is enough to correct the problem. A complete and unconditional retraction followed by a front page apology is what she needs to do.
Re: The Fraud In “Gungate” Is Real, And Should End Katie Couric’s Career

Death of a Journalist's Career, by Katie Couric
With Foreward written by: Dan Rather

Re: The Fraud In “Gungate” Is Real, And Should End Katie Couric’s Career

I saw that: that's what I posted. It's still a tempest in a tea pot and a lot of right-wing gun owners ARE idiots; so what's your point?
It was a lie. A deliberate, carefully crafted and purposeful lie.

She asked a question, edited out the response, and inserted a different response. The end result was to give the audience a presentation of a response to a question that was completely fabricated. This is as deceptive as it is possible for a journalist to be and much more than "a tempest in a teapot".
Re: The Fraud In “Gungate” Is Real, And Should End Katie Couric’s Career

So you think a lame apology is enough to correct the problem. A complete and unconditional retraction followed by a front page apology is what she needs to do.
Journalists have a responsibility to report the truth. As far as I'm concerned she lost every shred of credibility she had and should be fired... in addition to the retraction and apology, of course.
Re: The Fraud In “Gungate” Is Real, And Should End Katie Couric’s Career

I saw that: that's what I posted. It's still a tempest in a tea pot and a lot of right-wing gun owners ARE idiots; so what's your point?

And a lot of left wing gun grabbers are bigots. What is your point?
Re: The Fraud In “Gungate” Is Real, And Should End Katie Couric’s Career

And a lot of left wing gun grabbers are bigots. What is your point?

"Left wing gun grabbers are bigot"... Got any examples?
Re: The Fraud In “Gungate” Is Real, And Should End Katie Couric’s Career

The controversy is about one edit in an interview and the director has apologized publicly for it Katie Couric stands by 'Under the Gun' as director apologizes for misleading edit - May. 25, 2016 but, you're right, Katie has no career...

What a lying sack of ****. It's exactly what she intended.

From the link you posted:

"I never intended to make anyone look bad and I apologize if anyone felt that way," director Stephanie Soechtig said after conservative blogs and media outlets exposed the editing.
Re: The Fraud In “Gungate” Is Real, And Should End Katie Couric’s Career

"Left wing gun grabbers are bigot"... Got any examples?

The constant attacks on any who want to pursue their 2nd amendment rights and vilifying any who are not them.
Re: The Fraud In “Gungate” Is Real, And Should End Katie Couric’s Career

I saw that: that's what I posted. It's still a tempest in a tea pot and a lot of right-wing gun owners ARE idiots; so what's your point?

As are Left wingers are idiots in general, which is why people like Couric can get away with something as dishonest as this
Re: The Fraud In “Gungate” Is Real, And Should End Katie Couric’s Career

The constant attacks on any who want to pursue their 2nd amendment rights and vilifying any who are not them.

That's not proof. You're making it up then.
Re: The Fraud In “Gungate” Is Real, And Should End Katie Couric’s Career

As are Left wingers are idiots in general, which is why people like Couric can get away with something as dishonest as this

She didn't get away with it did she. :roll:
Re: The Fraud In “Gungate” Is Real, And Should End Katie Couric’s Career

What a lying sack of ****. It's exactly what she intended.

From the link you posted:

"I never intended to make anyone look bad and I apologize if anyone felt that way," director Stephanie Soechtig said after conservative blogs and media outlets exposed the editing.

Yeah, one thing in the entire documentary. So what's your point?

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