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The four real reasons Iraq was invaded (1 Viewer)


Jun 9, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
Apparently the latest reason for the Iraq war as a War on Terror is that Bin Laden had set up training camps in Iraq.

$250,000,000,000, 1900 US dead & 25,000 Iraqis dead & all just to rid a barron desert of a few rag heads jumping over obstacle courses with kalashnikovs, who will just find another desert somewhere else, when all along the real source of danger lies in places like British Mosques & Florida flight schools.....

Even if Iraq is democratised, it won't be the solution. The IRA, UDA, Bader-Meinhof & Red Brigade... oh & Al Qaeda... all survived in democratic countries.

The four real reasons the US went to war in Iraq are

Reason 1) Oil.

Reason 2) Saddam was the next best bad guy to lash out at after failing to head Bin Laden off at the pass.

Reason 3) As a kick back for arms companies such as Northrop Grumann & General Dynamics that fund Bush & the Republicans & spent $millions lobbying in the Pentagon in favour of the Iraq war.

Top Recipients
Republican Party Committees $952,385
Democratic Party Committees $494,975
Rep Jane Harman (D-CA) $54,250
Rep Duncan Hunter (R-CA) $52,340
Rep Howard P "Buck" McKeon (R-CA) $46,250
Rep Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R-CA) $45,200
President George W Bush (R) $36,150
Rep Philip M Crane (R-IL) $35,700
Rep Ike Skelton (D-MO) $35,450
Sen Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) $34,500
Rep Steny H Hoyer (D-MD) $24,500
Sen John W Warner (R-VA) $23,700
Rep Dave Weldon (R-FL) $23,200
Rep David Vitter (R-LA) $23,050
Sen Ted Stevens (R-AK) $23,000
Rep Jo Ann Davis (R-VA) $22,500
Rep Martin Frost (D-TX) $22,000
Sen Trent Lott (R-MS) $22,000
Rep Jerry Lewis (R-CA) $21,350
Sen Bill Nelson (D-FL) $20,500

Lobbying Expenditures 98 - 2003

Campaign Contributions by Year 98 - 2003

Party Contributions %
Democrat $1,253,025 33.78%
Republican $2,455,975 66.22%

& we are supposed to think this is not corruption ?!

Reason 4) The average Fox News educated American is so so so naive they can't or don't want to grasp the above three reasons.
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1) bingo you win the lolly pop
rest fiction


The Bourse; Iran’s death-warrant

Iran’s future oil and natural gas wealth foreshadow its growth into a regional competitor to Israel as well as an energy-independent powerhouse. Their stated intention to sell resources via their own, homegrown bourse, is a direct threat to the existing economic system. It would greatly increase trade in petro-euros and send the dollar into a downward spiral. The importance of this cannot be overstated. The heart-and-soul of the empire is the Greenback; that flaccid, debt-ridden hoax that props-up the entire rickety structure of state-terror. The $8 trillion dollars of accumulated debt that underwrites the greenback requires that the world continue to buy oil in dollars. The transition from dollars to petro-euros is a direct assault on a system that forces the lavish debt of the wealthiest nations onto the shoulders of the world’s poorest people. If the dollar falls from its place of prominence then the global power-structure would shift dramatically from the hands of western elites to the nations with the most resources. America’s corporate and financial giants will never allow that to happen, not as long as there’s one missile left in an American silo.
sorry about the my bad form tired and all
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Robin and Canuck, sitting in a tree, wishing the downfall of America. Glad to see you two meet.

We invaded Iraq to facilitate the spread of Democracy in the middle east. A shining bastion of freedom for the nearby neighbors to look to as a symbol of hope. And it's working. The only way this terror thing will be reigned in is when WOMEN have a say in their government.

Let's go over this again for you two soulmates.

Iraq has elections in which WOMEN vote.

Afghanistan has elections in which WOMEN vote.

The freeflow of information grows in the region.

No longer is the sole source of news Madrases, Mullahs, and Al Jerkzera.

Kuwait just had their first WOMAN in their government.

Qaddafi folded fast like.

Syria out of Lebanon.

Sudan back to a representative government.

Satellite dishes growing like the hair on Billo's back.

Now I know you guys enjoy dogging the USA, fine. But understand most of us know your words are not fact based and are just wishful thinking. All the things you say will happen don't come to pass. All I say does. Your track record is abysmal. That's why you can't answer direct questions.

Makes it all the more fun to say....na na na na na.
teacher said:
Robin and Canuck, sitting in a tree, wishing the downfall of America. Glad to see you two meet.

We invaded Iraq to facilitate the spread of Democracy in the middle east. A shining bastion of freedom for the nearby neighbors to look to as a symbol of hope. And it's working. The only way this terror thing will be reigned in is when WOMEN have a say in their government.

Let's go over this again for you two soulmates.

Iraq has elections in which WOMEN vote.

Afghanistan has elections in which WOMEN vote.

The freeflow of information grows in the region.

No longer is the sole source of news Madrases, Mullahs, and Al Jerkzera.

Kuwait just had their first WOMAN in their government.

Qaddafi folded fast like.

Syria out of Lebanon.

Sudan back to a representative government.

Satellite dishes growing like the hair on Billo's back.

Now I know you guys enjoy dogging the USA, fine. But understand most of us know your words are not fact based and are just wishful thinking. All the things you say will happen don't come to pass. All I say does. Your track record is abysmal. That's why you can't answer direct questions.

Makes it all the more fun to say....na na na na na.

how will all that matter to a single american when the oil around the would is sold in euros and not dollars
think about that
If your a fool you may go
if you see the implications we can talk
Canuck said:
how will all that matter to a single american when the oil around the would is sold in euros and not dollars
think about that
If your a fool you may go
if you see the implications we can talk

Well if you can wrie in proper context then we can talk if you proceed to write like an infant then you can still proceed to be a fool.

And the 4 real reasons? This just makes me :rofl :lamo :laughat: :2rofll:
Canuck said:
how will all that matter to a single american when the oil around the would is sold in euros and not dollars
think about that
If your a fool you may go
if you see the implications we can talk

When? I'm supposed to debate you on your mistaken opinion of what you think may happen in the future? You're not very bright are you? I've asked you plenty of direct questions allready that you wont answer. Soon the smacking will begin. I've allready made you smack yourself in the Education forum. Next it's from me. You're an easy target. You bring nothing but empty rhetoric. Most allready have dismissed you. I just enjoy what cnredd calls a chewtoy. But then I fill a niche here.
The four real reasons the US went to war in Iraq are:

Repeating your premise does not support your premise.
The more you repeat it, the more people may believe if (wouldnt Goebbels be proud), but that -still- doesnt make it true.
Indulge me please folks. Canuck is dropping his post he's so proud of everywhere and I'm following him around with my reply.

Originally Posted by Canuck
this is the real news

As you see it.

Iran’s future oil and natural gas wealth foreshadow its growth into a regional competitor to Israel as well as an energy-independent powerhouse.

The great energy producer Isreal?

Their stated intention to sell resources via their own, homegrown bourse, is a direct threat to the existing economic system.

Iran vs. the world?

It would greatly increase trade in petro-euros and send the dollar into a downward spiral. The importance of this cannot be overstated.


The heart-and-soul of the empire is the Greenback; that flaccid, debt-ridden hoax that props-up the entire rickety structure of state-terror.

So much bullshit in that sentance I don't know where to begin.

The $8 trillion dollars of accumulated debt that underwrites the greenback requires that the world continue to buy oil in dollars.

This nation can economically crush most any other country with a word. Most countries are beholden to us by their goods Americans purchase. That can change in the blink of the eye.

The transition from dollars to petro-euros is a direct assault on a system that forces the lavish debt of the wealthiest nations onto the shoulders of the world’s poorest people.

Let them try. Us Americans don't sweat the small stuff.

If the dollar falls from its place of prominence then the global power-structure would shift dramatically from the hands of western elites to the nations with the most resources.

Only if we choose to allow it.

America’s corporate and financial giants will never allow that to happen, not as long as there’s one missile left in an American silo

We don't need missles to prosper economically. America is the worlds greatest military AND economic powerhouse. We hold all the cards.

the rest was my own interpretation


I am willing to debate anyone on the above assumptions though

There you go sport.

you wont find a NEOcon up to the challenge,they know they would look silly to the world.best you will get from them is a sly remark!

Go rub some more syrup out of your trees, eh?

Class dismissed.

Se how this works sport?
teacher said:
Indulge me please folks. Canuck is dropping his post he's so proud of everywhere and I'm following him around with my reply.

Originally Posted by Canuck
this is the real news

As you see it.

Iran’s future oil and natural gas wealth foreshadow its growth into a regional competitor to Israel as well as an energy-independent powerhouse.

The great energy producer Isreal?

Their stated intention to sell resources via their own, homegrown bourse, is a direct threat to the existing economic system.

Iran vs. the world?

It would greatly increase trade in petro-euros and send the dollar into a downward spiral. The importance of this cannot be overstated.


The heart-and-soul of the empire is the Greenback; that flaccid, debt-ridden hoax that props-up the entire rickety structure of state-terror.

So much bullshit in that sentance I don't know where to begin.

The $8 trillion dollars of accumulated debt that underwrites the greenback requires that the world continue to buy oil in dollars.

This nation can economically crush most any other country with a word. Most countries are beholden to us by their goods Americans purchase. That can change in the blink of the eye.

The transition from dollars to petro-euros is a direct assault on a system that forces the lavish debt of the wealthiest nations onto the shoulders of the world’s poorest people.

Let them try. Us Americans don't sweat the small stuff.

If the dollar falls from its place of prominence then the global power-structure would shift dramatically from the hands of western elites to the nations with the most resources.

Only if we choose to allow it.

America’s corporate and financial giants will never allow that to happen, not as long as there’s one missile left in an American silo

We don't need missles to prosper economically. America is the worlds greatest military AND economic powerhouse. We hold all the cards.

the rest was my own interpretation


I am willing to debate anyone on the above assumptions though

There you go sport.

you wont find a NEOcon up to the challenge,they know they would look silly to the world.best you will get from them is a sly remark!

Go rub some more syrup out of your trees, eh?

Class dismissed.

Se how this works sport?

I love you teacher. You ca now call me your pet. :lol:
Missouri Mule said:
1. ******** Iran ***********

2. Syria

3. Pakistan

4. Saudi Arabia

In that order.

beep beep beep beepbeep

jack pot

IRAN = America's nemesis
all the other people you need to get some more educatoin
mule has won the lollypop


The Bourse; Iran’s death-warrant

Iran’s future oil and natural gas wealth foreshadow its growth into a regional competitor to Israel as well as an energy-independent powerhouse. Their stated intention to sell resources via their own, homegrown bourse, is a direct threat to the existing economic system. It would greatly increase trade in petro-euros and send the dollar into a downward spiral. The importance of this cannot be overstated. The heart-and-soul of the empire is the Greenback; that flaccid, debt-ridden hoax that props-up the entire rickety structure of state-terror. The $8 trillion dollars of accumulated debt that underwrites the greenback requires that the world continue to buy oil in dollars. The transition from dollars to petro-euros is a direct assault on a system that forces the lavish debt of the wealthiest nations onto the shoulders of the world’s poorest people. If the dollar falls from its place of prominence then the global power-structure would shift dramatically from the hands of western elites to the nations with the most resources. America’s corporate and financial giants will never allow that to happen, not as long as there’s one missile left in an American silo.
sorry about the my bad form tired and all

TEACHER needs alot more education if SHE /HE thinks america can stop deflation on the dollar if the world stops using green backs
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Canuck said:
TEACHER needs alot more education if SHE /HE thinks america can stop deflation on the dollar if the world stops using green backs

Congrats bozo, I've brought out the smack cannon on you. In a couple differant places, see if you can find them.

1.teacher is to be left lowercase, I don't want to appear pampas.
3.Our currency is our economic might. Our military presence. Our technological leadership. Our universities the whole world attends. Our hospitals the whole world sends it sick to. Our land that so many try to immigrate to. Our mear presence on the globe that helps deter countries from invading weaker nations. Our vast and fertile food producing land. And so much more. That you think a green piece of paper makes the difference shows how little you understand about this, the greatest, most benevolent, civilized country the world has ever seen.
Good posts Canuck.
To the rest of you I say... I'm more interested in facts & the truth, than indulging in bun fights.

A post by Ampickle under economics on the Asia times forum;

The American Dollar, R. I. P.
Saudi Arabia, immediately after the death of King Fahd, announced that it was going to repatriate $360 billion invested overseas in the last 18 months. Of course, the majority of this was invested in the United States, and Saudi Arabia can't possibly absorb all that money, so this is a polite way of saying that they will invest their oil revenues in countries other than the United States. Thus quietly ends the scheme that Saudi oil surpluses would be invested in the United States. This has worked exceptionally well for the Americans, and the thanks the Saudis got for it was to be constantly blamed for financing terrorism, financing which started at the insistence of the United States! The replacement of Prince Bandar - a man perceived as very close to American interests, particularly the Bush crime family itself - as Saudi ambassador to the United States almost certainly also signals that the Saudis are tired of propping up the American economy and receiving only aggravation in return. The loss of the very close friendship of the Saudis is another gift the Americans have received from the Zionists in the Bush Administration. Sometimes it helps to know who your real friends are.

The American Dollar, R. I. P.
Everybody has started to pick on the poor Americans:

South Korea, which holds the fourth largest currency reserves in the world, traditionally held in American debt instruments, announced in the spring that it was going to diversify into other currencies.

Russia now calculates the value of the ruble in terms of a basket including the American Dollar and the Euro, with the Euro weighting in the basket gradually increasing. It is also considering denominating the value of its oil in Euros rather than Dollars.

China has announced that the value of its currency will be determined by a basket of currencies, instead of being fixed against the American Dollar. The relative weightings of currencies in the basket is a secret, which will allow the Chinese to quietly divest themselves of American holdings without triggering a panic that would suddenly reduce the value of these holdings. The American political opposition of the Chinese acquisition of Unocal is going to turn out to be a very dumb move.

With the new Chinese approach to valuing its currency, other Asian countries are likely to begin valuing their currencies against the Chinese currency, rather than against the increasingly pressured American dollar.

The Iranian oil bourse, a new international market for oil in which the oil will be priced in Euros rather than Dollars, is slated to open next spring.


Petrodollar Warfare: Dollars, Euros and the Upcoming Iranian Oil Bourse by William R. Clark

(Friday August 05 2005) who is linked by Xymphora (on the forthcoming Iranian oil bourse)Clark was of course the originator (publicly) of the belief that the invasion of Iraq was launched essentially to snuff out the potential for crude oil sales in Euros which Saddam Hussein introduced just about the time Dubya was being sworn in after having being elected by the Supremes…. To maintain dollar hegemony, the US Trade deficit and the lifestyle of the West.


Central banks seek to calm dollar fears
By Anna Fifield and Song Jung-a in Seoul, David Pilling in Tokyo and Kathrin Hille in Taipei Financial Times Published: February 23 2005

It is a popular fallacy that the international FOREX market is as “free” as any market possibly could be. This article made clear that it was the heads of the major central bankers who basically operate a cartel in collusion with the Fed.

No Longer the “Lone” Superpower: Coming to Terms with China
By Chalmers Johnson March 2005


Way to go! Good job to all of those who subscribe to the Pat Robertson School of Diplomacy...
Chavez: Venezuela Moves Reserves to Europe

All Associated Press NewsCARACAS, Venezuela (AP) - Venezuela has moved its central bank foreign reserves out of U.S. banks, liquidated its investments in U.S. Treasury securities and placed the funds in Europe, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said Friday.

"We've had to move the international reserves from U.S. banks because of the threats," from the U.S., Chavez said during televised remarks from a South American summit in Brazil.

Recent investing newsNew Bans Show China's Concerns About Tech Alaska Airlines Lands World's Largest King Salmon Reports: Boots, Alliance UniChem in Talks Four Seasons Resort Bali at Jimbaran Bay Not Affected by Bombing Cognigen Networks Announces Resignation of President & CEO
"The reserves we had (invested) in U.S. Treasury bonds, we've sold them and we moved them to Europe and other countries," he said.

Chavez, a sharp critic of what he calls "imperialist" U.S.-style capitalism, has often criticized foreign banks for the power they wield in international financial markets at the expense of poorer countries.

Chavez again proposed the creation of a South American central bank that would hold the foreign exchange reserves of all the central banks in the region.

"I'm ready right now with the Venezuelan central bank ... to move $5 billion (euro4.15 billion) (of Venezuelan reserves), to a South American bank," Chavez said.

Central bank officials could not be immediately reached for more details.

Chavez has also argued against central bank autonomy, saying excess foreign reserves should be spent on economic development projects.

Under his presidency, Venezuela's mostly pro-Chavez Congress changed central bank laws earlier this year so the government could tap reserves for spending, despite criticism that it would lead to devaluation of the local currency and higher inflation.

Every year the central bank must now compute an "optimum" amount of reserves and hand over the rest to a newly created national development fund.

Money held in the fund will be used for overseas purchases and to pay off outstanding debt.

Foreign exchange reserves held by the central bank stood at $30.434 billion (euro25.27 billion) as of Sept. 28, according to central bank data.
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You can substitute Pakistan for New Orleans. Pretty poignant
either way


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robin said:
Good posts Canuck.
To the rest of you I say... I'm more interested in facts & the truth, than indulging in bun fights.

Ironic, given your blatant unwillingness to support your original post.
robin said:
Good posts Canuck.
To the rest of you I say... I'm more interested in facts & the truth, than indulging in bun fights.

A post by Ampickle under economics on the Asia times forum;

The American Dollar, R. I. P.
Saudi Arabia, immediately after the death of King Fahd, announced that it was going to repatriate $360 billion invested overseas in the last 18 months. Of course, the majority of this was invested in the United States, and Saudi Arabia can't possibly absorb all that money, so this is a polite way of saying that they will invest their oil revenues in countries other than the United States. Thus quietly ends the scheme that Saudi oil surpluses would be invested in the United States. This has worked exceptionally well for the Americans, and the thanks the Saudis got for it was to be constantly blamed for financing terrorism, financing which started at the insistence of the United States! The replacement of Prince Bandar - a man perceived as very close to American interests, particularly the Bush crime family itself - as Saudi ambassador to the United States almost certainly also signals that the Saudis are tired of propping up the American economy and receiving only aggravation in return. The loss of the very close friendship of the Saudis is another gift the Americans have received from the Zionists in the Bush Administration. Sometimes it helps to know who your real friends are.

The American Dollar, R. I. P.
Everybody has started to pick on the poor Americans:

South Korea, which holds the fourth largest currency reserves in the world, traditionally held in American debt instruments, announced in the spring that it was going to diversify into other currencies.

Russia now calculates the value of the ruble in terms of a basket including the American Dollar and the Euro, with the Euro weighting in the basket gradually increasing. It is also considering denominating the value of its oil in Euros rather than Dollars.

China has announced that the value of its currency will be determined by a basket of currencies, instead of being fixed against the American Dollar. The relative weightings of currencies in the basket is a secret, which will allow the Chinese to quietly divest themselves of American holdings without triggering a panic that would suddenly reduce the value of these holdings. The American political opposition of the Chinese acquisition of Unocal is going to turn out to be a very dumb move.

With the new Chinese approach to valuing its currency, other Asian countries are likely to begin valuing their currencies against the Chinese currency, rather than against the increasingly pressured American dollar.

The Iranian oil bourse, a new international market for oil in which the oil will be priced in Euros rather than Dollars, is slated to open next spring.


Petrodollar Warfare: Dollars, Euros and the Upcoming Iranian Oil Bourse by William R. Clark

(Friday August 05 2005) who is linked by Xymphora (on the forthcoming Iranian oil bourse)Clark was of course the originator (publicly) of the belief that the invasion of Iraq was launched essentially to snuff out the potential for crude oil sales in Euros which Saddam Hussein introduced just about the time Dubya was being sworn in after having being elected by the Supremes…. To maintain dollar hegemony, the US Trade deficit and the lifestyle of the West.


Central banks seek to calm dollar fears
By Anna Fifield and Song Jung-a in Seoul, David Pilling in Tokyo and Kathrin Hille in Taipei Financial Times Published: February 23 2005

It is a popular fallacy that the international FOREX market is as “free” as any market possibly could be. This article made clear that it was the heads of the major central bankers who basically operate a cartel in collusion with the Fed.

No Longer the “Lone” Superpower: Coming to Terms with China
By Chalmers Johnson March 2005


Way to go! Good job to all of those who subscribe to the Pat Robertson School of Diplomacy...
Chavez: Venezuela Moves Reserves to Europe

All Associated Press NewsCARACAS, Venezuela (AP) - Venezuela has moved its central bank foreign reserves out of U.S. banks, liquidated its investments in U.S. Treasury securities and placed the funds in Europe, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said Friday.

"We've had to move the international reserves from U.S. banks because of the threats," from the U.S., Chavez said during televised remarks from a South American summit in Brazil.

Recent investing newsNew Bans Show China's Concerns About Tech Alaska Airlines Lands World's Largest King Salmon Reports: Boots, Alliance UniChem in Talks Four Seasons Resort Bali at Jimbaran Bay Not Affected by Bombing Cognigen Networks Announces Resignation of President & CEO
"The reserves we had (invested) in U.S. Treasury bonds, we've sold them and we moved them to Europe and other countries," he said.

Chavez, a sharp critic of what he calls "imperialist" U.S.-style capitalism, has often criticized foreign banks for the power they wield in international financial markets at the expense of poorer countries.

Chavez again proposed the creation of a South American central bank that would hold the foreign exchange reserves of all the central banks in the region.

"I'm ready right now with the Venezuelan central bank ... to move $5 billion (euro4.15 billion) (of Venezuelan reserves), to a South American bank," Chavez said.

Central bank officials could not be immediately reached for more details.

Chavez has also argued against central bank autonomy, saying excess foreign reserves should be spent on economic development projects.

Under his presidency, Venezuela's mostly pro-Chavez Congress changed central bank laws earlier this year so the government could tap reserves for spending, despite criticism that it would lead to devaluation of the local currency and higher inflation.

Every year the central bank must now compute an "optimum" amount of reserves and hand over the rest to a newly created national development fund.

Money held in the fund will be used for overseas purchases and to pay off outstanding debt.

Foreign exchange reserves held by the central bank stood at $30.434 billion (euro25.27 billion) as of Sept. 28, according to central bank data.

All of this bash America and its currency is silly. We have a lot of trade debt and if any trading partner wants to withdraw from our market they can certainly do so. If the ME oil producers don't want our dollars, that will certainly hasten if not eliminate our reliance on the M.E. for energy production. It might even spur our lazy Congress to get off their duffs and do something about increasing our own energy production. In point of fact, the U.S. has some of the largest natural gas and coal reserves in the entire world.

Gee, it would be horrible if we couldn't buy those cheap Chinese goods, wouldn't it? What it would mean would be the collapse of the Chinese economy and the reemployment of American workers right here in the U.S.

I kinda like the idea of a collapsing dollar myself.
Missouri Mule said:
All of this bash America and its currency is silly. We have a lot of trade debt and if any trading partner wants to withdraw from our market they can certainly do so. If the ME oil producers don't want our dollars, that will certainly hasten if not eliminate our reliance on the M.E. for energy production. It might even spur our lazy Congress to get off their duffs and do something about increasing our own energy production. In point of fact, the U.S. has some of the largest natural gas and coal reserves in the entire world.

Gee, it would be horrible if we couldn't buy those cheap Chinese goods, wouldn't it? What it would mean would be the collapse of the Chinese economy and the reemployment of American workers right here in the U.S.

I kinda like the idea of a collapsing dollar myself.
That's fine as long as you like Coke, Harley Davidsons & Mac Donalds & valve radios & American PC's handbuilt from American parts that cost $10,000. :lol:
Seriously though.. you could wind up like in 1929 :shock:
robin said:
That's fine as long as you like Coke, Harley Davidsons & Mac Donalds & valve radios & American PC's handbuilt from American parts that cost $10,000. :lol:
Seriously though.. you could wind up like in 1929 :shock:

Spew your swill all you want Robin. We rule and you can't stand it. It's that simple. You do realize California has the fifth largest economy in the world? All your bullshit is speculation. People like you have been saying this garbage since WW ll. And still it doesn't happen. The simple fact of the matter is that if we choose not to participate in economic ruin then that's all there is to it. Your premise is based on countries trying to destabilize and ruin our economy. Have you considered what we could do if we decided to do the same to them? Who loses? You argument is nothing but wishful thinking.

From post 12 to Canuck. Notice no one has a comeback for this.....

3.Our currency is our economic might. Our military presence. Our technological leadership. Our universities the whole world attends. Our hospitals the whole world sends it sick to. Our land that so many try to immigrate to. Our mear presence on the globe that helps deter countries from invading weaker nations. Our vast and fertile food producing land. And so much more. That you think a green piece of paper makes the difference shows how little you understand about this, the greatest, most benevolent, civilized country the world has ever seen.

Your like the rest Robin. You won't answer direct points, you just go on to spew over and over. Kinda takes the wind out of you America haters when you don't answer direct questions. Keep talking about baskets. Well keep raising the bar for the rest of the ENTIRE FRIGGIN PLANET.
teacher said:
Congrats bozo, I've brought out the smack cannon on you. In a couple differant places, see if you can find them.

1.teacher is to be left lowercase, I don't want to appear pampas.
3.Our currency is our economic might. Our military presence. Our technological leadership. Our universities the whole world attends. Our hospitals the whole world sends it sick to. Our land that so many try to immigrate to. Our mear presence on the globe that helps deter countries from invading weaker nations. Our vast and fertile food producing land. And so much more. That you think a green piece of paper makes the difference shows how little you understand about this, the greatest, most benevolent, civilized country the world has ever seen.


get an EDUCAtion
THE schools only teach you 60%
Missouri Mule said:
I kinda like the idea of a collapsing dollar myself.

Me too. The thing people don't want to admit is when the dollar goes down we sell more of our products. More Europeans vacation here. More foreign money is spent and invested in America because their money goes farther comparatively. Trade imbalance switches, we export more than we import, good for the middle and lower classes really. Of course then we got a bunch of fat Speedo wearing Nazi's on south beach like Ayran Imperium, but what you gonna do? Bad for our travel agencies, good for our hotels, waiters, Disneyland, and makers of sweet, tasty Pez. mmmmmmmm.......

See Robin, any way you cut it, your doom and gloom just doesn't apply to this nation. Your backwater, but not here. But then we will always bail countries like yours out. Is that why you hate us so much?
I know nobody asked, but to Canuck and Robin, some unsolicited advice: people might be more receptive to your ideas if you positioned them as "four reasons Iraq was invaded" rather than "four *real* reasons". You can't assert they're the real reasons because you weren't involved in the decisionmaking, so at best this is a theory. You may feel that you have iron-clad evidence of it, but isn't that up to us, the masses being preached to, to decide?
teacher said:
Me too. The thing people don't want to admit is when the dollar goes down we sell more of our products. More Europeans vacation here. More foreign money is spent and invested in America because their money goes farther comparatively. Trade imbalance switches, we export more than we import, good for the middle and lower classes really.
I think a lot of people hear "strong" and "weak" currency and automatically associate them with "good" and "bad". As this quote says, a weak currency encourages investment by outsiders, like us going up to Canada to buy their stuff because we get a favorable exchange rate. The strength or weakness of the dollar is cyclic, and it's used as a tool to encourage growth in different sectors of the economy; one isn't blanketly better or worse than the other.
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Canuck said:

get an EDUCAtion
THE schools only teach you 60%

Way to form a debate you petulant little boy. Way to refute my points. Your posts are loaded with logic and facts. You've had your chance to shine. I've asked you simple direct questions with no answer. I've led you down the road of self smacking, then I've smacked you straight up. Your posts lack facts, humor, wit, logic, coherence, or any semblance of logical debate. I've ran the gamit with you, and you've not the sense to quit. You'll find soon no one pays attention to you, except to mock you. At least kidrocks and tiktok had the sense to log off. Robin and Billo are your allies. If you had the sense you would see how sad that is. Follow the directions in my sig skippy, you'll see your place on this site. I'd call you a jester but that discredits my position. You've been handed your ass and are too stubborn and/or stupid to realize it.
Missouri Mule said:
All of this bash America and its currency is silly. We have a lot of trade debt and if any trading partner wants to withdraw from our market they can certainly do so. If the ME oil producers don't want our dollars, that will certainly hasten if not eliminate our reliance on the M.E. for energy production. It might even spur our lazy Congress to get off their duffs and do something about increasing our own energy production. In point of fact, the U.S. has some of the largest natural gas and coal reserves in the entire world.

Gee, it would be horrible if we couldn't buy those cheap Chinese goods, wouldn't it? What it would mean would be the collapse of the Chinese economy and the reemployment of American workers right here in the U.S.

I kinda like the idea of a collapsing dollar myself.

1) your trade 76% comes to Canda
2)your currency is refered to as funny money
3)your debt would reduce you to rubble if your money wasnt underwritten by the sole fact that it is used exclusively by the bussiness world

Im white ,53 yrs old ,I Love all peoples of the world .and my family has lived in Noth America for over 400 years.
my eyes dont tell me lies, most of the time, and my logic helps me when my eyes fail.
if you want 100 % absolute truth you will see only 60% of what is the truth

None of my statements ,I ever posted here. Has anything to do with AMERICA bashing.
ONLY to Americans, that have to rely soley on what their schools taught them,
would it seem that way. As all scools around the world teach only 60% politically correct courses.
if you want to learn the 40% that your country didn't teach you ,
your gona have to dig deep , on dusty shelves in the anals of history .it is all there ,if you have eyes, that dont tell you lies ,and a logical brain, that is not fused to the AMerica is always right syndrom

I have many American friends ,And Canada and Canadians love americans

even through the arrogance ,and the war mongering ,we know it is not americans every where that are like this. that it is only some of the leaders that incite it ,and Are like that. and as such we know that many americans that only know their
academic education, See America as the beacon of righteousness.
as they didnt teach ,America the 40% that was left out, because it is to terrible for americans to know.

GI veterans say they are not surprised atrocities have been commited in IRAQ by AMERICANS,they did it them selves in past wars
in the news today
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Canuck said:
1) your trade 76% comes to Canda
2)your currency is refered to as funny money
3)your debt would reduce you to rubble if your money wasnt underwritten by the sole fact that it is used exclusively by the bussiness world

Im white ,53 yrs old ,I Love all peoples of the world .and my family has lived in Noth America for over 400 years.
my eyes dont tell me lies, most of the time, and my logic helps me when my eyes fail.
if you want 100 % absolute truth you will see only 60% of what is the truth

None of my statements ,I ever posted here. Has anything to do with AMERICA bashing.
ONLY to Americans, that have to rely on what their schools taught them,
would it seem that way. As all scools around the world teach only 60% politically correct courses.
if you want to learn the 40% that your country didn't teach you ,
your gona have to dig deep , on dusty shelves in the anals of history .it is all there ,if you have eyes, that dont tell you lies ,and a logical brain, that is not fused to the AMerica is alway right syndrom

I have many American friends ,And Canada and Canadians love americans

even through the arrogance ,and the war mongering ,we know it is not americans every where that are like. that it is only some of the leaders ,that are like that. and as such we know that many americans that only know their
academic education, See America as the beacon of righteousness.
as they didnt teach ,America the 40% that was left out, because it is to terrible for americans to know.

Your profile says 25. Now you say 53. You either are two people using the same screen name or you have a severe schizophrenic disorder. Either way you just washed what little credibility you had down the drain. I think I'll spread this one around. Starting here.....

Date of Birth:
June 2, 1980

Canuck said:
I'm white ,53 yrs old ,

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