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The Exterminator Theory - Cockroaches and Corruption (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
As myriads of politicians are forced out of office this year by the Abramoff scandal, whether to jail or back to their homes, it is a lead pipe cinch that, unless we change the system, we will only be witnessing one group of cockroaches leaving, and another group of cockroaches joining all the other cockroaches that didnt get caught.

Finance reform will not work. We have already seen the results of that. Money grubbing cockroaches can always do an end run around that. The only cure for the cockroaches who infest our government is to take away their bait, which is money. Take the money out of Washington, and you will see things improve.

Another cure is by reducing the size of the Federal government. As the government gets larger, the cockroaches see a bigger meal. You starve the cockroaches by starving government. When there are no more meals for the cockroaches, they will leave government, looking for institutions in the private sector to infest.

Just like cockroach infestations, political scandals are a symptom, not a cause.

Article is here, with cockroach embellishment provided by me. :2wave:
danarhea said:
As myriads of politicians are forced out of office this year by the Abramoff scandal, whether to jail or back to their homes, it is a lead pipe cinch that, unless we change the system, we will only be witnessing one group of cockroaches leaving, and another group of cockroaches joining all the other cockroaches that didnt get caught.

Finance reform will not work. We have already seen the results of that. Money grubbing cockroaches can always do an end run around that. The only cure for the cockroaches who infest our government is to take away their bait, which is money. Take the money out of Washington, and you will see things improve.

Another cure is by reducing the size of the Federal government. As the government gets larger, the cockroaches see a bigger meal. You starve the cockroaches by starving government. When there are no more meals for the cockroaches, they will leave government, looking for institutions in the private sector to infest.

Just like cockroach infestations, political scandals are a symptom, not a cause.

Article is here, with cockroach embellishment provided by me. :2wave:

Corruption is just human nature. Taking the special interests or money out of government won't do much good. Humans are hard wired to do two things: survive and reproduce. This is human nature and because humans want to further their own survival potential, they will do things not based on moral principles but what they percieve as enhancing their own survival potential. This help explain why corruption is part of human nature. However, I also believe that we can evolve to be better than this and that things don't necessarily have to be this way either. But humans will do bad things because they believe they can both get away with it and it will enhance their survival potential.

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