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The ex-president and the art of the scam (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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"This is the guy who in 2001 put up a building with 70 floors that he advertised as having 90. "I chose 90 because I thought it was a good number," he explained"

"...such as claiming that Trump's gilded penthouse apartment in Manhattan took up 30,000 square feet and was worth $327 million. In reality, it's 11,000 square feet and, according to the company's former chief financial officer, worth more like $127 million."

"He also spent $25 million to settle a lawsuit against Trump University... The aggrieved students said they had paid thousands of dollars for courses that turned out to be worthless."

"When journalist Jonathan Greenberg was reporting for the Forbes 400 ranking of the richest Americans in the 1980s, he concluded, after investigating what Trump told him, that the so-called billionaire was worth just $200 million...Even that figure, Greenberg later found, was grossly inflated. "Trump was so competent in conning me that, until 35 years later, I did not know I'd been conned," he wrote in 2018."

"...he assured gullible legions that he would build a wall and make Mexico pay for it, pay off the national debt, close the trade deficit, create a "fantastic" new health insurance program and sue the women who accused him of sexual assault and harassment. None of it came true."

"Trump lied from the start of his term, sending his press secretary out to insist that his inauguration crowd was bigger than Barack Obama's..."

"Like most people who have done business with Trump, the people at the accounting firm Mazars USA regret the experience. This month, they informed the Trump Organization that they could no longer vouch for the accuracy of the financial statements they had prepared for the company from 2011 to 2020."

and then the kicker...

"Why wouldn't he? Lying has always worked for him, and it's still working: Only 28% of Republicans believe Joe Biden was legitimately elected, according to a January YouGov poll. A majority of GOP voters, a February CNN poll found, want Trump to be their nominee in 2024."

after Bernie Madoff conned a bunch of people, like mentioned in the article, they weren't total dumbasses who lined up to be fleeced AGAIN. but here we are.
"When journalist Jonathan Greenberg was reporting for the Forbes 400 ranking of the richest Americans in the 1980s, he concluded, after investigating what Trump told him, that the so-called billionaire was worth just $200 million..."

David Cay Johnston has said for sometime that Trump could never be a billionaire because he has too many lawsuits in his background. Johnston was a journalist for many years with the New York Times who is well informed on tax issues. David Cay Johnston also covered the Trump family which began before DT was anywhere near an adult aka began with the Father etc etc etc.

Why would financial institutions be so loose with loan money going to such a reckless individual?
The ends justify the means.

If the guy will secure the border we'll overlook the illegal overtures for foreign interference in our election.
The ends justify the means.

If the guy will secure the border we'll overlook the illegal overtures for foreign interference in our election.
I hope that's sarcasm or something because if not it's just sad.
after Bernie Madoff conned a bunch of people, like mentioned in the article, they weren't total dumbasses who lined up to be fleeced AGAIN. but here we are.
Trump's cynicism about the intelligence of his constituent knows no bounds. He has made complete fools of so many people, for so many decades, it is no wonder he has yet to give up his act. And among the most intelligent, most educated, and most successful of his victims, are those least likely to ever admit being duped by him, because of the utter embarrassment it would cause them.

Consider all the bankers who were still willing to underwrite his idiotic doomed-to-bankruptcy adventures, one after another. Selling steaks at the Sharper Image stores. SHEEESH! 🤦‍♂️

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