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The EVIL, TRAITOROUS "Patriot" Act Gets Threatened to be Held Up (1 Viewer)


Sep 23, 2005
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Just get rid of the damn "Patriot" Act in it's entirity. We need this bill AT ALL. NOT ONE BIT. This treasonous act has no place in American freedom:

Senators Threaten to Hold Up Patriot Act By JESSE J. HOLLAND, Associated Press Writer
1 hour, 50 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - A bipartisan group of senators told congressional leaders Thursday they will try to block reauthorization of the Patriot Act to protest the elimination of Senate-pushed protections against "unnecessary and intrusive government surveillance" in a House-Senate compromise.

"If further changes are not made, we will work to stop this bill from becoming law," GOP Sens. Larry Craig, John Sununu and Lisa Murkowski and Democratic Sens. Dick Durbin, Russ Feingold and Ken Salazar said in a letter to the Senate Judiciary and Intelligence committees.

This came a day after House-Senate negotiators crafted a tentative compromise to make most provisions of the existing law permanent, and set new seven-year sunsets for rules on wiretapping, obtaining business records under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and new standards for monitoring "lone wolf" terrorists who may be operating independent of a foreign agent or power.

Congress is facing two deadlines: lawmakers want to leave before the end of the week for Thanksgiving, and more than a dozen provisions of the Patriot Act expire at the end of the year if Congress doesn't renew them.

Here is the only senator who did his/her job:
But Feingold, D-Wis., the only senator to vote against the original Patriot Act in 2001, said the compromise's opponents have several different tactics they can use to stop the bill in the Senate.

"I've let my colleagues know that I intend to take as many of those options as I can in order to try to get this bill redone," Feingold said Thursday. "They said, 'I understand,' but I don't know whether that means they're going to change the bill or whether they want to just go through this whole process."

TimmyBoy said:
Just get rid of the damn "Patriot" Act in it's entirity. We need this bill AT ALL. NOT ONE BIT. This treasonous act has no place in American freedom:

Here is the only senator who did his/her job:


So, those that want expanded laws that help our investigation agencies to identify "suspected" foreign terrorists, & their agents in America are what YOU call "traitors"!

Those that want the resources available to them that could make it easier to interdict, identify & prevent a disaster in America are considered "evil" by you!

Congradulations Timmyboy, ..You have been successfully "liberalized"!

You fear, & detest your own government "more" than you do the terror bastards that live, & operate in America!

Huh huh, ..no wonder you people are so hopeless, ideologically warped & cannot win elections very often! ;)
Stu Ghatze said:
So, those that want expanded laws that help our investigation agencies to identify "suspected" foreign terrorists, & their agents in America are what YOU call "traitors"!

Those that want the resources available to them that could make it easier to interdict, identify & prevent a disaster in America are considered "evil" by you!

Congradulations Timmyboy, ..You have been successfully "liberalized"!

You fear, & detest your own government "more" than you do the terror bastards that live, & operate in America!

Huh huh, ..no wonder you people are so hopeless, ideologically warped & cannot win elections very often! ;)
Mod Note

Let's keep the personal attacks out of this forum.

/Mod Note
shuamort said:
Mod Note

Let's keep the personal attacks out of this forum.

/Mod Note

My apologies for any, & all of whom I may have offended.
I'am just at wits end here by all the BLAMING of America, ..& condemnation of our president, ..& the patriot act!

If there was half as much outrage by some of these people for all the unproked murder by terror groups etc, ..that target innocent civilians,.. this thing in Iraq just might have been more controllable, ..rather than by those who seem to want to find fault with those willing to crush the terror scurvy!
Stu Ghatze said:
Huh huh, ..no wonder you people are so hopeless, ideologically warped & cannot win elections very often! ;)

Just wait till next November.:lol:
Stu Ghatze said:
So, those that want expanded laws that help our investigation agencies to identify "suspected" foreign terrorists, & their agents in America are what YOU call "traitors"!

Those that want the resources available to them that could make it easier to interdict, identify & prevent a disaster in America are considered "evil" by you!

Congradulations Timmyboy, ..You have been successfully "liberalized"!

You fear, & detest your own government "more" than you do the terror bastards that live, & operate in America!

Huh huh, ..no wonder you people are so hopeless, ideologically warped & cannot win elections very often! ;)

Love your country. Fear your government.

Give me one good reason why I should turn my brain off and trust the government.

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