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The DNC Is Dominating the RNC in TV Ratings (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 14, 2020
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Libertarian - Left
TV Guide said:
The DNC Is Dominating the RNC in TV Ratings

Politics these days may tend to feel like a bad reality TV show, but if it is, it's one we're all totally hate-watching. Ratings are in for the opening night of the Republican National Convention, and it appears that in this race at least, the Democrats are coming out on top.

Early numbers from Nielsen indicate that the first night of the Republican National Convention drew 15.8 million viewers across six networks, which is significantly less than the 18.7 million viewers who tuned in to the Democratic National Convention on its first night. According to Nielsen, Fox News carried the bulk of the RNC viewership, with 7.1 million total viewers.....

....Night two of the Republican National Convention also fell short of the Democratic National Convention's night two ratings, but by a smaller gap.

Awww, this must really sting the Donald's fragile little ego!:cool:
Thought TV ratings didn’t mean anything. :lol:
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Thought TV ratings didn’t mean anything. :lol:

It only means something when they want it to. That's the beauty of such childlike minds after all.
Then again, he's probably trying to do his best to avoid the issue of the DNC not getting any real bump from their repeated shows of cringe.

Or he's trying to hide away from the fact that the DNC is basically getting their **** pushed in with the online ratings:
First night of GOP convention delivers nearly six times more views than start of Democrats' event on C-SPAN livestream | TheHill
Thought TV ratings didn’t mean anything. :lol:

In the end, all that matters is knowing how much tv ratings mean to Dear Leader and knowing he and the Trumpcult Party are getting pummeled in those ratings. :tongue4:
In the end, all that matters is knowing how much tv ratings mean to Dear Leader and knowing he and the Trumpcult Party are getting pummeled in those ratings. :tongue4:

And here I was, thinking that you were above that idiotic cult nonsense.
Never overestimate the lefties. :2razz:
It's just weird to see I guess.
I've never seen him to be that desperate as to rely of repeating the same idiocy, that the majority of the other ones do.
Thought TV ratings didn’t mean anything. :lol:

They really don't, this is kind of a stupid pissing contest to be honest.
Awww, this must really sting the Donald's fragile little ego!:cool:

A three million difference. Bet they're the same three million people who voted illegally for hillary, just ask trump, he'll tell ya'.
And here I was, thinking that you were above that idiotic cult nonsense.

You thought I was 'above' calling a spade a spade?
A three million difference. Bet they're the same three million people who voted illegally for hillary, just ask trump, he'll tell ya'.

Except that cannot seem to find them.....
Thought TV ratings didn’t mean anything. :lol:

True, but Trump is still enamored of them. The OP is just indulging in a bit of schadenfreude.:mrgreen:
It's just weird to see I guess.
I've never seen him to be that desperate as to rely of repeating the same idiocy, that the majority of the other ones do.

I've been calling the MAGA Movement cult-like for years now. If you look at any list of the warning signs of a cult one can see the similarities.
Leader is ultimate authority of the group? Check.
Group delegitimizes former members? Check.
Group is paranoid of the outside world? Check.
It only means something when they want it to. That's the beauty of such childlike minds after all.
Then again, he's probably trying to do his best to avoid the issue of the DNC not getting any real bump from their repeated shows of cringe.

Or he's trying to hide away from the fact that the DNC is basically getting their **** pushed in with the online ratings:
First night of GOP convention delivers nearly six times more views than start of Democrats' event on C-SPAN livestream | TheHill

Interesting, but I need to see the nose counts. C-SPAN doesn't usually have super high ratings.
Thought TV ratings didn’t mean anything. :lol:

Ask this guy....?


Awww, this must really sting the Donald's fragile little ego!:cool:

Meh, I've been watching both. I don't put much stock into the ratings, not as much as Donnie and the Cult do.

Mostly the conventions are just dog and pony shows. Some political kabuki theater to energize the base. I wish both the RNC and DNC would inject some amount of actual content into their conventions, but que sera sera I suppose.
To everything spin, spin, spin
There is a season, spin, spin, spin

Apologies to the Byrds.

Gotta love the Vietnam protest songs. The current establishment grew up on them and we see that they took them to heart.
To everything spin, spin, spin
There is a season, spin, spin, spin

Apologies to the Byrds.

Gotta love the Vietnam protest songs. The current establishment grew up on them and we see that they took them to heart.

More apropos for the Trump*® regime....

Only it's currently 4044 dead in Ohio.... :roll:
To everything spin, spin, spin
There is a season, spin, spin, spin

Apologies to the Byrds.

Gotta love the Vietnam protest songs. The current establishment grew up on them and we see that they took them to heart.

BTW, my DEMOCRAT uncle was a door gunner in 'Nam, several times decorated....

He never would talk about it; I can't say I blamed him. He passed of Lou Gerhig's....

My REPUBLICAN grandpa, was a retired postman and WWII vet. If either one of them still lived, they'd both be disgusted, and vote Biden....

And to think it woulda only took an orange moron to finally get them to agree.... :roll:

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