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The Dems Made Their ‘Choice’ (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 29, 2015
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The Dems Made Their ‘Choice’​

Infanticide is contained in the logic of their abortion position.
The Democrats have been on the path to infanticide for years, a path paved by the logic of their own position, which is that the child possesses no right to life independent of the will of the mother. Is there really any moral difference between her choosing partial-birth abortion and choosing infanticide to complete it?
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam simply blurted out the position Planned Parenthood has long counseled Democrats to take. Indeed, his spinning in the aftermath of the furor over his remarks simply confirms that the Democrats believe that a right to partial-birth abortion should extend to the consequences of a failed one, which would inevitably require an act of infanticide.
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam simply blurted out the position Planned Parenthood has long counseled Democrats to take.
Its latest blast of extremism is simply due to its fear of the consequences of a growing Trump judiciary. The Democrats are frantically working across the country to cement the culture of abortion in place, dreading the loss of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who is famous for justifying abortion on the grounds that it eliminates certain “populations that we don’t want to have too many of.” From such comments to Northam’s is a short distance. If he holds any distinction among the Democrats, it is that he gave voice to the final “choice” inherent in a culture that sanctions partial-birth abortion.
Andrew Cuomo on Abortion - On The Issues
Andrew Cuomo on Abortion
Codify state with federal law to allow 9th-month abortions. Cuomo said he wanted to "codify" state with the federal law to assure abortions could be performed into the ninth month of pregnancy. Although already legal under federal law, he said the state measure is needed in case the U.S. Supreme Court strikes down the Roe v. Wade decision.

The Progressive Marxist Socialist DNC is a Death Cult. They want to call themselves "Liberals," "Progressives" or "Social Democrats," but it actuality, they are Communists, fascists and other flavors of Socialism all tending towards Totalitarianism.
As they choose a society of FORCE instead of Cooperation and Liberty, they must be capable of using FORCE to impose the "Collective" on those who demand Liberty and Freedom. They are actually, at minimum, just like Hannah Arendt described the Nazi Officers, soldiers and people in her "Banality of Evil." They tacitly embrace Death as it is the logical conclusion to totalitarian Statism. They're all cut from the same cloth as Stalin, Mao, Hitler, and the rest. They can kill babies because at this point they can't be protected. If they had total power, meaning the ability to arrest and kill opposition to their agenda without retaliation and fear, the labor camps would fill and the mass graves would be dug. This is the same bunch. Armed populace is the only difference.
Arendt wrote that "Revolutions" are only justified by the desire for Liberty and Freedom. When violence or force are used for the goal of Equality, the result is always TERROR. What this well known axiom essentially tells us is that their goal to redistribute other's wealth and income for Equality will always end in TERROR. Killing live born infants is simply congruent with their ideology.
Marxist Socialist/Communist ideology always ends up requiring the murder of those who don't go along with their utopia fantasy. Last century's body count: 100,000,000.
Just ask Obama's buddy Bill Ayres. He claimed that at least 25 million Americans had to be murdered before they came to heel.
I will continue to vote for candidates that support abortion. Nothing will ever change my mind. Keep trying all you want.
So tell me why we should be allowed to shoot people who step on our land...

He can't. Because the inherent hypocrisy of most conservatives is that they love to kill people as long as it is under the color of a badge/military uniform or by state-sanctioned murder (death penalty).
He can't. Because the inherent hypocrisy of most conservatives is that they love to kill people as long as it is under the color of a badge/military uniform or by state-sanctioned murder (death penalty).

Guess you're all for the antiseptic room of an abortion clinic. The later the better eh? If that doesn't work out you can always use reeducation camps, or feed the victim drugs to enslave them and use them against others. If your mother thought like you, you would have ended up in the bucket of an abortion clinic.
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If your mother thought like you, you would have ended up in the bucket of an abortion clinic.

That so-and-so should have aborted every one of her pregnancies. She had no business giving birth.

As for the OP, I stopped reading after the first sentence, after the word 'infanticide'.
He can't. Because the inherent hypocrisy of most conservatives is that they love to kill people as long as it is under the color of a badge/military uniform or by state-sanctioned murder (death penalty).

I have never understood the Religious Rights pro capital punishment stance. I believe only God can take a life, not the State. Then again the Religious Right does not exactly follow Christs messege of forgiveness and tolerance, unless they are excusing Trumps amoral behaviour. No one does hypocrisy like a Rightie.

not a very good try you can get people to no longer support that guy because of racism but its not going to change how they feel about abortion
The Dems Made Their ‘Choice’​

Infanticide is contained in the logic of their abortion position.
The Democrats have been on the path to infanticide for years, a path paved by the logic of their own position, which is that the child possesses no right to life independent of the will of the mother. Is there really any moral difference between her choosing partial-birth abortion and choosing infanticide to complete it?
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam simply blurted out the position Planned Parenthood has long counseled Democrats to take. Indeed, his spinning in the aftermath of the furor over his remarks simply confirms that the Democrats believe that a right to partial-birth abortion should extend to the consequences of a failed one, which would inevitably require an act of infanticide.
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam simply blurted out the position Planned Parenthood has long counseled Democrats to take.
Its latest blast of extremism is simply due to its fear of the consequences of a growing Trump judiciary. The Democrats are frantically working across the country to cement the culture of abortion in place, dreading the loss of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who is famous for justifying abortion on the grounds that it eliminates certain “populations that we don’t want to have too many of.” From such comments to Northam’s is a short distance. If he holds any distinction among the Democrats, it is that he gave voice to the final “choice” inherent in a culture that sanctions partial-birth abortion.
Andrew Cuomo on Abortion - On The Issues
Andrew Cuomo on Abortion
Codify state with federal law to allow 9th-month abortions. Cuomo said he wanted to "codify" state with the federal law to assure abortions could be performed into the ninth month of pregnancy. Although already legal under federal law, he said the state measure is needed in case the U.S. Supreme Court strikes down the Roe v. Wade decision.

The Progressive Marxist Socialist DNC is a Death Cult. They want to call themselves "Liberals," "Progressives" or "Social Democrats," but it actuality, they are Communists, fascists and other flavors of Socialism all tending towards Totalitarianism.
As they choose a society of FORCE instead of Cooperation and Liberty, they must be capable of using FORCE to impose the "Collective" on those who demand Liberty and Freedom. They are actually, at minimum, just like Hannah Arendt described the Nazi Officers, soldiers and people in her "Banality of Evil." They tacitly embrace Death as it is the logical conclusion to totalitarian Statism. They're all cut from the same cloth as Stalin, Mao, Hitler, and the rest. They can kill babies because at this point they can't be protected. If they had total power, meaning the ability to arrest and kill opposition to their agenda without retaliation and fear, the labor camps would fill and the mass graves would be dug. This is the same bunch. Armed populace is the only difference.
Arendt wrote that "Revolutions" are only justified by the desire for Liberty and Freedom. When violence or force are used for the goal of Equality, the result is always TERROR. What this well known axiom essentially tells us is that their goal to redistribute other's wealth and income for Equality will always end in TERROR. Killing live born infants is simply congruent with their ideology.
Marxist Socialist/Communist ideology always ends up requiring the murder of those who don't go along with their utopia fantasy. Last century's body count: 100,000,000.
Just ask Obama's buddy Bill Ayres. He claimed that at least 25 million Americans had to be murdered before they came to heel.
hey Doc, you are really going off the rails here. Read your rhetoric and then look at the sample size you have provided, for what 'The Dems' think, what they are and what the effective impact of this bill is. . There is a real disconnect from reality.
The Dems Made Their ‘Choice’​

Infanticide is contained in the logic of their abortion position.
The Democrats have been on the path to infanticide for years, a path paved by the logic of their own position, which is that the child possesses no right to life independent of the will of the mother. Is there really any moral difference between her choosing partial-birth abortion and choosing infanticide to complete it?
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam simply blurted out the position Planned Parenthood has long counseled Democrats to take. Indeed, his spinning in the aftermath of the furor over his remarks simply confirms that the Democrats believe that a right to partial-birth abortion should extend to the consequences of a failed one, which would inevitably require an act of infanticide.
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam simply blurted out the position Planned Parenthood has long counseled Democrats to take.
Its latest blast of extremism is simply due to its fear of the consequences of a growing Trump judiciary. The Democrats are frantically working across the country to cement the culture of abortion in place, dreading the loss of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who is famous for justifying abortion on the grounds that it eliminates certain “populations that we don’t want to have too many of.” From such comments to Northam’s is a short distance. If he holds any distinction among the Democrats, it is that he gave voice to the final “choice” inherent in a culture that sanctions partial-birth abortion.

Andrew Cuomo on Abortion - On The Issues
Andrew Cuomo on Abortion
Codify state with federal law to allow 9th-month abortions. Cuomo said he wanted to "codify" state with the federal law to assure abortions could be performed into the ninth month of pregnancy. Although already legal under federal law, he said the state measure is needed in case the U.S. Supreme Court strikes down the Roe v. Wade decision.

The Progressive Marxist Socialist DNC is a Death Cult. They want to call themselves "Liberals," "Progressives" or "Social Democrats," but it actuality, they are Communists, fascists and other flavors of Socialism all tending towards Totalitarianism.
As they choose a society of FORCE instead of Cooperation and Liberty, they must be capable of using FORCE to impose the "Collective" on those who demand Liberty and Freedom. They are actually, at minimum, just like Hannah Arendt described the Nazi Officers, soldiers and people in her "Banality of Evil." They tacitly embrace Death as it is the logical conclusion to totalitarian Statism. They're all cut from the same cloth as Stalin, Mao, Hitler, and the rest. They can kill babies because at this point they can't be protected. If they had total power, meaning the ability to arrest and kill opposition to their agenda without retaliation and fear, the labor camps would fill and the mass graves would be dug. This is the same bunch. Armed populace is the only difference.
Arendt wrote that "Revolutions" are only justified by the desire for Liberty and Freedom. When violence or force are used for the goal of Equality, the result is always TERROR. What this well known axiom essentially tells us is that their goal to redistribute other's wealth and income for Equality will always end in TERROR. Killing live born infants is simply congruent with their ideology.
Marxist Socialist/Communist ideology always ends up requiring the murder of those who don't go along with their utopia fantasy. Last century's body count: 100,000,000.
Just ask Obama's buddy Bill Ayres. He claimed that at least 25 million Americans had to be murdered before they came to heel.

1.) millions of republicans are prochoice
2.) abortion =/= murder, abortion =/= infanticide
3.) any argument against abortion that is solely based on the subjective morality of the the ZEF doesnt float because it ignores the morality of the woman LMAO

1+2+3= OP fails :)
hey Doc, you are really going off the rails here. Read your rhetoric and then look at the sample size you have provided, for what 'The Dems' think, what they are and what the effective impact of this bill is. . There is a real disconnect from reality.

It's up to you read the articles I've indicated. There are Forum rules as to the length of material I can post. My views are below the ~~~~~~
So tell me why we should be allowed to shoot people who step on our land...

What state(s) is that legal in?

Possibly TX.
I have never understood the Religious Rights pro capital punishment stance. I believe only God can take a life, not the State. Then again the Religious Right does not exactly follow Christs messege of forgiveness and tolerance, unless they are excusing Trumps amoral behaviour. No one does hypocrisy like a Rightie.

Agreed. In one of the other threads here, someone else just "explained" how God "justified" killing in self-defense, war, and capital punishment.

Apparently, based on that, man's laws governing capital punishment are ok but man's laws governing abortion are not. :roll:

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