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The democrats lost their minds. (1 Viewer)

Ever notice that the democrats can criticize just about everything non-stop 24/7/365 but they wouldn't dare ever criticize the democratic party? I think their non-stop barrage of Trump Hate is a weak attempt to keep the attention away the failing leadership of the democratic party. They watch the events of the DNC and never even notice that the entire party is fixated on gender and color, and never talks about policy. It's as if they think the government should only exist to separate and divide the people into genders and colors and put them to war against each other. They continue to push for diversity, yet hate half the country because of their diversity. It's amazing how the democrats can dance around the massive elephant in the middle of the room and not notice their ignorance.
I have learned that most of what democrats accuse us of is nothing more than a confession.

But you are correct….. Fox is bias but never a peep about CNN or MSNBC which is worse.

Trump is a criminal but Biden is not the big guy.

Republicans are racists but white folks are evil.

Republicans hate women but men should play in women sports

Republicans caged kids but let’s continue aborting babies

“Liberalism is a mental disorder” said Dr. Michael Savage. Truer words have never been spoken.
They can't understand this because they are incapable of criticizing their own party and holding it accountable to a higher level. The bar for the democrats is set at Trump's level and they are desperately trying to get that bar to fall so their politicians stand a chance in elections. They are admitting that their own politicians suck without openly admitting their own politicians suck. They never once realized that Biden was a failure and incapable of winning the election until their DNC panicked when the Big Donor money dried up. Then they never once thought that Super Kamala! was actually a massive trainwreck and wouldn't even win one swing state. They were completely oblivious because all they ever think about is gender, color and Trump. And they still can't understand how Trump won. It was rather easy. He wasn't a democrat.
The good news is that the leftists here on DP won’t be demanding change and we will have a chance for back to back Republican presidents.
The good news is that the leftists here on DP won’t be demanding change and we will have a chance for back to back Republican presidents.
And the good news is it will probably be Vance, who I think would make a great common sense POTUS. Now we need Trump to take a wrecking ball to the entrenched establishment that is mostly democrat partisans because no one else had the balls to do it. Once the federal government is working for all the people instead of just the democrat elites, then Vance can refine the edges. As for change, the democrats put themselves in a corner with all the gender and color woke BS and if they try to get out they will piss off a large part of their base. But the people don't want the country divided by color and 100 genders, they want common sense solutions to America's myriad problems. As Gutfield said last night, the GOP has become the party of common sense, and the democrats have become the party of batshit insane. Good luck changing that democrats.
Sorry you guys don't like that, but I can almost guarantee I'm more fiscally conservative than 90% of you MAGAns. My party was invaded by a lifelong Democrat and turned to shit and now is just a big government nanny state party.
I’m not convinced. Just my opinion no big deal.
And the good news is it will probably be Vance, who I think would make a great common sense POTUS. Now we need Trump to take a wrecking ball to the entrenched establishment that is mostly democrat partisans because no one else had the balls to do it. Once the federal government is working for all the people instead of just the democrat elites, then Vance can refine the edges. As for change, the democrats put themselves in a corner with all the gender and color woke BS and if they try to get out they will piss off a large part of their base. But the people don't want the country divided by color and 100 genders, they want common sense solutions to America's myriad problems. As Gutfield said last night, the GOP has become the party of common sense, and the democrats have become the party of batshit insane. Good luck changing that democrats.
Well said.

If I was Vance I would market myself as Trump without all the big mouth bullshit. Basically Trump if he was put through an etiquette class.
Well said.

If I was Vance I would market myself as Trump without all the big mouth bullshit. Basically Trump if he was put through an etiquette class.

Probably, that's some of the strategy. Also, keep some distance from Trump. Right now, if all the Democrats have is to make up stories that he screwed a couch and to complain he's not a "real" hillbilly, they have nothing.
How you could watch those videos and ever speak ill of Trump again just shows the level of bias and TDS that Trump must deal with regularly.
And why not? With a 50+ year record of criminality, hasn't the racist game show host, unrepentant sexual predator, and recidivist criminal fraud, earned every single bit of bias against him? Open your eyes.
There's nothing wrong with Making America Great Again. Is there?

I think traitor every time i hear this as this very clearly implies we are no longer great.

No longer great because?
All looks sane compared to the shit I watched in those videos lol.

You believe Biden got 81,000,000 votes? With millions of ballots mailed to everyone and dominion machines proven to be able to switch votes you really believe that a man who couldn’t get 81 cars to attend a drive up rally got 81 million votes? More than Obama lol. Get real bud.

I promise you that if Trump had gotten an abnormally high number of votes under similar circumstances you would be screaming that the fix was in.
Conspiracy bullshit from cons with TDS .
It’s the Dem’s fault that Trump and his minions say and do ridiculous things
Hahaha. That’s funny!
Anything a Republican does is considered ridiculous to you people. It’s ridiculous to deport illegals imagine that lol. It’s ridiculous to stop wasteful spending again how? Is it ridiculous to stop DEI and ask for merit based practices? Is it ridiculous to ask our neighbors to help more with respect to the flow of migrants and drugs through their borders? Is it ridiculous to demand equal or even better treatment with respect to the Panama Canal considering we built it?

What is ridiculous that isn’t just in opposition to your political agenda?
And why not? With a 50+ year record of criminality, hasn't the racist game show host, unrepentant sexual predator, and recidivist criminal fraud, earned every single bit of bias against him? Open your eyes.
That’s the problem, I have opened my eyes.

I watched his sexual assault accuser threaten to get him politically before making the allegations. No physical evidence and many things she couldn’t remember, how convenient.

I watched the left actually manufacture a crime in order to damage him politically. I’m referring to the never before tried state accusing a federal crime and humping an additional crime to make a charge possible.

I watched them raid his home with force. A giant show of force that is only explained by it being an attempt to damage him politically.

I watched the left charge him with fraud for saying his Billion dollar home was worth a billion dollars. Most folks didn’t know that Trump provided his lenders with a disclaimer instructing them to make their own asset appraisals. This alone should have killed this charge.

I watched him allow a black man to take his most precious assets, his kids, to Disney. Not something a racist would do. Hershal Walker and Trump became close friends during and after the USFL days. Walker says there isn’t a racist bone in trumps body.

So as you see I have done my homework on Trump. I didn’t just drink the leftist koolaid.
I am not a dem. I am a life long Republican.
I am NOT a mindless cultist. Hence the confusion you have of me.
The crap that you have called republicans makes me believe you are not what you say you are.
This is not your Grandpa's Democratic party. This is some woke cult activist lying to your face they are "for the people." Lunatics!

Another very VERY ironic trumpist post.....IMHO.

trump tards.jpeg

So are you...happy?

Not sure what the purpose of this thread is.
It sounds similar in theme to other posts whinging about liberals/Democrats not being happy with all the "winning". It seems the MAGAverse forgot how well they accepted the election loss and how magnanimous they were during the Biden years. For some reason they expect better treatment than they dished out.

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