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The Darwin award for governors. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
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I would like to nominate my own governor of the great state of flori-duh, Dick Tator DeSantis. On his path to a run for prez he has pulled some real boners in the name of florida's voters. He urged no masks during the height of the pandemic. Sued cruise lines, don't say gay, banned books, demonized crt and disney and might pass on a massive debt to the citizens of a couple of counties.

Does anyone have any other governors they would like to nominate for the Darwin Award?
I would like to nominate my own governor of the great state of flori-duh, Dick Tator DeSantis. On his path to a run for prez he has pulled some real boners in the name of florida's voters. He urged no masks during the height of the pandemic. Sued cruise lines, don't say gay, banned books, demonized crt and disney and might pass on a massive debt to the citizens of a couple of counties.

Does anyone have any other governors they would like to nominate for the Darwin Award?
I think NY's Cuomo already has the award locked up.
I would like to nominate my own governor of the great state of flori-duh, Dick Tator DeSantis. On his path to a run for prez he has pulled some real boners in the name of florida's voters. He urged no masks during the height of the pandemic. Sued cruise lines, don't say gay, banned books, demonized crt and disney and might pass on a massive debt to the citizens of a couple of counties.

Does anyone have any other governors they would like to nominate for the Darwin Award?
yet is highly popular. I think liberals lying about him is working in his favor.
Perhaps everyone should start by looking up what the Darwin Award means.

All things considered, the Darwin Award is usually given posthumously to people who have made the ultimate sacrifice to keep their genes out of the pool by removing themselves from the equation in some spectacularly stupid manner. Not everyone who dies from their own stupidity can win, style points count. By that note not everyone who magically survives becomes a nominee, again style points can influence things.

Asshole however as just that.

DeSantis is just exercising his assholeness, harming others in the process, well on his way to the higher ranks of today's Christian Taliban (aka The Republican Party.)
I would like to nominate my own governor of the great state of flori-duh, Dick Tator DeSantis. On his path to a run for prez he has pulled some real boners in the name of florida's voters. He urged no masks during the height of the pandemic. Sued cruise lines, don't say gay, banned books, demonized crt and disney and might pass on a massive debt to the citizens of a couple of counties.

Does anyone have any other governors they would like to nominate for the Darwin Award?
Those are all pluses as far as the RWNJs are concerned.

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