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The Czech Republic Still Surgically Castrates Prisoners. Is Castration Morally Justifiable? (1 Viewer)

Is Castration Morally Justified?

  • YES

    Votes: 2 100.0%
  • NO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Active member
Feb 8, 2018
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Chemical Castration in Alabama is big news across the web. And yet, Alabama is not unique. Poland has compulsory chemical castration for child predators. The Czech Republic allows for voluntary surgical castration. Germany allowed surgical castration until relatively recently, and now allows for voluntary chemical castration. While many have the view that chemical castration has negative connotations like in the case of Alan Turing, in the 21st century, chemical castration is largely restricted to pedophiles and those targetting youths under the age of 15. Some would say we've had great progress since the days of Turing, while others would say castration is a brutal human rights violation that must be abolished.

Whatever your stance is, I want to emphasize that this is not an issue of partian politics. Countries both conservative and liberal have supported castration to one degree or another. Finding agreement on this issue requires that we acknowledge this as an issue that must be discussed as a matter of human rights and not as a matter of politics.

If it is demonstrated that a convicted habitual sexual predator who has engaged in sexual assault or rape is less likely to continue their escapades as a result of surgical or chemical castration, then yes. It is morally justified.
Meh sterilization is a grave evil and I cannot support it under any circumstance.

I think for pedophiles they should be committed to insane asylums until such time as a cure can be developed
Meh sterilization is a grave evil and I cannot support it under any circumstance.

I'd prefer pedophiles get the death penalty, but bodily mutilation of criminals is not intrinsically wrong:

CCC 2297 said:
Except when performed for strictly therapeutic medical reasons, directly intended amputations, mutilations, and sterilizations performed on innocent persons are against the moral law.

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