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The Criticism of Trump That Few Will Utter (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2012
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Left wingers seem hesitant to criticize Trump for being too authoritarian.

It is sad to see so many people, including those on the Left or in the Democratic Party, criticize the idea of a Trump presidency without ever uttering the phrase: “No man or woman should have so much political power over others.” I agree with many of the moral criticisms of Trump as a leader, but don’t let them distract you from this broader truth.

It is strange but instructive how many Democratic criticisms of Trump circle back into criticisms of other, earlier, and now often irrelevant Republicans. That is simply a language of attack they are more comfortable with.

The good news, if that is what one should call it, is that the best criticisms of Trump involve the concept of individual liberty and freedom from arbitrary legal authority and pure presidential discretion. The bad news is that so few intellectuals have the relevant ideological vocabulary in that regard.

They’re fine with an all-powerful, oppressive government. They just want to be in charge. Perhaps they are afraid of Trump because he's so much like them.
Interesting thoughts. Engaging perspective. Thanks

I do know in absolute terms that the left is insanely intolerant.
In the long run, I can't fathom their agenda playing out in the USA without an extreme shift in the way Americans live.
In retrospect, it's already shocking the liberties dissolved and the way Americans are accepting it.

I believe Trump would be a different kind of President, but not necessarily a bad one.
Ah yes.

The usual dose of Lowdown for the day.

"Librulz baddy peple, blog say so".
Left wingers seem hesitant to criticize Trump for being too authoritarian.

They’re fine with an all-powerful, oppressive government. They just want to be in charge. Perhaps they are afraid of Trump because he's so much like them.

Do you want me to link the liberal article discussing whether Trump is a fascist or the liberal article discussing whether Trump supporters are authoritarian?
Do you want me to link the liberal article discussing whether Trump is a fascist or the liberal article discussing whether Trump supporters are authoritarian?

I assume you haven't already linked the latter because it doesn't exist.

run don run
Left wingers seem hesitant to criticize Trump for being too authoritarian.

They’re fine with an all-powerful, oppressive government. They just want to be in charge. Perhaps they are afraid of Trump because he's so much like them.
Trump IS Them, only the stupid do not grasp that fact. FYI it is not just the Left that criticizes Trump over half of all Repubs see Trump for what he is also.
Left wingers seem hesitant to criticize Trump for being too authoritarian. They’re fine with an all-powerful, oppressive government. They just want to be in charge. Perhaps they are afraid of Trump because he's so much like them.

Once again a Conservative trying desperate tactics to deflect... :doh

Fact is Trump has soooo many reasons to be criticized some get lost in the flood. I think there are more than enough reasons to bash trump and his piss ignorant rambles... but for the record so you can go hunt new straws to grasp- The Orange Guy is an over bearing, pompass, immature, posturing, AUTHORITARIAN prick....

we good now???? :peace
I assume you haven't already linked the latter because it doesn't exist.

New York Times jan 6, 2016 Thomas B Edsall Quotes an NYU professor- Jonathan Haidt- who calls The Orange Guy not conservative and authoritarian. Alan Abramowitz puts Trump's authoritarianism at the top of the list. Course the Eggheads have to use different terms- I found 'social dominance orientation' perhaps we can include that as authoritarian as well??? Jim Sidanius from Harvard uses this term and the concept that some feel there are groups of people who are inferior and there are some who are simply born superior. he feels Trump has captured that and those who feel a loss due to 'equalizing society'.

Bill Marsh of the NT Times did a poll and it has PUBs far more agreeable with authority than Dems. (yourmorals.org)

Anyway, you seem intent on attempting to twist night into day, but I don't think you have the talent for it, leave that to the Orange Guy- it is his superpower.... :peace
I generally don't respond to posts that paint broad generalizations because broad generalizations are, typically, small minded attempts to insult and serve no real value when it comes to debate.
I basically see both the right and left with being ok with a tyrannical government as long as it is their brand of tyrannical government. Just look at the way Trump has shaken up the RNC. He hasn't shaken up the RNC because the RNC wants less power and less control in the Government, I can assure you of that.
The RNC is afraid of losing its power. Just as the DNC is afraid of losing its power to Sanders.
In the end, the Bipartisan Empire IS about power, no matter which face it puts on as "being in control" and thinking either side wants less of it is a bit naïve no matter their sales pitch.

The Democrat establishment calling Trump a fascist is basically their way of saying "Don't vote for that crazy fascist, vote for our status quo fascist instead" while the average Democrat calling Trump a fascist is likely more heartfelt.
He can't be any worse than what we have now.

He absolutely is worse than what we have now, and only a blind partisan fool could miss that.
He absolutely is worse than what we have now, and only a blind partisan fool could miss that.

Where is the evidence to support he is worse than BO, when we know BO sucks? LMAO

The article you link appears to confirm what I'm saying. In the current American political landscape it's left wingers who are the most authoritarian, who dearly wish for a huge government running everything and taking care of them. Republicans, especially Tea Party people, are exactly the opposite. They want a smaller government with less power. Trump is definitely a big government Republican, and authoritarian. He's talking about the federal government taking control of all sorts of things. His followers want him to take control and make things right. So it becomes just a matter of which policies the big, authoritarian government follows.
What policies would that be?

-I'm gonna build a wall and make Mexico pay for it! Because... trade deficit! I'll get the money from the trade deficit! (that's not how trade deficits work)
-No, wait, I'm gonna do it with the USA PATRIOT act. Doesn't work that way either, also illegal, but I'll do it!
-Obama is too PC in his wars, I'm gonna commit war crimes.
-I'm gonna violate the first amendment regarding Muslims
-I'm gonna steal the oil from Iraq and use it to fund veteran care. Iraq invasion 3.0!
-I can control oil prices by just telling other countries not to raise their prices
-I have more military training than some of the guys who go into the military!
-I'm gonna start a trade war with China
-I'm gonna keep some key provisions from Obamacare but repeal the provisions that actually pay for them

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