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The Covid safest place in the world the last two weeks? (1 Viewer)


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Aug 31, 2018
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The Winter Olympics in China.

They had a 0.01 infection rate.

Apparently lockdowns, mask and vaccinations work.

So much for the chants from the pin head Trumpists who make wild claims that vaccines, masks and lockdowns don't work.

Finally something they cannot should not dispute.
The Winter Olympics in China.

They had a 0.01 infection rate.

Apparently lockdowns, mask and vaccinations work.

So much for the chants from the pin head Trumpists who make wild claims that vaccines, masks and lockdowns don't work.

Finally something they cannot should not dispute.
Good. Got a link?
The Winter Olympics in China.

They had a 0.01 infection rate.

Apparently lockdowns, mask and vaccinations work.

So much for the chants from the pin head Trumpists who make wild claims that vaccines, masks and lockdowns don't work.

Finally something they cannot should not dispute.
Off hand, I'd say it's a little early to draw that conclusion. The games just ended yesterday. Perhaps if the infection rate remains the same two weeks from now, we can put it in the books.
The Winter Olympics in China.

They had a 0.01 infection rate.

Apparently lockdowns, mask and vaccinations work.

So much for the chants from the pin head Trumpists who make wild claims that vaccines, masks and lockdowns don't work.

Finally something they cannot should not dispute.

All this shows is that China-style lockdowns work. If you want to live in China-style lockdowns for 2+ years, move to China.
Off hand, I'd say it's a little early to draw that conclusion. The games just ended yesterday. Perhaps if the infection rate remains the same two weeks from now, we can put it in the books.

Everyone would have left?!
All this shows is that China-style lockdowns work. If you want to live in China-style lockdowns for 2+ years, move to China.

I'd rather stay here and advocate for them.

Why you want to murder your fellow citizenry is very concerning.
I'd rather stay here and advocate for them.

Why you want to murder your fellow citizenry is very concerning.
Its actually rather sad that you think you can have the good authoritarianism without getting the bad
OMG only a pinhead would praise China.
Its actually rather sad that you think you can have the good authoritarianism without getting the bad

Why do you post logical fallacies? Can you not debate in good form?
I'd rather stay here and advocate for them.

If you want to make yourself look like a loon by advocating for something that nobody with half a brain wants, that's your business.

Why you want to murder your fellow citizenry is very concerning.

Aw, isn't that cute. Another stupid ad hom.

Here's the thing, if you are vaccinated, boosted and under 65, your chances of dying of Covid are far lower than your chances of dying in a car wreck. If that's not good enough for you, lose some weight and wear an N95 mask 24/7. And if that's still not enough, you're free to lock YOURSELF down China-style. Leave the rest of us alone.
If you want to make yourself look like a loon by advocating for something that nobody with half a brain wants, that's your business.

Aw, isn't that cute. Another stupid ad hom.

Here's the thing, if you are vaccinated, boosted and under 65, your chances of dying of Covid are far lower than your chances of dying in a car wreck. If that's not good enough for you, lose some weight and wear an N95 mask 24/7. And if that's still not enough, you're free to lock YOURSELF down China-style. Leave the rest of us alone.
so basically **** anyone over 65 because a vaccine and a mask is too much trouble. What a peach of a post.

ignorance on steroids, that is teh how I read your malicious posting.
so basically **** anyone over 65 because a vaccine and a mask is too much trouble. What a peach of a post.

Funny how quickly you move the goalposts. Was my comment so convincing that you've abandoned China-style lockdowns so easily?

Anyone over 65 is free to lock themselves down if the risk is too much for them. Full stop. Making other people do it isn't going to make any difference for them. With the plunging case rates, people over 65 are also no more likely to die of Covid than they are to die in a car accident, especially if they wear N95s at all times and observe all the other restrictions you seem to want to impose on everyone else.

ignorance on steroids, that is teh how I read your malicious posting.

Says the genius who accused me of wanting to murder people because I don't want China-style lockdowns for the next 2+ years.
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We can't stop the stupid. Many will simply die and leave their kids.
Rather than you continuing to be dependent on others for supporting documentation to my posts, let me teach you how easy it is to do so yourself.

Now you have a plethora of corroboration and the ability to self resource going forward!

Oh, come-on.

You started a post with a specific quantitative claim. Why not include a link? Even worse, why question what otherwise appears to be a reasonable request for a link supporting your claim?

It's not like you promoted an opinion; you promoted a specific numerical claim, listing a specific quantity.
Says the genius who accused me of wanting to murder people because I don't want China-style lockdowns for the next 2+ years.

You just want to take their last years from them.

Deplorable. Absolutely deplorable.

The ignorance in your posts is astounding. The compassion shown enough to get you sent to hell.

Just awful, truly awful.

Ignorant beyond words. Lack of resolve, lack of fortitude.

Hey, I gotta go. This is making me sick.

God bless you and these posts.
You just want to take their last years from them.

Deplorable. Absolutely deplorable.

The ignorance in your posts is astounding. The compassion shown enough to get you sent to hell.

Just awful, truly awful.

Ignorant beyond words. Lack of resolve, lack of fortitude.

Hey, I gotta go. This is making me sick.

God bless you and these posts.

Quit lying and whining.

Yeah, I'm so terribly ignorant. Just like 90% of the people in this country and everywhere else that doesn't want to live with China-style lockdowns for the rest of their lives.
The Winter Olympics in China.

They had a 0.01 infection rate.

Apparently lockdowns, mask and vaccinations work.

So much for the chants from the pin head Trumpists who make wild claims that vaccines, masks and lockdowns don't work.

Finally something they cannot should not dispute.

As the proven origin of SARS-CoV-2, China had plenty of time to solve the problem its scientists created. Beijing would be the most logical first city to start that effort as the capital city of China. But the International Olympic Committee made the right decision on mask wearing, vaccinations, and the athlete bubble at Olympic Village. All of their policies worked. One reason they did is everyone complied with the mask rule as much as possible.
Why do you post logical fallacies? Can you not debate in good form?
What is the logical fallacy? You are the one praising dictatorships for their ability to control the public. Ill bet you love the way they make trains run on time too.
Safest place...unless you're a Uighur Muslim.
The Winter Olympics in China.

They had a 0.01 infection rate.

Apparently lockdowns, mask and vaccinations work.

So much for the chants from the pin head Trumpists who make wild claims that vaccines, masks and lockdowns don't work.

Finally something they cannot should not dispute.
You logic is defective unless you think everyone that attended the Olympics was a local and not from all around the world.
Rather than you continuing to be dependent on others for supporting documentation to my posts, let me teach you how easy it is to do so yourself.

Now you have a plethora of corroboration and the ability to self resource going forward!
Rather than being snarky because someone asked you to verify an "assertion of fact" that you, yourself, made - why not simply provide the link in the OP?

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