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The Covid Cartel Lied, People Died. Now They Say It’s All Your Fault (1 Viewer)


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DP Veteran
Sep 12, 2019
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Political Leaning
Some of these points should sound familiar. Biden lying about Covid was nothing new. For example, a much debated topic here previously. Also, the big lie that it was a pandemic of the unvaccinated

Would President Biden’s July 21, 2021 misinformation that “you’re not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations” be considered a terrorist threat? It most certainly is a false and misleading narrative. To this day, the Covid cartel continues to promote widespread fear, refuses to recognize natural immunity, and is pushing vaccines on children who have little risk of serious harm from Covid.

The only people who are dying unnecessary deaths are the idiot anti-vaxxers being kept alive on ventilators. At no point during this pandemic have you shown any concern at all for the 900,000 dead Americans, and in fact have shown utter disregard and even disdain for any measures that minimize casualties. Nobody believes your propaganda filth.
Imagine taking The Federalist seriously as a legit source in 2022. Just cite Zero Hedge next.

All of the Covidiots gripes are due to them either being too stupid to understand, or purposefully trying NOT to understand, any sort of epidemiological concepts.

More people have died being stubborn anti-vaxxers than those that have been vaxxed. Like orders of magnitude more. The ones who have died are the ones that have been eating up the same lies you're spewing.
Imagine taking The Federalist seriously as a legit source in 2022. Just cite Zero Hedge next.

All of the Covidiots gripes are due to them either being too stupid to understand, or purposefully trying NOT to understand, any sort of epidemiological concepts.

More people have died being stubborn anti-vaxxers than those that have been vaxxed. Like orders of magnitude more. The ones who have died are the ones that have been eating up the same lies you're spewing.
How does that have anything to do with the double vaxers telling Fauci to cram his booster up the rear?
Some of these points should sound familiar. Biden lying about Covid was nothing new. For example, a much debated topic here previously. Also, the big lie that it was a pandemic of the unvaccinated

Would President Biden’s July 21, 2021 misinformation that “you’re not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations” be considered a terrorist threat? It most certainly is a false and misleading narrative. To this day, the Covid cartel continues to promote widespread fear, refuses to recognize natural immunity, and is pushing vaccines on children who have little risk of serious harm from Covid.

What exactly do you think is the requirement for legitimate widespread fear? Is it the concern over a few thousand brown people coming here illegally to take your job from you?
How does that have anything to do with the double vaxers telling Fauci to cram his booster up the rear?

Word for word, everything? How many people have died in the past 3 months who wouldn't have died had they gotten a booster?
Word for word, everything? How many people have died in the past 3 months who wouldn't have died had they gotten a booster?
You're misunderstanding VySky, he believes it's the vaccine that's killing everyone and that the virus and pandemic have been fake from the beginning, even though we've only had the vaccine for a year. It's pure nuttery.
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Some of these points should sound familiar. Biden lying about Covid was nothing new. For example, a much debated topic here previously. Also, the big lie that it was a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
Looks like you've finally found a perfect avatar. A toy soldier. How fitting.
Imagine taking The Federalist seriously as a legit source in 2022. Just cite Zero Hedge next.

All of the Covidiots gripes are due to them either being too stupid to understand, or purposefully trying NOT to understand, any sort of epidemiological concepts.

More people have died being stubborn anti-vaxxers than those that have been vaxxed. Like orders of magnitude more. The ones who have died are the ones that have been eating up the same lies you're spewing.

Strange that hospitalisations and deaths are hugely the Vaxxed and usually account for ca.80% .
Strange that the gene therapy shots use the Spike Protein which is a killer that circulates the body and brain and that people are dying like flies from heart attacks and strokes .etc

P.S. Actually read Zero Hedge , the best available news source , instead of swallowing Wiki etc with their deliberate misinformation about it . Standard CIA , Google crap .

OK, It often is technical and complex but but not too difficult to try
Some of these points should sound familiar. Biden lying about Covid was nothing new. For example, a much debated topic here previously. Also, the big lie that it was a pandemic of the unvaccinated

Would President Biden’s July 21, 2021 misinformation that “you’re not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations” be considered a terrorist threat? It most certainly is a false and misleading narrative. To this day, the Covid cartel continues to promote widespread fear, refuses to recognize natural immunity, and is pushing vaccines on children who have little risk of serious harm from Covid.

And the Russia-con propagandist doth speaketh again.
Strange that hospitalisations and deaths are hugely the Vaxxed and usually account for ca.80% .
Strange that the gene therapy shots use the Spike Protein which is a killer that circulates the body and brain and that people are dying like flies from heart attacks and strokes .etc

P.S. Actually read Zero Hedge , the best available news source , instead of swallowing Wiki etc with their deliberate misinformation about it . Standard CIA , Google crap .

OK, It often is technical and complex but but not too difficult to try
How do you think we should hold Trump accountable?

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