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The Confrontation Room (1 Viewer)

HTColeman said:
**** you teacher, I think you are the only person, in my life, that I truly hate, no love. No doubt, your probably white, you have that typical middle age white man attitude of being better than everyone else, and thinking too much of your own balls. I also hate people who tell you that you are forgiven and then talk about you in another thread. I have enough drama in my life than to deal with this bullshit.

I actually think your avatar is just to ugly no offence
HTColeman said:
I take that back, leaving would be dumb. Sorry for the white man comment, this apology goes to all middle age white men, except for teacher, I'm not racist, I just have racist moments.

lol well ok I'll just remember to stay away from you :lol: just in case
HTColeman said:
You know what I hate? When you've been debating for a long time with someone and they keep saying the same thing, over and over again, regardless of your new posts and arguments. Eventually, I just call them ignorant and stop debating them.

You mean like Mr. Brooks and I? I just can't leave him alone though. It's like staring at a car wreck.
teacher said:
Yes he is. And before you get any ideas, if I ever "choose" to be gay, I got dibs on Nurse. Well party like it's my favorite monkeys birthday. :2party: :monkey

Honey, I'm saving myself for you.
teacher said:
You mean like Mr. Brooks and I? I just can't leave him alone though. It's like staring at a car wreck.

Why is that so interesting, I mean, I hate blood and gore, even in the movies. And yet when there is a car wreck I can't help but want to look. Or when there is some mangled roadkill on the road, I look everytime and then get grossed out. Mystery...

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