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The Cold War ... (1 Viewer)


Green Party progressive
DP Veteran
Nov 4, 2020
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The Cold War won't be so conservative cool if it turns hot. You think the USG will ever pull its barbaric head out of its barbaric donkey and elephant? What government is more irresponsible for escalating humanity to such a low point?
The Cold War won't be so conservative cool if it turns hot. You think the USG will ever pull its barbaric head out of its barbaric donkey and elephant? What government is more irresponsible for escalating humanity to such a low point?

Is this another Blame America for the Ukrainian Invasion thread?
Is this another Blame America for the Ukrainian Invasion thread?

No. I only posted one comment (or thread?) about a progressive interviewee that made a solid case that came pretty close to blaming the US for Russia invading Ukraine. Thanks for gaslighting by.
No. I only posted one comment (or thread?) about a progressive interviewee that made a solid case that came pretty close to blaming the US for Russia invading Ukraine. Thanks for gaslighting by.

Your defensiveness isn't a good look. At all.
You're not doing a good job convincing anyone that this isn't another Blame America thread. 🤷‍♂️

Why would I try to convince gaslighting commenters that the USG is irresponsible for the Cold War escalation which has put humanity probably the closest we've been to mutually assured stupidity?
Why would I try to convince gaslighting commenters that the USG is irresponsible for the Cold War escalation which has put humanity probably the closest we've been to mutually assured stupidity?

So this IS another Blame America thread. Called it! 🍿
So this IS another Blame America thread. Called it! 🍿

Is it your blind patriotism and/or insincerity and/or ignorance and/or gaslighting and/or something else that makes you deny that the USG is irresponsible for the escalation of the Cold War? Is there anything that's more obvious than the fact that the USG ramped up the nuclear arms race? We could blame Russia, too, if that'd make you more comfortable.
Is it your blind patriotism and/or insincerity and/or ignorance and/or gaslighting and/or something else that makes you deny that the USG is irresponsible for the escalation of the Cold War? Is there anything that's more obvious than the fact that the USG ramped up the nuclear arms race? We could blame Russia, too, if that'd make you more comfortable.

Wait a minute. The OP was talking about Cold War I? Not the one that may be going on now?

You have got to learn to clarify things better in an OP, Antiwar.
Wait a minute. The OP was talking about Cold War I? Not the one that may be going on now?

You have got to learn to clarify things better in an OP, Antiwar.

There's only one Cold War and it's in the title, which you might've glanced at.
There's only one Cold War and it's in the title, which you might've glanced at.

Cold War I ended with the fall of the Soviet Union.

So which cold war are you ranting about? That one, or the one that may be going on now?
Cold War I ended with the fall of the Soviet Union.

So which cold war are you ranting about? That one, or the one that may be going on now?

The Cold War might've ended but the nuclear arsenals are still at the ready. And the Doomsday Clock is twitching. Any other angle you'd like to try?
The Cold War won't be so conservative cool if it turns hot. You think the USG will ever pull its barbaric head out of its barbaric donkey and elephant? What government is more irresponsible for escalating humanity to such a low point?
If you are as anti-war as you claim, you should want the return of DJ Trump. He was very good at defusing these highly charged situations so there were no new wars on his watch.
The Cold War won't be so conservative cool if it turns hot. You think the USG will ever pull its barbaric head out of its barbaric donkey and elephant? What government is more irresponsible for escalating humanity to such a low point?

Right now, at this point in time, I would say Russia is a leader. But since the end of WWII I would say the USA, France, Britain and the State of Israel have been leading the pack on militarism, entering conflict and waging wars of choice of late.

Cheers and be well.
If you are as anti-war as you claim, you should want the return of DJ Trump. He was very good at defusing these highly charged situations so there were no new wars on his watch.

Too funny.

Right now, at this point in time, I would say Russia is a leader. But since the end of WWII I would say the USA, France, Britain and the State of Israel have been leading the pack on militarism, entering conflict and waging wars of choice of late.

Cheers and be well.


You're trying to ignore what I said and what nobody can legitimately deny: The USG purposely ramped up the nuclear arms race (the Cold War) and we're reaping what we sowed. Did Russia take the lead in escalating the nuclear arms race? I don't know, but I don't think so. Did they follow? Yes. Does it matter who led us to testing the theory of mutually assured destruction? Not really. It matters who has the intelligence to lead humanity out of mutually assured stupidity (versus the boneheaded conservative and conservative-liberal notion that "Biden should have the balls" to further escalate the stupidest situation).

Cheers and no one will be able to be well when the theory of deterrence by mutually assured destruction is completely tested and broken and humanity is further using nuclear weapons to solve those pesky human problems.

You're trying to ignore what I said and what nobody can legitimately deny: The USG purposely ramped up the nuclear arms race (the Cold War) and we're reaping what we sowed. Did Russia take the lead in escalating the nuclear arms race? I don't know, but I don't think so. Did they follow? Yes. Does it matter who led us to testing the theory of mutually assured destruction? Not really. It matters who has the intelligence to lead humanity out of mutually assured stupidity (versus the boneheaded conservative and conservative-liberal notion that "Biden should have the balls" to further escalate the stupidest situation).

Cheers and no one will be able to be well when the theory of deterrence by mutually assured destruction is completely tested and broken and humanity is further using nuclear weapons to solve those pesky human problems.

The Arms Race, the Nuclear Arms Race and the Space Race were all driven by a mutually destructive symnecrosis (opposite of symbiosis) between America and the USSR. Both, not one or the other, were responsible for it. Two mad rival states danced the MAD tango while rattling thousands of thermonuclear castanets in their break-neck dance towards biocide. Now the old music is playing again, albeit with fewer castanets in play. What was old is new again. The end of civilisation and perhaps human extinction are in vogue again, as almost everyone here is clamouring for war. Behold the descent of man!

Be well and stay alive.

The Arms Race, the Nuclear Arms Race and the Space Race were all driven by a mutually destructive symnecrosis (opposite of symbiosis) between America and the USSR. Both, not one or the other, were responsible for it. Two mad rival states danced the MAD tango while rattling thousands of thermonuclear castanets in their break-neck dance towards biocide. Now the old music is playing again, albeit with fewer castanets in play. What was old is new again. The end of civilisation and perhaps human extinction are in vogue again, as almost everyone here is clamouring for war. Behold the descent of man!

Be well and stay alive.


The Soviet Union dissolved on December 26th, 1991. Russia is not the Soviet Union, but they kept much of the Soviet nuclear arsenal and have continued to counter Western dominance, and a counter to Western dominance is a good thing. It'd be great if Western (and/or Global North) dominance would willingly change to a global cooperation paradigm AND if counters to the Western dominance paradigm didn't try to compete by using a similar but smaller domination paradigm. But they haven't, and that's led by the US. The domination paradigm is driven by the US.

Synnecrosis is a good word: the living together of two organisms in a mutually destructive relationship.

Be well and stay un-radiated.

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