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the CIA has had some info on the planned assassination against GWBush in Georia (1 Viewer)



I heard the CIA has had some info on the planned assassination against GWBush in Georgia, but their secret services assured us they had everything under their control. I guess they’ve just put a good face on it. In fact they’ve tried to conceal the fact that smb has thrown a grenade at the American president, all the initial words of the Georgian leadership about it were the words of denial. Why? You can’t hide a cat in the bag.
Well, I’m disappointed and disillusioned both. One can’t rely on such ally who is hiding truth from you, one can’t believe him any more. It turns out Saakashvili was lying to us that he got rid of Chechen terrorists. He wanted to appear better than he was. Where are the mlns of dollars America gave to him for security? Dissolved like sand. He promised effective help in Iraq, but it’s no good. Georgian army is no good.
GWBush is harvesting poor fruit. It’s time for him to change his attitude to Georgia. It’s time for America to change its attitude. As for me we’re wasting time and money. The revolution of roses has brought devastation to this country, not democracy. We’ve set to many hopes on it.
I have not heard the news since this morning, so my premise on this may have been shown to be incorrect; but last I heard the grenade was inert. In other words, there was no possibility that it could go off. I don't think that qualifies as an assasination attempt. If a person approaches the President with a fake gun, it would not be accurate to say that they attempted to shoot the President.

BTW, it is possible to hide a cat in a bag. However, it does require skinning the cat, tanning the hide, and drying and pressing it's internal organs.
Hi RonBi ! :2wave:

He he he RonBi totally sounds like a Russian politician! OMG HE DOES HE DOES! :lol:

As for the grenade story well the president of Georgia was standing with the president of US as you could have seen and I see no indication of Chechen's(Russians are more likely or some Arabs...) I'm pretty sure that the security simply did not said anything to the president of Georgia so there was no one that could inform G.W.Bush. about that incident.

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