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The butt whacker turns out to be a youth minister and scout leader (1 Viewer)

When I see the way stories are all presented in unison by the media even using the same wording, then yes I do see a conspiracy there.

Of course you do. The majority of people see the same sources quoted such as a Trump tweet or a politicians speech.
Go ahead and smack a cop on his buttocks the next time you pass one. Let me know how it works out.

The jocular festive environment likely wouldn't be the same as with the reporter.

But there could be such an environment. I can see a team getting the winning score in a Super Bowl with time expired, ebullient players running onto the field and one of them smacking the butt of a security cop, and the cop going along with it. It's all about context.
E. Jean Carroll was. Read her account.

The psycho that was hitting on Anderson Cooper during the interview trying to promote her book? She said rape was sexy. Only in the eyes of a Democrat could she ever be considered legitimate. :lamo

Most people would be embarrassed to even mention her name.

So? Do it while you're jogging in a 5K.
Of course you do. The majority of people see the same sources quoted such as a Trump tweet or a politicians speech.

No, i'm talking about the same wording or words in a story. I remember in 2000 when George W Bush announced Dick Cheney as his running mate. Every single story in the leftwing media used the word 'gravitas'. They all said "Bush hoped to gain 'gravitas' by putting the older Cheney on the ticket. The implication of course was Bush didn't have it on his own.

I don't think he'll have a wife much longer.
I don't think he'll have a wife much longer.

That's silly. His wife will defend him as the great family man and community volunteer he is. She's not going to fall into that leftist claptrap and condemn her husband. Most people are not outraged by this. Most people agree with me on the topic.

Who are these "most people" who you imagine agree with you? Your posting history suggests that very, very few people ever do. But of course it's their problem, not yours, right? Because you're always right and everyone else is always wrong.

No they don't. Not only that, the law doesn't agree with you.
Who are these "most people" who you imagine agree with you? Your posting history suggests that very, very few people ever do. But of course it's their problem, not yours, right? Because you're always right and everyone else is always wrong.

No, I'm right. Along with majority in the real world.

Prime example of over reaction to a prank. No wonder this country is in a mess.
No you're not; except in your fevered imagination. You never are right, about anything whatsoever.

This reporter girl has all these angry leftwing groups in her ear, telling her what a victim she is. Now she refuses his apology and demands his prosecution. She wants to ruin him. I've always said the atheist left lacks compassion. They have a hard-heartedness about them. As I said, a girl who had grown up in a church environment would have accepted the guy's apology and let it go.
No, I'm right. Along with majority in the real world.

You don't even have the majority of this thread.


Prime example of over reaction to a prank. No wonder this country is in a mess.


This country is a mess because a guy who assaulted a female reporter on live tv might spend a month in jail, pay a fine and do community service. Talk about over reaction...
Prime example of over reaction to a prank. No wonder this country is in a mess.

The man broke the law and should face the consequences. If we don't prosecute people who break the law, why have the law?
You don't even have the majority of this thread.



This country is a mess because a guy who assaulted a female reporter on live tv might spend a month in jail, pay a fine and do community service. Talk about over reaction...

Exactly. Most people here are so leftwing and certainly in the minority of what real people think

If he's ruined, it will be solely the result of his own actions. He made the choice to touch her. If he faces prosecution, he has no one to blame but himself.
If he's ruined, it will be solely the result of his own actions. He made the choice to touch her. If he faces prosecution, he has no one to blame but himself.

No, he has the insane left to blame if these things happen to him. It's really shameful how they destroy people.
No, he has the insane left to blame if these things happen to him. It's really shameful how they destroy people.

The left won't be the ones trying him. If that happens, it'll be the local court, and he'll have the chance to defend himself before a judge. That's the way it's supposed to work. If he didn't want that, why did he break the law?
The left won't be the ones trying him. If that happens, it'll be the local court, and he'll have the chance to defend himself before a judge. That's the way it's supposed to work. If he didn't want that, why did he break the law?

Let's hope he gets a sensible judge and not a Democrat.
ROFL! Another good one! Thanks.

The fact remains the Boy Scout leader/Church Youth Group leader committed battery.

Criminal Assault and Battery Law | Justia
The act of battery does not require that the victim is severely injured or traumatized. Any type of touching that the victim considers harmful or offensive can be sufficient. For example, if a woman pours a mug of hot water on someone else, this could be a battery. To go even further, a classic case of a battery that does not result in pain or injury is when the perpetrator spits on the victim. However, a defendant will not be held liable for contact that is deemed offensive only because the victim is abnormally sensitive. The standard of “offensiveness” is determined from the perspective of an ordinary individual.

Strange men whacking the butts of any female relative would be seen by most people as offensive.

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