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The Bush Challenge.... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
I hope to build a database in this thread of all the positive things that can be said for our current Administration. I would hope to hear from both sides, and keep this to the Good things we have seen from Bush and his Cabinet.

Please do not post negatives in this thread.....there is another opposing thread for that.

I will start:

Bush has made the resolve of the United States very clear to those who go the route of the extremist, there have been No attacks on our soil because of this. Security is enhanced, and access to our country denied to those who wish to do us harm. Economic benefits to many people have increased as far as buisiness is concerned, and Christian values are taking hold again, hopefully defining a new moral in the future.
Good points:

That although some major events and hurdles have happened, the economy has been relatively chugging along despite the affects of 9/11, Katrina, et al.*

Afghanistan was a relatively short war.*

North Korea has backed off of their nuclear stance.*

Bush has attempted to keep a good diverse cabinet at hand (while falling into his political spectrum).

*(could be argued not to be direct affect or not).
Libya has given up its weapons programs...

The "colored" revolutions of Lebanon and the Eastern Bloc states...

A favorable Supreme Court chief justice(young enough for a VERY long position, too)...

Tax cuts to stimulate the economy...

Liberated 20 million+ people...

Started planting the seeds of Democracy in what is the most unstable region on earth...
tecoyah said:
I hope to build a database in this thread of all the positive things that can be said for our current Administration.

I'll compile a list as soon as something even remotely positive happens.:2razz:
-Helped bring America out of 9/11

-United us with nationalism as in pride for our country making us pretty united for a short while

-Judge Roberts pick (not that I particularily liked the pick but it could've been worse)

-Was sorta compassionate about the whole Columbine thing. He wrote a letter to the parents of one of the victims

-Finished his book to the kids at the school on Septermber 11th

-listened to his wife. . .for a short time

-Didn't ban books (yet)

Thats about all I can think of. I did my best. Bush is completely the opposite of me and everything I stood for so it was kinda difficult.

Amber Alert System
I'm curious as to why this is such a slow-moving thread...

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