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the breakfast thread (1 Viewer)

Yup, sounds familiar. I’ve had good luck with chiropractors.
This time it's not my back. I had a proper fall yesterday. I'm proud of myself for not missing work. I stupidly tried to carry something that was too heavy. As Radiohead astutely observed in Fake Plastic Trees, gravity always wins.
It was pancakes and turkey sausage again. And it will be pancakes and turkey sausage again tomorrow.
I go to bed before hubby and usually get up before him. He isn't someone who wants to eat right away. I want to eat right after my coffee. When you make pancakes or waffles, fried mush, or French toast, that's something he can heat up when he is ready. Anytime we have eggs, it is more like what I consider brunch. On those days, I like to have yogurt on hand to tie me over but right now I am out of yogurt.
It was pancakes and turkey sausage again. And it will be pancakes and turkey sausage again tomorrow.
I go to bed before hubby and usually get up before him. He isn't someone who wants to eat right away. I want to eat right after my coffee. When you make pancakes or waffles, fried mush, or French toast, that's something he can heat up when he is ready. Anytime we have eggs, it is more like what I consider brunch. On those days, I like to have yogurt on hand to tie me over but right now I am out of yogurt.
Pancakes and sausage reminds me of the Great Starts breakfasts that I used to make for myself at the dawn of the microwave age while my parents slept in and I watched Bugs Bunny on Saturday morning.
Well, looky here.

****, I'm old. I feel it today. Believe it.
Bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit
Mostly decaf with a splash of caff because I'm dragging today. Getting a diet Pepsi at lunch. ****ing injuries are tiring. On we go.
I don’t eat my breakfast until around 11 as I am intermittent fasting. One egg, a few slices of steak, cheese and avocado.
Pancakes and sausage reminds me of the Great Starts breakfasts that I used to make for myself at the dawn of the microwave age while my parents slept in and I watched Bugs Bunny on Saturday morning.
My oldest daughter loved the Great Starts breakfasts! I loved the breakfast sandwiches. Of course years later we found out she was gluten intolerant. That would explain the stomach aches she had often. I promise, we didn’t know. :)
My oldest daughter loved the Great Starts breakfasts! I loved the breakfast sandwiches. Of course years later we found out she was gluten intolerant. That would explain the stomach aches she had often. I promise, we didn’t know. :)
Many people back then weren't aware of gluten intolerance. Shit, I didn't even know that peanut allergies were a thing when I was a kid. We were concerned about it when we became parents, but luckily, the kiddos are fine with PB.
Many people back then weren't aware of gluten intolerance. Shit, I didn't even know that peanut allergies were a thing when I was a kid. We were concerned about it when we became parents, but luckily, the kiddos are fine with PB.
I don’t ever remember peanut allergies either! And you are correct, gluten intolerance was not discussed back in the day. We started becoming aware of it when our youngest was a teenager but it took a very long time to get to the bottom of her health issues. Thankfully, she has become an amazing cook and has learned how to prepare food in very unusual ways, and doesn’t feel as if she is missing out anything! But just one mess up, and she pays the price.
I don’t ever remember peanut allergies either! And you are correct, gluten intolerance was not discussed back in the day. We started becoming aware of it when our youngest was a teenager but it took a very long time to get to the bottom of her health issues. Thankfully, she has become an amazing cook and has learned how to prepare food in very unusual ways, and doesn’t feel as if she is missing out anything! But just one mess up, and she pays the price.
My wife is like that with certain kinds of dairy.
Enjoying a Breakfast burrito with eggs, spinach, mushrooms, pepper jack cheese, guacamole, and a small cup of hot sauce, cuppa joe, apple juice on the beach at flamingo bay. A breezy sunny 80 degrees here as opposed to snow and 25 degrees back home.😁. Life is good.👍
Pepper and onion frittata, habanero sauce, toast, potatoes, cut up fresh melon, cuppa joe.
Chocolate covered strawberries. (an early Valentine)
Hardly the breakfast of champions but absolutely delicious!
One small fall off of the wagon like that is worth it.😁
They came in a heart-shaped package so I am going to declare that it must be heart healthy.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
two egg cheese omelets with green onions
turkey sausage patties
sliced tomato
Bacon, egg, and cheese McHelix. Played with the ingredients a bit this time, because I'm always looking for the perfect combination. I'd say that it turned out ok, but it needed a different kind of cheese. Coffee on the side.

My ****ing injury is healing more slowly that I thought it would. I'm still trying to avoid doctor and x-ray expenses, because I know there's not much they can do except tell me to wait and take it easy. I might cave in and take an Advil or something. There's no way that I want a real pain pill. I don't want to open that door until I absolutely have to. The fall would have to be worse than the one I took. It was bad, but not let's risk an addiction level bad.

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