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The Bravest Man Alive is....... (1 Viewer)


Defender of the Faith
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Apr 24, 2005
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Taichung, Taiwan - 2017 East Asian Games Candidate
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Very Conservative
Chen Yonglin. He is the Chinese diplomat who recently defected and now fears for the safety of himself, his wife and young daughter. He has told how the Chinese government regularly kidnaps Chinese living in Australia who are critical of the criminal government in Beijing and returns them to the country. The ChiCom government has the gall to accuse him of lying, but can anyone actually believe and trust what the ChiCom government has to say? If you do, you must be a Michael Moore devotee.

ludahai said:
Chen Yonglin. He is the Chinese diplomat who recently defected and now fears for the safety of himself, his wife and young daughter. He has told how the Chinese government regularly kidnaps Chinese living in Australia who are critical of the criminal government in Beijing and returns them to the country. The ChiCom government has the gall to accuse him of lying, but can anyone actually believe and trust what the ChiCom government has to say? If you do, you must be a Michael Moore devotee.


I was amazed to see that story the other day.

What a huge blow to China's credibility.
ludahai said:
If you do, you must be a Michael Moore devotee.

ha! Oh come on that's a little immature. Even if I do agree.

I grew up in Hong Kong and was part of the original June 1st March.
After article 23 and Taiwan's independence is an act of war garbage I wouldn't put anything past them.
ludahai said:
Why is that immature? The ChiComs and Michael Moore both play the same game, that of propaganda. Both are exceedingly good at it too.

And the United States government or United States media don't? Almost every country uses propaganda or "spin". What's your point? If you like Michael Moore, you most obviously like Fascist China? Hmm okay.
ludahai said:
Why is that immature? The ChiComs and Michael Moore both play the same game, that of propaganda. Both are exceedingly good at it too.

Yes of course they are both players. But that is to say that he who likes Michael Moore also likes Hitler. Nothing is black and white. My only gripe was that you made such a finite connection between two very different things.

Remember that you can't blame the blind for not seeing. Just because somebody supports michael moore doesn't mean they are supporting propaganda, it means they could also be victims of it.

That said...I completely agree with you that both are very greedy cold-hearted entities and neither deserves it's existence.
GarzaUK said:
And the United States government or United States media don't? Almost every country uses propaganda or "spin". What's your point? If you like Michael Moore, you most obviously like Fascist China? Hmm okay.

Read your statment. Then read mine. They both said pretty much the same thing.

Just because you think your idea is good doesn't mean the opposing view is bad.
Have some pride, the only people who write things like "hmm okay" are people that can't find the words to actually say what they are thinking.
Ha! Ludahai you must really hate China! I read your post on the Worst People In History thread.

Growing up in Hong Kong I have always had a strange affection for China, this has nothing to do with my view of any of their policies or state of affairs.

I would love to hear the other side of the argument though.
I'll bet you could tell me something I don't know.
Roundhouse! said:
Ha! Ludahai you must really hate China! I read your post on the Worst People In History thread.

Actually, I don't hate China. I hate their government. I lived in China for two years and loved it. I love the people, the food, the culture (what has survived that is). I had a wonderful two years there. I feel sorry for the wonderful people of that great nation who have to live under the thuggish government that has kept them virtual slaves for more than half a century.

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