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The Book 1984 predicted the Democratic Party's new social crime - Face Crime (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 21, 2009
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The justification for literally trying to destroy the life of the Covington High Student so great many Democrats want him to be violently beaten and kicked, expelled from school and banned from college and employment is because they claim he "smirked" at a Native America beating a drum in his face.

The Democratic Party's new "Face Crimes" was predicted in the Book 1984:

It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place or within range of a telescreen. The smallest thing could give you away. A nervous tic, an unconscious look of anxiety, a habit of muttering to yourself – anything that carried with it the suggestion of abnormality, of having something to hide. In any case, to wear an improper expression on your face (to look incredulous when a victory was announced, for example) was itself a punishable offense. There was even a word for it in Newspeak: facecrime, it was called.

The Party’s surveillance tactics and technology are so advanced that even the smallest twitch can betray a rebellious spirit.

(from the Book 1984 predicting everyone will be watched by cameras and there will be no tolerance for anything but approved accepted behavior according to the Party (ie Democratic Party now).
Strange how you see oppression in the media and not in our government.
The justification for literally trying to destroy the life of the Covington High Student so great many Democrats want him to be violently beaten and kicked, expelled from school and banned from college and employment is because they claim he "smirked" at a Native America beating a drum in his face.

The Democratic Party's new "Face Crimes" was predicted in the Book 1984:...

(from the Book 1984 predicting everyone will be watched by cameras and there will be no tolerance for anything but approved accepted behavior according to the Party (ie Democratic Party now).

Yes, I've noticed that this is being pointed out elsewhere in some media as well. Facial expressions in our video age can become "damning evidence of underlying evil," depending on how interpretation is pushed on social media.

Anything from "isn't that the most punchable face ever," through "the face of smug white privilege." Those are some of the "nicer" interpretations.

Strange how you see oppression in the media and not in our government.

Strange how you respond with a red herring instead of discussing the "face crime" point raised by the OP. :coffeepap:
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Strange how you see oppression in the media and not in our government.

I'm talking about the new fascist Democratic Party, of which the leftwing media is a subset.
The justification for literally trying to destroy the life of the Covington High Student so great many Democrats want him to be violently beaten and kicked, expelled from school and banned from college and employment is because they claim he "smirked" at a Native America beating a drum in his face.

The Democratic Party's new "Face Crimes" was predicted in the Book 1984:

It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place or within range of a telescreen. The smallest thing could give you away. A nervous tic, an unconscious look of anxiety, a habit of muttering to yourself – anything that carried with it the suggestion of abnormality, of having something to hide. In any case, to wear an improper expression on your face (to look incredulous when a victory was announced, for example) was itself a punishable offense. There was even a word for it in Newspeak: facecrime, it was called.

The Party’s surveillance tactics and technology are so advanced that even the smallest twitch can betray a rebellious spirit.

(from the Book 1984 predicting everyone will be watched by cameras and there will be no tolerance for anything but approved accepted behavior according to the Party (ie Democratic Party now).

Trump's fantasies about the world have more in common with Orwell than one smiling kid. Get some perspective.
Strange how you respond with a red herring instead of discussing the "face crime" point raised by the OP. :coffeepap:
Completely in character for you to support absurd far right lies.
Completely in character for you to support absurd far right lies.

Completely in character for you to mischaracterize someone you disagree with in the most negative way.

See how your own fallacious argument style is as easily turned against you. :coffeepap:
Both parties are picking their favorite vices in 1984 to emulate. I agree, the left is the worst about punishing people for not conforming to what they consider is appropriate behavior or appropriate ways of thinking. The right is the worst about pushing blatant lies as truths. Politicians used to be more subtle in their lying, but the right has decided there is no need for that. Just say the blatant lie and let the social media echo chambers repeat it over and over until it is believed.

I find both equally scary at this point.
I'm talking about the new fascist Democratic Party, of which the leftwing media is a subset.
You’re talking ****, as usual.

Who are the Democrats trying to literally destroy a high school student’s life, and calling for violence against him? Name names.
The justification for literally trying to destroy the life of the Covington High Student so great many Democrats want him to be violently beaten and kicked, expelled from school and banned from college and employment is because they claim he "smirked" at a Native America beating a drum in his face.
Completely in character for you to mischaracterize someone you disagree with in the most negative way.

See how your own fallacious argument style is as easily turned against you. :coffeepap:
It isn’t a mischaracterization to call a lie a lie.

Your word of the day calendar is only useful if you remember the definition too. :spank:
Both parties are picking their favorite vices in 1984 to emulate. I agree, the left is the worst about punishing people for not conforming to what they consider is appropriate behavior or appropriate ways of thinking. The right is the worst about pushing blatant lies as truths. Politicians used to be more subtle in their lying, but the right has decided there is no need for that. Just say the blatant lie and let the social media echo chambers repeat it over and over until it is believed.

I find both equally scary at this point.

I agree with your last point about both trends being scary.

However, IMO the Left ranks equally when it comes to pushing blatant lies as truth, or have you not been following news spins and talk show host monologues (both leaning heavily Left) these days? Then there is the most recent example of social media echo-chambers with the "Covington School Boys vs Native American Elder" twitter/news storms.
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I agree with your last point about both trends being scary.

However, IMO the Left ranks equally when it comes to pushing blatant lies as truth, or have you not been following news spins and talk show host monologues (both leaning heavily Left) these days? Then there is the most recent example of social media echo-chambers with the Covington School Boys vs Native American "Elder."

Well, I don’t get my news from comedians. :) They are always going to frame things in a way that gets the biggest laugh or most viewers. The Covington School Boys incident was sloppy journalism. Legitimate news organizations corrected themselves.

The problem is those corrections don’t reach the same number of people. The majority of lefties who engage in mob justice aren’t sitting at home actually watching CNN and MSNBC broadcasts. They are getting links to stories and videos in their social media feed. They are being spoon fed stories by their “bubble” that supports their agenda. The corrections don’t make it into their feeds. That certainly happens with the right as well, but at this point in time the left seems to be the bigger culprit when it comes to social media fueled mob justice.
Well, I don’t get my news from comedians. :) They are always going to frame things in a way that gets the biggest laugh or most viewers. The Covington School Boys incident was sloppy journalism. Legitimate news organizations corrected themselves.

The problem is those corrections don’t reach the same number of people. The majority of lefties who engage in mob justice aren’t sitting at home actually watching CNN and MSNBC broadcasts. They are getting links to stories and videos in their social media feed. They are being spoon fed stories by their “bubble” that supports their agenda. The corrections don’t make it into their feeds. That certainly happens with the right as well, but at this point in time the left seems to be the bigger culprit when it comes to social media fueled mob justice.

I can agree with that analysis. This actually started pre-Trump, with social media taking the place of actual "peer reviews" as kids (and adults) sought "likes" from "millions of their 'closest' [if otherwise anonymous] friends."

Yet make one "wrong" post and those "friends" become enemies and "damn" you forever. How many kids (and adults) have committed suicide over such social media incidents I've often wondered? How many businesses and careers have been destroyed as well?

I used to enjoy "flash mobs" who appeared in public to do some funny stunt, like dancing or some such. Now I fear the "flash mobs" encouraged to riot or protest via the same methods.
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