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The blocking of judicial nominees...without the media's liberal spin. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 16, 2005
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America (A.K.A., a red state)
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To mischaracterize recent Republican attempts to change committee rules- so that it takes a simple majority vote to override a filibuster- as an abuse of power, an attack on the constitution, or a removal of tradition is to flat out lie. Those rules have only existed for a couple of years, they have been changed numerous times without issue, and the constitution does not even mention them- which means they should, by default, be determined by a simple majority vote. Democrats are just perpetuating these hysterics because they do not want to have to let the majority rule.

Democrats are just protecting one of their last remaining bastions of unfreedom from the will of the people- unaccountable, unelected, liberal-activist judges. Ever notice how Democrats always need the public's opinion to be suppressed for them to get their way? There use to be a time when voters were consulted on matters of taxation, education, health care, etc. Democrats ALWAYS end up being against freedom. With everything from forcing racial quotas on employers to resisting the right of parents to move their kids out of failing schools (which blacks consistently poll heavily in favor of, interestingly) Democrat policies cannot coexist with every vote being counted (which, "we just want every vote counted" was a pretty ballsy mantra for them to be toting around while they were trying to steal Election 2000) or with the public having a say at all. Democrats are anti-choice...unless the choice is whether or not to violate someone else's rights.
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:clap: Well said, aquapub. I honestly don't understand why they still have any support from the working class. If they were paying attention they would see how little the party does for them.
aquapub said:
...which means they should, by default, be determined by a simple majority vote.
Perhaps the Senators decided to change the default at some point.

aquapub said:
Democrats are just perpetuating these hysterics because they do not want to have to let the majority rule.
Perhaps the Democrats'd would rather have a republic and the Republicans'd rather have a democracy?

aquapub said:
Democrats are just protecting one of their last remaining bastions of unfreedom from the will of the people- unaccountable, unelected, liberal-activist judges.
Have you ever wonder what wisdom the Founding Fathers saw in creating a branch of the Govt that like our judiciary?

What percentage of current judges were appointed by GOP presidents? Why'd these GOP guys appoint a so many "liberal-activist judges"? Do you suppose they were fooled?
Maybe some of these "liberal-activist judges" have fooled GWB too! Perhaps he's accidentally trying to appoint some of them "liberal-activist judges" without even knowing it!

aquapub said:
Ever notice how Democrats always need the public's opinion to be suppressed for them to get their way?
No, actually I hadn't. I've heard a number of people issue unsubstantiated whining to such an effect, but can't say as I've noticed that evil resides entirely on the other side or that the other side is entirely evil. Purt near as I can tell they're just human and Americans like the rest of us- some bad, some good, some better.
My opnion on this is that both sides are being hypocrites. If the Republicans were on the Democrats' position and vice versa, then the Republicans would be doing the same thing the democrats are doing. I don't agree with wither side, but I'm leaning towards the Republicans. we don't need a 60-vote majority, because, as you know, everyone'e voting among party lines (55 Reps, 45 Dems). I approve of majority-wins, but we still shouldot strip the minority's right to filibuster.

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