jfuh said:
Let's see now:
This alone shows you're lack of knowledge of what constitutes a scientific theory - ignorance
Well first off I am replying in a thread entitled the bible or darwin theory.
I'm merely suggesting that there are other ideas beyond creationism that one could argue for. My point was that if you are going to teach stories about god, adam, eve, and a garden alongside evolution then others, like myself, could legitimately argue that it should be taught as well that Earth was seeded by aliens. It is my opinion that this is just as plausible as creationism if not more so. But the main point that you missed was the HUMOR. Sad, I pity you really.
Even in the midst of what has been shown to you as non-theory you bring up this argument - arrogance
The joy of the internet is that you can find research to back up almost anything. But I feel I chose some credible sources and the argument that the earth was seeded by aliens either purposely or accidently is not so outlandish especially when being considered along side creationism.
Then you go on to claim the "crap" at school which is indeed pinpointing to darwinism.
Aaah you perceived my "crap at school" comment as an insult to the theory of evolution but really I just think the public schools are crappy and I constantly have to supplement my childrens education.
Your assumption, stemmed from ignorance, that darwinism is about the origins of the earth is completely false
I didn't say that. I said this:
"First off I don't deny my ignorance when it comes to the orgins of the earth or the human race. I don't have all the answers and neither do you. I never insinuated my suggestions were anything but possibilities. I don't claim them to be "correct" or "factual."
You put words in my mouth. I know that Darwin's theory of evolution discusses how life evolves from one stage to another but it does not discuss how life came to be in the first place. While creationists will argue life is here because God put it here, I would argue that perhaps life is here 'cause aliens put it here or it came from alien origins in space, meanwhile the theory of evolution never answers the question of origin at all.
Darwinism says nothing about origins of life, but of origins of speices.
It has always been my understanding that Darwinism doesn't say anything about how life came to be yet just describes the process of how life evolves.
Science does not have all the facts of about human evolution, but it does have a good 99.99% of the facts. We decended from a common ape ancestor.
Yes and when aliens came down and bred with that ape we evolved into humans:monkey If I want to believe that you can't stop me:mrgreen:
There are no questions that the Theory of Evolution leaves unanswered.
Sure it does, it doesn't answer questions about how or why life began it only discusses how life evolves. In fact it is my opinion that you could be an evolutionist who still believes in a heavenly god creator. Why not?
I'm sorry you are humorless, unimaginative, and mean enough to suggest my ideas are so offensive to you my children should be placed up for adoption. I stand by my first impression of you.