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The Bible Or Darwin Theory (1 Viewer)


New member
Feb 16, 2006
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a lot of associations are trying to ban teaching darwin theory of evolution from the school program because its absolutly the oposite with what the bile says , the debate is open between scientist and the church who s right ?

I think both theories are incomplete. I would argue that if those theories are going to be taught we should also teach the POSSIBILITY that the planet was seeded by an alien race.
There's nothing that needs to be debated.

Evolution is a scientific theory with a few very minor flaws, none of which are filled with creationism. It is the cornerstone of modern biology and pharmacology, and has an overwhelming amount of evidence behind it.

Creationism is horseshit with NO evidence to support it.
Kandahar said:
There's nothing that needs to be debated.

Evolution is a scientific theory with a few very minor flaws, none of which are filled with creationism. It is the cornerstone of modern biology and pharmacology, and has an overwhelming amount of evidence behind it.

Creationism is horseshit with NO evidence to support it.

Yeah, well what about aliens interfering with the human race to help evolution along?
talloulou said:
Yeah, well what about aliens interfering with the human race to help evolution along?

I wouldn't have any problem with alien race sedding being taught next to creationism, becauase they are both stories with no scientific evidence to support them.

Evolution or science in general does not attempt to say who put the universe here in at the begining of time, or where our souls go when we die. Science only seeks to provide true explainations of how the physical universe operates.

People who suggest that creationism is as valid of a theory as evolution - do not understand evolution.

If anyone knows ANYONE who has a solid understanding of physics, chemistry, and biology (genetics, etc.), and still believes that creationism is a valid competing theory to Darwin-style evolution, please point them out - cause I'd love to meet them. I have never come across a single one in my lifetime.
talloulou said:
Yeah, well what about aliens interfering with the human race to help evolution along?

Like creationism, that is also horseshit with NO evidence to support it.
talloulou said:
Yeah, well what about aliens interfering with the human race to help evolution along?
It remains a speculation with no evidence. Von Daniken claiming that Peruvian neolithic figures are of space suits are just wishful thinking.

What would be actual evidence for the panspermia belief?
I haven't heard of anyone trying to stop the teaching of ToE in schools altogether for a long time. The creationist agenda has developed more cunning by claiming to make a scientific approach - and they got caught. It's just a question of time until they make a new effort under a new disguise. They feel very much at home in countries where the Bible gets pushed in everybody's face to justify every other agenda. See abortion, gay marriage, war, morality, education etc.
talloulou said:
I think both theories are incomplete. I would argue that if those theories are going to be taught we should also teach the POSSIBILITY that the planet was seeded by an alien race.
You need to first understand what a scientific theory is.
talloulou said:



It sounds interesting and possible to me. Doesn't sound like horseshit at all but whatever that's why I'll teach my kids other **** besides the crap they learn at school.

Panspermia is hardly the same as "aliens interfering with the human race to help evolution along." One is a plausible but unproven scientific hypothesis; the other is howling-at-the-moon lunacy.
talloulou said:



It sounds interesting and possible to me. Doesn't sound like horseshit at all but whatever that's why I'll teach my kids other **** besides the crap they learn at school.
Leave the teaching to those who actually are educated. Perhaps you should give them up for adoption with the level of arrogance you're displaying.
acrobat said:
a lot of associations are trying to ban teaching darwin theory of evolution from the school program because its absolutly the oposite with what the bile says , the debate is open between scientist and the church who s right ?


Freudian slip? bile

It's funny that in the SOTU Bush called for more scientists, but the Bush Scientist:

can't research evolution
can't report on global warming
can't do embryonic stem cell research
can't study any geography or astrology that's over 6,000 years old

Ooh - sign me up. :roll:
Kandahar said:
Panspermia is hardly the same as "aliens interfering with the human race to help evolution along." One is a plausible but unproven scientific hypothesis; the other is howling-at-the-moon lunacy.

Agreed.....but I like to keep an open mind:aliens1: Plus Zecharia Sitchins makes fascinating toilet reading.
jfuh said:
Leave the teaching to those who actually are educated. Perhaps you should give them up for adoption with the level of arrogance you're displaying.

"Don't let schooling interfere with your education. " - Mark Twain.

I don't think I'm arrogant....at least not in regards to this topic.....but really, "You should put your children up for adoption"........talk about hysterical lunacy:damn
talloulou said:
I don't think I'm arrogant....at least not in regards to this topic.....but really, "You should put your children up for adoption"........talk about hysterical lunacy:damn
Yes, very much arrogant about being ignorant.
jfuh said:
Yes, very much arrogant about being ignorant.

First off I don't deny my ignorance when it comes to the orgins of the earth or the human race. I don't have all the answers and neither do you. I never insinuated my suggestions were anything but possibilities. I don't claim them to be "correct" or "factual."

There are some questions that Darwins theory leaves unanswered so just what the heck is wrong with looking in to possibilities???

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Albert Einstein.

Anyway to your accusation that I am arrogant and ignorant and thus my kids should be placed for adoption I will reply that you are an UNIMAGINATIVE HYSTERICAL ASSHOLE.
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Let's see now:
talloulou said:
I think both theories are incomplete. I would argue that if those theories are going to be taught we should also teach the POSSIBILITY that the planet was seeded by an alien race.
This alone shows you're lack of knowledge of what constitutes a scientific theory - ignorance

talloulou said:
Yeah, well what about aliens interfering with the human race to help evolution along?
Even in the midst of what has been shown to you as non-theory you bring up this argument - arrogance
talloulou said:

It sounds interesting and possible to me. Doesn't sound like horseshit at all but whatever that's why I'll teach my kids other **** besides the crap they learn at school.
After going through the former rebuttles to your posts about what actually constitutes a sound scientific theory you post more nonsense that are hardly of relation to the thread at hand or non-theories at all.
Then you go on to claim the "crap" at school which is indeed pinpointing to darwinism. Thus even with your acknowledgement to ignorance you continue to "teach my kids other **** besides......"

talloulou said:
First off I don't deny my ignorance when it comes to the orgins of the earth or the human race. I don't have all the answers and neither do you. I never insinuated my suggestions were anything but possibilities. I don't claim them to be "correct" or "factual."
Your assumption, stemmed from ignorance, that darwinism is about the origins of the earth is completely false. Darwinism says nothing about origins of life, but of origins of speices.
Science does not have all the facts of about human evolution, but it does have a good 99.99% of the facts. We decended from a common ape ancestor.

talloulou said:
There are some questions that Darwins theory leaves unanswered so just what the heck is wrong with looking in to possibilities???
There are no questions that the Theory of Evolution leaves unanswered. There is no Darwin theory - again ignorance. Theory of Evolution asks the questions and then looks for explanations based on observational data. All of which correlates with the explanation of the theory.
There is nothing wrong with looking at other possibilities with regards to an explanation as long as it is a rationalized and logical explanation that takes into account of the facts.

Simply saying: "Oh aliens brought life down" "There was a supernatural creator"
All that you can attribute as an "explanation" for any natural phenomena, but what does it explain? Precisly 0.

If you can not find the most basic knowledge of what attributes to an explanation to become a scientific theory then I suggest you to not progress any further with this argument. Otherwise you're just looking like Oracle25.

talloulou said:
Anyway to your accusation that I am arrogant and ignorant and thus my kids should be placed for adoption I will reply that you are an UNIMAGINATIVE HYSTERICAL ASSHOLE.
I'm stating the observation to your arrogance of your ignorance. Teaching something you know very little about, justifying through wich the schooling is crap.
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jfuh said:
Let's see now:
This alone shows you're lack of knowledge of what constitutes a scientific theory - ignorance

Well first off I am replying in a thread entitled the bible or darwin theory.

I'm merely suggesting that there are other ideas beyond creationism that one could argue for. My point was that if you are going to teach stories about god, adam, eve, and a garden alongside evolution then others, like myself, could legitimately argue that it should be taught as well that Earth was seeded by aliens. It is my opinion that this is just as plausible as creationism if not more so. But the main point that you missed was the HUMOR. Sad, I pity you really.

Even in the midst of what has been shown to you as non-theory you bring up this argument - arrogance
The joy of the internet is that you can find research to back up almost anything. But I feel I chose some credible sources and the argument that the earth was seeded by aliens either purposely or accidently is not so outlandish especially when being considered along side creationism.

Then you go on to claim the "crap" at school which is indeed pinpointing to darwinism.
Aaah you perceived my "crap at school" comment as an insult to the theory of evolution but really I just think the public schools are crappy and I constantly have to supplement my childrens education.

Your assumption, stemmed from ignorance, that darwinism is about the origins of the earth is completely false

I didn't say that. I said this:

"First off I don't deny my ignorance when it comes to the orgins of the earth or the human race. I don't have all the answers and neither do you. I never insinuated my suggestions were anything but possibilities. I don't claim them to be "correct" or "factual."

You put words in my mouth. I know that Darwin's theory of evolution discusses how life evolves from one stage to another but it does not discuss how life came to be in the first place. While creationists will argue life is here because God put it here, I would argue that perhaps life is here 'cause aliens put it here or it came from alien origins in space, meanwhile the theory of evolution never answers the question of origin at all.

Darwinism says nothing about origins of life, but of origins of speices.

It has always been my understanding that Darwinism doesn't say anything about how life came to be yet just describes the process of how life evolves.

Science does not have all the facts of about human evolution, but it does have a good 99.99% of the facts. We decended from a common ape ancestor.
Yes and when aliens came down and bred with that ape we evolved into humans:monkey If I want to believe that you can't stop me:mrgreen:

There are no questions that the Theory of Evolution leaves unanswered.

Sure it does, it doesn't answer questions about how or why life began it only discusses how life evolves. In fact it is my opinion that you could be an evolutionist who still believes in a heavenly god creator. Why not?

I'm sorry you are humorless, unimaginative, and mean enough to suggest my ideas are so offensive to you my children should be placed up for adoption. I stand by my first impression of you.
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talloulou said:
Well first off I am replying in a thread entitled the bible or darwin theory.

I'm merely suggesting that there are other ideas beyond creationism that one could argue for. My point was that if you are going to teach stories about god, adam, eve, and a garden alongside evolution then others, like myself, could legitimately argue that it should be taught as well that Earth was seeded by aliens. It is my opinion that this is just as plausible as creationism if not more so. But the main point that you missed was the HUMOR. Sad, I pity you really.
at most funny haha.

talloulou said:
The joy of the internet is that you can find research to back up almost anything. But I feel I chose some credible sources and the argument that the earth was seeded by aliens either purposely or accidently is not so outlandish especially when being considered along side creationism.
If it is that you are referencing nonsense ideas along side with creationism in a non-science method such as the flying spagethii monster then pretty much so. I agree completely.

talloulou said:
Aaah you perceived my "crap at school" comment as an insult to the theory of evolution but really I just think the public schools are crappy and I constantly have to supplement my childrens education.
My misunderstanding then, my bad.

You said:
talloulou said:
"First off I don't deny my ignorance when it comes to the orgins of the earth or the human race. I don't have all the answers and neither do you. I never insinuated my suggestions were anything but possibilities. I don't claim them to be "correct" or "factual."
I responded:
jfuh said:
Your assumption, stemmed from ignorance, that darwinism is about the origins of the earth is completely false. Darwinism says nothing about origins of life, but of origins of speices.
Science does not have all the facts of about human evolution, but it does have a good 99.99% of the facts. We decended from a common ape ancestor.
I am not putting any words into your mouth but simply responding to what you posted.

talloulou said:
I know that Darwin's theory of evolution discusses how life evolves from one stage to another but it does not discuss how life came to be in the first place. While creationists will argue life is here because God put it here, I would argue that perhaps life is here 'cause aliens put it here or it came from alien origins in space, meanwhile the theory of evolution never answers the question of origin at all.
As you yourself answered it quite well. Evolution is not about origins, thus to even try to relate the two is rediculous.

talloulou said:
It has always been my understanding that Darwinism doesn't say anything about how life came to be yet just describes the process of how life evolves.

talloulou said:
Yes and when aliens came down and bred with that ape we evolved into humans:monkey If I want to believe that you can't stop me:mrgreen:
No one stopping you

talloulou said:
Sure it does, it doesn't answer questions about how or why life began it only discusses how life evolves. In fact it is my opinion that you could be an evolutionist who still believes in a heavenly god creator. Why not?

talloulou said:
I'm sorry you are humorless, unimaginative, and mean enough to suggest my ideas are so offensive to you my children should be placed up for adoption. I stand by my first impression of you.
All observations of your posts were indicative of a complete misconception of what a scientific theory was. It suggested that you viewed aliens spawning or supernatural causes for our being here today on the same plane as evolution.
The crap comment seemed to further that rational and thus leading to my suggestion which I stand by in the case of anyone so irrational.
jfuh said:
All observations of your posts were indicative of a complete misconception of what a scientific theory was. It suggested that you viewed aliens spawning or supernatural causes for our being here today on the same plane as evolution.
The crap comment seemed to further that rational and thus leading to my suggestion which I stand by in the case of anyone so irrational.

hmmmm should I take that as an apology for your implied suggestion that I'm too stupid to have kids?????:2rofll:

Well I don't like to hold grudges either so I accept your strange apology and I apologize for calling you an unimaginative hysterical asshole. :cheers:

Besides I'm not sure we actually disagree on the topic anyway so there's no reason for us to argue. It seems clear to me that you are arguing that creationism should not be taught in schools. While I am arguing yes go ahead and teach creationism and while you're at it teach the cool alien stuff too....
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talloulou said:
hmmmm should I take that as an apology for your implied suggestion that I'm too stupid to have kids?????:2rofll:

Well I don't like to hold grudges either so I accept your strange apology and I apologize for calling you an unimaginative hysterical asshole. :cheers:

talloulou said:
Besides I'm not sure we actually disagree on the topic anyway so there's no reason for us to argue. It seems clear to me that you are arguing that creationism should not be taught in schools. While I am arguing yes go ahead and teach creationism and while you're at it teach the cool alien stuff too....
Creationism, ID so such are better reserved for Sunday school. Leave that stuff out of the science class.
talloulou said:
There are some questions that Darwins theory leaves unanswered so just what the heck is wrong with looking in to possibilities???
Ah, that would be "Darwin's Hypothesis" The actual Scientific Theory of Evolution really don't have much left unanswered. What questions are you talking about inside the actual field of Evolution?
steen said:
Ah, that would be "Darwin's Hypothesis" The actual Scientific Theory of Evolution really don't have much left unanswered. What questions are you talking about inside the actual field of Evolution?

Oh good heavens Steen I'm not getting involved in a language war. You know what I meant and I already described what I meant. Comparing The Theory of Evolution with Creationism is like comparing apples and oranges and if you are going to do that my point was why not through in grapes as well.

For what it's worth though I'm positive there are still some questions regarding "evolution" with missing links and what not. It's not like we have traced every species all the way back to dust. We continue to fill in gaps to the evolution tree year after year but obviously it's not all 100% figured out yet. Or do you dare dispute this?????

Go ahead dispute it STEEN I dare you.....:duel
talloulou said:
Well first off I am replying in a thread entitled the bible or
talloulou said:
darwin theory.
yes, named so by somebody rather ignorant of these issues. So you have decided to declare yourself just as ignorant! hey, whatever floats your boat.

I'm merely suggesting that there are other ideas beyond creationism that one could argue for.
Sure. You can have lots of ideas and lots of arguments. That is about as relevant as the loons having the idea and arguing that the earth is flat. It is utterly irrelevant to facts, evidence and science. But if all you want to do is having exercises in sophistry and philosophy, then go ahead. Just don't claim any scientific foundation for this, or you WILL be challenged on such a lie.

My point was that if you are going to teach stories about god, adam, eve, and a garden alongside evolution
And why would anybody want to do such a looney and crazy thing? Teaching mythology and science together is insanity.

The joy of the internet is that you can find research to back up almost anything.
but you can only find scientific evidence from scientific sources. And they don’t support your looney ideas.

But I feel I chose some credible sources and the argument that the earth was seeded by aliens either purposely or accidently is not so outlandish especially when being considered along side creationism.
So wild speculation is not as outlandish as deliberate lies? Well, that may be, but they are still wild speculations. That has no relevance to reality.

I know that
Darwin's theory of evolution discusses how life evolves from one stage to another but it does not discuss how life came to be in the first place.
I guess we should count our blessings.

While creationists will argue life is here because God put it here, I would argue that perhaps life is here 'cause aliens put it here or it came from alien origins in space,
And you can, of course “argue” anything you want in some sophist exercise. Rather irrelevant to anything outside your overheated mind, though.

meanwhile the theory of evolution never answers the question of origin at all.
Nor is it supposed to. It also does not explain plate tectonics, the structure of the atom, or wave properties of light, nor does it explain electromagnetism or gravity. So what?

Yes and when aliens came down and bred with that ape we evolved into humans If I want to believe that you can't stop me
Correct, we can not stop you from acting like an ignorant ***, if that is what you want. Have at it.

I'm sorry you are humorless, unimaginative, and mean enough to suggest my ideas are so offensive to you my children should be placed up for adoption. I stand by my first impression of you.
I would say that if you deliberately are teaching lies to your kids, that would be child abuse. You can take it from there…

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