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The Beauty of Science (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 22, 2005
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United States
Political Leaning
The world is stepping into a new scientific age, where all that we take for granted, and all our current and "mystical" values will be turned upside-down by science. Indeed science gradualy destroys and demolishes superstition and supernatural beliefs. IMO, that's why religion has always been the enemy of science and progress. I mean, our ancestors used to have to break ice in winter to get water, small trips were practically an expedition! And some people regret the past? Our ancestors used to work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Some countries have made a 35-hour workweek mandatory. And that, my friends, is just the beginning... Science and technology are our future. We must continue to move forward!
kal-el said:
The world is stepping into a new scientific age, where all that we take for granted, and all our current and "mystical" values will be turned upside-down by science. Indeed science gradualy destroys and demolishes superstition and supernatural beliefs. IMO, that's why religion has always been the enemy of science and progress. I mean, our ancestors used to have to break ice in winter to get water, small trips were practically an expedition! And some people regret the past? Our ancestors used to work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Some countries have made a 35-hour workweek mandatory. And that, my friends, is just the beginning... Science and technology are our future. We must continue to move forward!

Depends what one considers "moving forward"...

One of the best inventions ever made was the gun.

One of the worst inventions ever made was the gun.

Go ask Alfred Nobel about "moving forward" and see what he thinks...
when it comes to technology and weapons, we have to be extremely careful, but just because we may create these methods of destruction (which already exist), doesn't mean we should keep our progress in check. Science and technology should be one of the top priorities in every country that hopes to be successful.
cnredd said:
Depends what one considers "moving forward"...

One of the best inventions ever made was the gun.

One of the worst inventions ever made was the gun.

Go ask Alfred Nobel about "moving forward" and see what he thinks...

The Pope says we are moving too forward too fast, well I say if we don't move forward fast enough, we'll fall behind. Science totally liberates us. Guns were a great idea, but again you're always gonna have people who take negative advantage of technology.

Originally posted by nkgutpa80
when it comes to technology and weapons, we have to be extremely careful, but just because we may create these methods of destruction (which already exist), doesn't mean we should keep our progress in check. Science and technology should be one of the top priorities in every country that hopes to be successful.

I'm so glad to be living in this fantastic scientific and technological age! Back in our past, people didn't have the same chances of happiness that we do. Of course, there was the invention of gunpowder, and Whitney's printing press, which changed many things, but nothing like this! I repeat, it is great to live in this age of technological upheavel, the likes of which have never before been seen. As the wooden toy is replaced by the computer, the horse by the car, the plane, the satelitte, and finally, the internet, we are currently experiencing a truly great era, and not just in technological areas.
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I'm so glad to be living in this fantastic scientific and technological age! Back in our past, people didn't have the same chances of happiness that we do. Of course, there was the invention of gunpowder, and Whitney's printing press, which changed many things, but nothing like this! I repeat, it is great to live in this age of technological upheavel, the likes of which have never before been seen. As the wooden toy is replaced by the computer, the horse by the car, the plane, the satelitte, and finally, the internet, we are currently experiencing a truly great era, and not just in technological areas.

very very true. Just the internet itself is revolutionary, adn we're only beginning to see its effects.
nkgupta80 said:
very very true. Just the internet itself is revolutionary, adn we're only beginning to see its effects.

Yep, the internet allows people to communicate instantly with eachother while bypassing the original methods of communication. It allows info to circulate freely, it allows those with opinions, especially odd-balls whose opinions are different from the ideal- to express them and get other people to think and question the official point of view. The internet means the end of censorship. No country can carry out prohibition, because any idea they want to supress, will be able to squeeze through some small loophole or other on the net.

The internet is great news especially for school children whose backs will suffer less, because soon they will only have to carry an e-book the size of a pocket computer containing the whole year's curriculim, opposed to a bookbag heavy with cumbersome books. Kids spend moreand more time online then they do for mass on Sunday's. All youngsters,except in households where parental authority forces them to go to Mass, probably prefer to stay in front of they're computers.

The internet is a excellent instrument for peace. Before it existed, the media was able to con youngins into thinking that everyone on the other side of the border were indeed, monsters. That kindof propaganda dosen't wash anymore. Now, kids can check it out on the net!
Not true.

Most kids I knew, never looked up the news on the internet, and from what I see at cyber cafe's n stuff, they still don't, and when they do its often just CNN or Fox. which isn't exactly as reliable (but better than their damn cable shows) as other sources, and many also lack critical analysis of such a situation, simply because they often don't care....

or the political climate would be vastly different by now...
128shot said:
Not true.

Most kids I knew, never looked up the news on the internet, and from what I see at cyber cafe's n stuff, they still don't, and when they do its often just CNN or Fox. which isn't exactly as reliable (but better than their damn cable shows) as other sources, and many also lack critical analysis of such a situation, simply because they often don't care....

or the political climate would be vastly different by now...

It's all starting to change. The political media can't get away with spoonfeeding people their "half-truths"anymore. Kids can talk to these so called "monsters" living on the other side of the border,in chat rooms, and ask them if what the media spits out is true or not.

Governmnets are aware of this, that is exactly why some countries are indeed trying to restrict acess to the net. But, as much as governments try to hamper it, they won't be able to resist the information tidal wave.

Kids that are growing up with this technology are alot more connected to the rest of the world, then say the older generation is. They know that they can connect to any part of the planet with just a click of the mouse!

I think what really matters is at the core, politicians are scared of information, for almost all politicians lack true truths on many key issues.

I could jump all over that one, but I will not, for thats not this threads purpose.

I think the biggest and most profitable move for science will be alternative fuels, thats the real beauty in science, the ability to make mans life better and last longer
128shot said:

I think what really matters is at the core, politicians are scared of information, for almost all politicians lack true truths on many key issues.

Indeed. Even now, the major newspapers and TVnetworks are working overtime cooking up a bunch of politically, economically,and religious propaganda with which to spoonfeed an open-mouthed public. Most of the time, the only objective of the media is to transform us into sheep that can be easily exploited and controlled by the government.
kal-el said:
Indeed. Even now, the major newspapers and TVnetworks are working overtime cooking up a bunch of politically, economically,and religious propaganda with which to spoonfeed an open-mouthed public. Most of the time, the only objective of the media is to transform us into sheep that can be easily exploited and controlled by the government.

You never thought that maybe its what we want to hear?

face it, media is the reflection of the general majortity. Most don't want to hear bad things, only good things.
128shot said:
You never thought that maybe its what we want to hear?

face it, media is the reflection of the general majortity. Most don't want to hear bad things, only good things.

Well I don't mean to rain on your little parade, but the media does in fact, glorify the bad things. Look when some new scientific treatment comes out, instead of speaking of the good that can come of it, the media only focuses on the bad that can come of it.

An increase in the world's intellect depends on the exchanging of info and knowledge. Who's responsible? The media. We want to be informed, and aware of everything. It is the media's job to do this and to erase fear and superstition. Most of the time, the situation is quite the oppositte. The press and media belongs to powerful financial groups whose only priority is to rake in the dough,and most of the time, ratings and sales are more important than the quality and truth of the info they propogate.
look at the huge backlash to stem cell research. All i heard was bad things, but ask your neighbors what they think, and thats what they think too!
128shot said:
look at the huge backlash to stem cell research. All i heard was bad things, but ask your neighbors what they think, and thats what they think too!

Agreed. IMO, everyone against stem cell research should sign a paper saying that neither them or they're family, no matter how sick they are, can benefit from the vast medical treatments and cures that will come from it. I only want to help them stay consistent! :smile:
I don't think public money should be spent on stem cell research.

I think private enterprises should be able to reign on that parade with their brutually effcent force.
128shot said:
I don't think public money should be spent on stem cell research.

Why the **** not? It will indeed benefit the public.
its too complicated.

Since people have different morals, saying we spend public money will mean that the public must agree on it. and we most certainly do not.

Beside, the private sector is much better at these things anyway...
kal-el said:
Why the **** not? It will indeed benefit the public.
Public money should not be spent on anything that a significant number of the public have an ethical and moral problem with. So benefits (which are highly questionable) have nothing to do with it. Let those who believe in it be its supporters.

Wether it should be legal or not should be determined by our ELECTED representatives.
The Beauty & the horror of Science

Thanks to technology/science/medicine enabling the human race to rapidly increase in numbers, the earth faces the largest mass extinction of species due to destruction of habitat, since the dinosaurs were wiped out 65m years ago. Not to mention the threat from global warming.
The benefits from science are enormous, however the science that has enabled birth control, needs to be applied a little more often.
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Re: The Beauty & the horror of Science

That doesn't seem right robin.

Science will over come all the problems it creates. look at the already large contribution its made to lowering emissions, not to mention renewable energy, and lets face it with. With renewable sources to expand, we will, theoritcally expand forever..
Re: The Beauty & the horror of Science

128shot said:
That doesn't seem right robin.

Science will over come all the problems it creates. look at the already large contribution its made to lowering emissions, not to mention renewable energy, and lets face it with. With renewable sources to expand, we will, theoritcally expand forever..
Yes but the planet can't cope with more than 6 billion people. In fact it can't cope with 6 billion if other species are to survive.

"Science will over come all the problems it creates."
Yes you are agreeing with me then. Look at what I said about birth control :roll:
Re: The Beauty & the horror of Science

and look what i said about alternative resources.

That means it can sustain more life....
Re: The Beauty & the horror of Science

128shot said:
and look what i said about alternative resources.

That means it can sustain more life....
Humans don't only need energy. They need space to live & space to grow food.
What is so wonderful about humans. The planet is infested with them. There are 100 million homosapiens to every mountain gorrilla or panda. There are too many humans.
Would you really want a planet earth where every square meter is colonised by homosapiens. As if every square mile of it's surface was as densely populated as a city :thumbdown :2no4:
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Re: The Beauty & the horror of Science

well, considering once the baby boomer generation dies, the population will spread out much more.

Our population is going to go down, not up. Industrial nations are going to open up immigration to their cities once a large amoutn of people retire. you'll see...

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