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The Bali Nine (1 Viewer)


New member
Jun 6, 2005
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Hong Kong
Is there much talk of the Bali nine anywhere in the world? I know their trial hasn't started yet but I still can't find any opinions on them.

>I know Wikipedia isn't a news source but this basically outlines it<

I understand that they were in another country and broke that country's laws, but these are young people who are caught with a substance. They didn't kill anybody, they didn't hurt anybody, I know these substances are illegal but death is such a senseless extreme for something so worthless.

I think this is a completely heartless thing Indonesia is doing.

One of the terrorists convicted of the Bali club bombings got nine years! and they are thinking of killing these young people, basically children. In the year 2000, the youngest of these was 13 years old! Think about how recent that was!

It's sick
This is the same case with the young woman from Australia, no? Didn't she get a sentence that didn't doom her to death?
flip2 said:
This is the same case with the young woman from Australia, no? Didn't she get a sentence that didn't doom her to death?

No you are thinking of the Shapelle Corby case. Similar, she got 20 years but these nine are in a lot more trouble than her.

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