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The anomalous cold in South America is the result of permanent conflict with the USA! (1 Viewer)


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Sep 16, 2010
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The anomalous cold in South America is the result of permanent conflict with the USA! Look, I heard that Pentagon has climatic and even tectonic weapons but I really couldn’t even imagine its effect! Hundreds of people freeze in divers places of South America. In addition to it Argentine cattle suffered of cold and I think you know that Argentine is a great beef-cattle producer to China! Americans are trying to kill two birds with one stone! At first they want to take revenge for most part of South America countries. And China is main enemy of Washington, you know.
Americans lost control over our continent, that’s why they put a spoke in our wheel by every way available! I think that Climatic weapons are only the beginning, they could invent some sanctions for us too. I’m sure you know American methods for obstinate and insubordinate punish.

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