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The American Communist Survey (1 Viewer)


New member
Sep 4, 2005
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holy schweet b'Jesusland!
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Today I received the American Community Survey in the mail. The survey is done annually, at a cost of millions of dollars per year...courtesy the Patriot Act. Thank you moronic Democrats, and al-GOPduh Nazi Congressmen, and Senators who voted for this crap.

Here is an example of a question from the instruction booklet:

27. What time did this person usually leave home to go to work LAST WEEK?


Granted at the present moment, I'm so pissed in reading the content of this fascist crap, I can't really see straight.

Even though I'm required by law, I won't be completing the survey. They can do whatever they'd like, under the law to attempt to enforce it. I don't mind...but I'll sure as hell make a lot of frickn' noise.


The survey is not voluntary. Answering the questions is not a polite request from the Census Bureau. You are legally obligated to answer. If you refuse, the fines are staggering. For every question not answered, there is a $100 fine. And for every intentionally false response to a question, the fine is $500. Therefore, if a person representing a two-person household refused to fill out any questions or simply answered nonsensically, the total fines could range from upwards of $10,000 and $50,000 for noncompliance

Here's a good link that describes the survey for those who haven't had the Patriotic experience yet.


And a good indication as to why this provision of the Patriot Act among many others, are not only Police Statisms but UnConstitutional.
Article I of the U. S. Constitution makes it clear that the census should be taken every ten years for the sole purpose of congressional redistricting. What the founders intended was a simple head count of the number of people living in a given area so that numerically equal congressional districts can be maintained. The founders never envisioned or authorized the federal government to continuously demand, under penalty of law, detailed information from the American people.


Above is a link to the actual Communist piece of filth.


Above is a link that provides an opportunity to take action. If you elect to email you're representatives from this site, please be sure to specifically mention the American Community Survey.

On this issue, there seems to be unanimous concensus among Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, and Greens...who have independantly evaluated the issue. We don't know wtf our government was thinking, but most of us agree it must stop! :memorial_
Comrade Brian said:
:confused: I'm confused why this says Communist Survey.

No worries Comrade! Someday even you may have the opportunity to perform your Patriotic duty to the state, gleefully. They'll ask you interesting questions about your mental and emotional health, so that big brother can plan for your well being. And sneak in a piece of legislation a few years later, so that the CIA err..KGB can help insure the domestic tranquility via preservation of the police state. :rock on dude!
sLiPpY said:
No worries Comrade! Someday even you may have the opportunity to perform your Patriotic duty to the state, gleefully. They'll ask you interesting questions about your mental and emotional health, so that big brother can plan for your well being. And sneak in a piece of legislation a few years later, so that the CIA err..KGB can help insure the domestic tranquility via preservation of the police state. :rock on dude!

First of all, you are a quack. Yes, I said it. American socialists, or communists, have very little to do with stalin. And the KGB are not an active force in politics anymore. Since they have been disbanded, they have become a driving force in organized crime. Damn, buy a clue.
sLiPpY said:
Today I received the American Community Survey in the mail. The survey is done annually, at a cost of millions of dollars per year...courtesy the Patriot Act.
itll cost us more money if you dont fill it out

Thank you moronic Democrats, and al-GOPduh Nazi Congressmen, and Senators who voted for this crap.
youre welcome

Here is an example of a question from the instruction booklet:

27. What time did this person usually leave home to go to work LAST WEEK?

thats a terrible question; bad for corporations; i would break the law over it

Granted at the present moment, I'm so pissed in reading the content of this fascist crap, I can't really see straight.
it was a tough question; do you work an alternating shift or something?

Even though I'm required by law, I won't be completing the survey.
its not a conservative law anyway; its a liberal law; only conservative laws really count when it comes to legal obedience

They can do whatever they'd like, under the law to attempt to enforce it. I don't mind...but I'll sure as hell make a lot of frickn' noise.
just resist arrest and everyone will notice
This entire thread is ****, commies don't have any say in the governement, so its not a commie survey.
Comrade Brian said:
This entire thread is ****, commies don't have any say in the governement, so its not a commie survey.
it was a naive spelling error; it was supposed to say community survey, but it wasnt spelled right
Ima Troll said:
it was a naive spelling error; it was supposed to say community survey, but it wasnt spelled right

He did say Communist several times. And Communist and Community are quite different in spellings.
Listen the Partiot Act is the worst violation of personal rights ever. And it is a conservative law! Its was designed by a conservative president and a conservative attorney gerneral, passed by a conservitive house, and a conservative senate. Hello fellow liberals, lets get our heads out of our asses and not let another patriot act to ever pass congress again.
How do laws get labeled conservative? I bet that the Patriot Act had a lot of democrats voting for it, altho only a LARGE portion of Dems are actually liberal....
I think communism is and always will be a serious threat to all that is good. It may have changed form since the days of Lenin but it is still advocated by atheists and other people that are just so confused about what marxism really means.
Liberal Pot Smoker said:
Listen the Partiot Act is the worst violation of personal rights ever. And it is a conservative law! Its was designed by a conservative president and a conservative attorney gerneral, passed by a conservitive house, and a conservative senate. Hello fellow liberals, lets get our heads out of our asses and not let another patriot act to ever pass congress again.

No, I don't think it's a violation of personal rights. I think it is what's needed in times like these. I don't feel the least bit afraid.
Comrade Brian said:
He did say Communist several times. And Communist and Community are quite different in spellings.
i still think that hes getting them confused; he is subconsciously making several spelling errors, because he doesnt know the difference between 'community' and 'communist'; thats why there are multiple spelling errors; its all subconscious
George_Washington said:
I think communism is and always will be a serious threat to all that is good. It may have changed form since the days of Lenin but it is still advocated by atheists and other people that are just so confused about what marxism really means.
communists are atheists? the early church was composed of communists
Ima Troll said:
i still think that hes getting them confused; he is subconsciously making several spelling errors, because he doesnt know the difference between 'community' and 'communist'; thats why there are multiple spelling errors; its all subconscious

I believe he also said 'Communist piece of filth'.
George_Washington said:
I think communism is and always will be a serious threat to all that is good. It may have changed form since the days of Lenin but it is still advocated by atheists and other people that are just so confused about what marxism really means.

If communism is a threat to all that is good, then what do you percieve to be good?Most people don't know what communism is, is because most of their knowledge of it comes from the media.

Most communists are atheists, but now many(including me) want religous freedom, and religion totally seperated from government and politics.

I would say those who actually read Marx understand it better than those who draw conclusions of Marxism directly from Stalinism, Stalinists pretend to be Marxist, but what they advocate is a lot of the opposite.
Comrade Brian said:
I believe he also said 'Communist piece of filth'.
yes, i agree; his confusion runs very deep
Comrade Brian said:
If communism is a threat to all that is good, then what do you percieve to be good?Most people don't know what communism is, is because most of their knowledge of it comes from the media.

Most communists are atheists, but now many(including me) want religous freedom, and religion totally seperated from government and politics.

I would say those who actually read Marx understand it better than those who draw conclusions of Marxism directly from Stalinism, Stalinists pretend to be Marxist, but what they advocate is a lot of the opposite.

Well just a advice that you don't of course have to consider, but let this thread be about that I think is a very strange and unfree way to make surveyes they seem to have in america. And you can start a new thread about how americans sens the begining of the second war have misused the world communist. Even if I personally think it is a lost world even here in Europe, better to use the world socialist or democractic socialist, but of course depends on that you stand for.
Comrade Brian said:
If communism is a threat to all that is good, then what do you percieve to be good?Most people don't know what communism is, is because most of their knowledge of it comes from the media.

Most communists are atheists, but now many(including me) want religous freedom, and religion totally seperated from government and politics.

I would say those who actually read Marx understand it better than those who draw conclusions of Marxism directly from Stalinism, Stalinists pretend to be Marxist, but what they advocate is a lot of the opposite.

"How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin." - Ronald Reagan
George_Washington said:
"How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin." - Ronald Reagan

I have heard this quote before, and personally I think it shows how stupid Reagan was. He pretends to understand Marx and Lenin without reading them or knowing little about them.

And is that the best you can do? Throwing quotes of Reagan out. At least write more about, than quoting such a stupid thing.

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