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The Adoption Process (1 Viewer)

Nov 23, 2005
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By special request someone asked me for more stories I guess their are some people that want to hear and talk about emotions anyway. Every part of the abortion debate is very emotional. We can not change that.

Happy Story about Adoption
After losing five children we decided to adopt. We made an appointment after we lost the twins but before we lost our last little girl. I think because we wanted to try again Neal our counselor said the list was closed because there were just so many people waiting. We left very discourage. Off to see a different Doctor at a different Medical school to try again . It wasn’t long and we were back on the Roller coaster that has lasted the first 5 years of our marriage. To make a long story short we did get pregnant and again the Baby Girl Anne was born at 20 weeks She was another fighter even though the Hospital tried She was just to small her life ended about 45 minutes after she was born. My wife could not get pregnant unless she was on fertility pills (at least this is what the Doctors said) so again we called Neal from Catholic Social Services He agreed to put us on the infamous “List” but first we had forms to fill out telling our life stories. Then get reference letters. Finally a Home Study, a very careful process of checking the prospective parents out. After going through the process we were finally put on the “List”. Catholic Social services had support group meeting with parents that have already adopt. We also learned that babies are held for 3 months to make sure the Bio Mom does not change her mind after the baby is placed. We met some of these wonderful foster Moms who take care of the baby for the first 3 months. They are Saints. 5 years went by so slow Always trying to figure out where you were on the “List” we go to meetings to find out who got a baby then by knowing how long they were on the “LIST” you knew where you were. One day my wife got a call at work it was in September and it was a Friday it was Neal My wife said Oh no in disbelief. Neal said what’s wrong? I am just calling to see how you guys are doing? My wife heart sunk. But then he said because your Baby Girl is coming on Monday. My wife works for a home health care agency and all the nurses were so excited. I got the call from my wife while I was taking a test at college (I graduated at 45) The Professor told me my wife had to speak to me and said I could make up the test. I thought this is weird then she told me I think they could hear me scream in the class I am going to be a Father on Monday??? (I was little disappointed it was not a boy but that ended the minute I held her) That weekend it was putting on the finishing touches on the nursery we started almost 9 year when we first got married now the color was wrong new molding had to be installed. A Pooh Bear border had to be put up. I had to finish my kitchen project. Honey do this honey do that (It was the weekend from Hell We were both exhausted) Monday mourning came signs that we had bought so many years ago were now going to be used balloons were put up Grand parents and Aunts and Uncles assembled to witness our joy and to share in our happiness. We waited and waited. We knew the foster Mom so we called and she said Neal just left and the Baby is beautiful. So I paced outside the house holding the cordless phone just waiting finally I recognized Neal’s blue Astro van It was like the prize patrol pulling up to our house. We seen our baby girl for the first time. My wife and I were crying the baby needed to be change so Life with Meagan began the joy she has brought is immeasurable. A special gift given to us by a Woman we do not know. Our Hero she gave our daughter Life! God Bless Her!!! Now isn’t that a better story than the Horror of Abortion.

If anyone has any questions about the process I be happy to answer them Note I live in PA different states have diffent rules.
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:2party: :congrats: A very lovely story. Do you have any pictures of Meagan?
Aurora151989 said:
:2party: :congrats: A very lovely story. Do you have any pictures of Meagan?

It is not wise to post to much information on the internet. Sorry I have to keep my girls safe.
Proudly Pro Life JP Freem said:
It is not wise to post to much information on the internet. Sorry I have to keep my girls safe.

alright then, you're a good dad :)

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