nkgupta80 said:
First of all most of the examples you gave such as Bahamas and Monaco are all examples of countries that live off tourism.
Secondly I never said that bad governments aren't the problem. But corporatism and global capitalism help keep these bad governments from being fixed.
Thirdly, there are always exceptions, Venezuela being one of them. But you still neglect to explain all the other countries I talk about. India, African countries, (make up most of the third world), Brazil, Indonesia, and you leave out tons of other South American countries. The fact that colonialism existed is enough to prove that capitalism had led to some horrible stuff. Capitalism or I should rather say corporatism has played a big part in the extreme poverty of third world countries.
My good friend, history is not a conspiracy of good against evil....of those who always win and those who always lose. There are many who provide easy and absolute explanations of the world we live in. They explain everything as a class struggle and the backwardness of certain countries on capitalism.
It's good that you mention Latin America. The "intellectual" left there (whom Mario Vargas Llosa has referred to as the Perfect Latin American Idiots) has concocted a brew of Third World Thesis', nationalism, caudillismo, and populism with a good sprinkling of ideas from Perón, Castro, Ché, Sandino, and more recently....Hugo Chávez...an ex-military officer who once tried to overthrow a democratic government by force....and was punished by the Venezuelan people by being elected president. I didn't see corporatism and global capitalism voting in that election.
I didn't see corporatism and global capitalism voting in Argentina, in Bolivia and in Brazil.....all countries who recently have taken huge steps backward.
Since you mention India, I suppose we're also to blame for the billions of rats that overrun the country and eat more than 50% of their crops.....all because their religion forbids their extermination.
(If you want to find a villain, I think religion is your culprit. We could talk some more about that. )
This brew is served in bubbling pots of rhetoric to the uneducated masses. Our idiots affirm (and I say ours because I was also born and raised in Latin America) that what happens to us is never our fault. There's always someone, some company, some country responsible for our fate. We like to be inept, and it gives us a morbid pleasure to think of ourselves as victims of exploitation.
Mister Jones, who owns a lightbulb factory in Michigan is a villain responsible for the per capita of Honduras, which is only 7 thousand per year. (Notice how efficient we are at coming up with those figures.). Yes, our perfect idiot's objective in life is to destroy developed societies, not to develop backwad societies.
If services, which make up three quarters of the economy of the USA, do not use natural resources from the Third World....how could our prosperity be the result of exploitation? Do you know that everytime I call American Express, I get a service representative in India? How is American Express exploting India by outsourcing jobs to that country?
You mentioned that the Bahamas is prosperous because they have tourism. Well, Cuba is a couple of hundred times larger than the Bahamas, with hundreds of some of the most beautiful and pristine beaches in the world. Why isn't Cuba prosperous then?. Why do 30 million people flock to Florida every year which has arguably a lot less to offer in natural beauty?
Sharing the riches of the First World would be futile. It would evaporate immediately because the mere transferrence of that prosperity doesn't resolve the problem: how to create prosperity all the time.
The answer, my friend is not for us to join the Third World...it's for them to join us.