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The ‘Gendered Stink’ Doesn’t Faze Alexandria (1 Viewer)

I like Ocasio-Cortez. As the article points out Ocasio-Cortez is causing America to really consider the status quo of corpgov. How can that be a bad thing?

1. She is indirectly challenging rich, old, white guys. A strong Latina scares them. She asks pertinent questions.

2. She has bold ideas that have merit.

3. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez caught the crest of the wave in the Year of the Woman. So far she has proven to be aware of the power of media attention and she knows how to use it to promote her ideals.

4. She is a gutsy, articulate lady, proud of who she is, proud of the people she represents and proud of where she is from.

5. Ocasio-Cortez is everything Donald J Trump cannot be. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is ying to Donny Trump's tiny little yang.

Rock on, AOC. You're getting their attention and you are making many of us think. That's a good thing.
I like Ocasio-Cortez. As the article points out Ocasio-Cortez is causing America to really consider the status quo of corpgov. How can that be a bad thing?

1. She is indirectly challenging rich, old, white guys. A strong Latina scares them. She asks pertinent questions.

2. She has bold ideas that have merit.

3. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez caught the crest of the wave in the Year of the Woman. So far she has proven to be aware of the power of media attention and she knows how to use it to promote her ideals.

4. She is a gutsy, articulate lady, proud of who she is, proud of the people she represents and proud of where she is from.

5. Ocasio-Cortez is everything Donald J Trump cannot be. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is ying to Donny Trump's tiny little yang.

Rock on, AOC. You're getting their attention and you are making many of us think. That's a good thing.

One aspect of her personality in particular annoys them. She’s happy.
One aspect of her personality in particular annoys them. She’s happy.

Excellent point. Her positivity is undeniable. I’m sick of sour, jaded, old sumbitches. Who isn’t?
This gets on my nerves a little. It shouldn't. I know folks honestly believe this bs, but maybe that's what is so annoying.

AOC gets more than her share of attention and she begs for it and both sides benefit from her being picked on.

Other than the occasional idiotic tweet or extremist op ed writer, can any of you actually demonstrate that she is attacked for race or gender or appearance? I only ever see the left bring these things up in any way, including subliminally.

She has incredibly left leaning views that are very arguably socialist and no restraint. No one on the left who puts themselves on the news and social media as much as she does goes without being attacked. Care to show me the white males presenting these views with as much tv and tweet time as her that gets a pass because of their race or gender?

It's hard to take arguments seriously when you see a race or gender card played and absolutely no supporting evidence.
Salon.com playing the Sexist card. Yawn.
Salon.com playing the Sexist card. Yawn.

Conservative using cheap excuse to deny any possible existence of an "ism". Yawn.

PS: regardless of attacking the source, if one looks honestly at the way women and men politicians are treated, women really are held to a different standard. A loud aggressive male is praised. A loud aggressive female is attacked, belittled, ignored. She's "shrill", she's too cold, or she's "nasty", etc. But if you're a male, you're a "counter-puncher", you're someone who doesn't take **** lying down. Etc etc etc.

It's not even just politicians. Brett Kavanaugh gets to sit there and rant about the fact that he has to testify. Ford has to sit there and remain as impassive impossible. If she got up there screaming and yelling, whoooboy.

PSS: The source was Slate.com, not Salon.com. So get the attack-the-source move right.
This gets on my nerves a little. It shouldn't. I know folks honestly believe this bs, but maybe that's what is so annoying.

AOC gets more than her share of attention and she begs for it and both sides benefit from her being picked on.

Other than the occasional idiotic tweet or extremist op ed writer, can any of you actually demonstrate that she is attacked for race or gender or appearance? I only ever see the left bring these things up in any way, including subliminally.

She has incredibly left leaning views that are very arguably socialist and no restraint. No one on the left who puts themselves on the news and social media as much as she does goes without being attacked. Care to show me the white males presenting these views with as much tv and tweet time as her that gets a pass because of their race or gender?

It's hard to take arguments seriously when you see a race or gender card played and absolutely no supporting evidence.

It happens all the time on this board alone.

apdst said:
A life support system for a ***** is all Octavia Caesar is good for.
I'd put this with idiotic tweet category, wouldn't you? Certainly the extremist category.

I would, but nowadays all it takes is one idiotic tweet to get either side going. I remember the day everyone was sharing the "nude selfie" thing which turned out to be BS. I don't think that's ever happened to any other congressman, nor would it unless said congressman was under a certain age and female.
I would, but nowadays all it takes is one idiotic tweet to get either side going. I remember the day everyone was sharing the "nude selfie" thing which turned out to be BS. I don't think that's ever happened to any other congressman, nor would it unless said congressman was under a certain age and female.

Actually, I will give you that last point. But, the nude selfie drama was a product of the daily caller or one of those extremist sites, right? It only landed because she had already pulled in so much attention that had nothing to do with gender or race or age. She does like to make comments about sisterhood and focus on gender stuff occasionally, but otherwise, I don't see it mentioned or focused on much.

You will always have the nutjobs that will mention race or gender when they are attacking her, but that doesn't mean it's WHY they don't like her. The vast majority that have issue with her are based on policies. They would happily support a woman or minority who agreed with them.

I just get so tired of the race and gender cards being thrown around regardless of evidence.
Actually, I will give you that last point. But, the nude selfie drama was a product of the daily caller or one of those extremist sites, right? It only landed because she had already pulled in so much attention that had nothing to do with gender or race or age. She does like to make comments about sisterhood and focus on gender stuff occasionally, but otherwise, I don't see it mentioned or focused on much.

You will always have the nutjobs that will mention race or gender when they are attacking her, but that doesn't mean it's WHY they don't like her. The vast majority that have issue with her are based on policies. They would happily support a woman or minority who agreed with them.

I just get so tired of the race and gender cards being thrown around regardless of evidence.

Fair enough. I agree: Those who throw the race or gender card without a legitimate reason undermine the instances where it is actually the case.
One aspect of her personality in particular annoys them. She’s happy.

Another aspect. She's unflappable. Their criticisms of her just bounce off. They end up feeling emasculated.

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