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Thank God Donald Trump isn't president right now (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Thank God Donald Trump isn't president right now


Whatever you think of President Biden, the fact that he is sitting in the White House — and Donald Trump isn't — is the best thing the United States has going for it in this present crisis. Russia's invasion of Ukraine demands a response that is both firm and restrained, a hard balance to achieve because it requires a willingness to punish Vladimir Putin while at the same time not allowing the cycle of escalation to spin out of control. That requires a combination of good judgment and diplomatic skills to execute correctly. Biden hasn't been perfect, but so far his administration has mostly found the sweet spot. Good for him, and us. Trump, meanwhile, is out there doing what he always does: Saying provocative, dangerous stuff. Here he is on Saturday night, speaking to Republican donors in New Orleans: Maybe he was joking. But presidents, and those who aspire to the presidency, don't have the luxury of frivolity in matters of war and peace. Over the last few weeks, Trump has reminded us of three characteristics that make him unsuitable for national leadership during wartime:

He's erratic. In the span of just a few days, the former president has gone from praising Putin's designs on Ukraine as an act of "genius" to musing about the possibility of secretly starting a war with the Russians. Bill Barr says in his new book that Trump told him the secret to a good tweet was "just the right amount of crazy." Biden has contained the crisis with Russia largely by making sure Putin doesn't have to guess about his intentions. He's surrounded by the wrong people. Trump's former secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, has gone in a few days from praising Putin as a "capable statesman". Trump sidekick Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) tweeted last week about assassinating Putin. He's got that weird relationship with Putin. You don't have to believe in "collusion" to note this. who can forget the 2018 Helsinki summit, where Trump sided with Putin against his own intelligence agencies about Russia's meddling in the presidential election? Finally, there's the nuclear question. Not just because Trump is so given to unpredictable impulses, but also because Putin — who has been happy to raise the specter of Armageddon over the last few weeks — might find his own trigger finger made more itchy by Trump's less-than-steady behavior. For the sake of all humanity, the situation calls for more cool heads rather than fewer, and that's just not what Trump brings to the table. Thank God he's not president right now.

Tump would have invited his pal Putin to also take Poland and the Baltic States.
Trump was an embarrassment and insult to America and the ideals of democracy and enlightenment. Let’s hope it was just a temporary setback and America can go back to being a brave defender of the ideals of freedom, democracy, human dignity, and human rights around the world.
You read what the war criminal John Bolton said about Trump and Putin?
If you take anything that Bolton says about Trump to the bank...it'll bounce.

(I know you are from Denmark. I hope you understand the reference. If not, do a search on "take it to the bank".)
Trump was an embarrassment and insult to America and the ideals of democracy and enlightenment. Let’s hope it was just a temporary setback and America can go back to being a brave defender of the ideals of freedom, democracy, human dignity, and human rights around the world.
It won't be easy with people like this floating around America.

Donald Trump is so stupid he'd probably have the Russians negotiating the Iranian nuke deal on our behalf.

Hell I'll even bet Orange Man Bad would probably still be buying oil from Putin
With respect, your view of this is well within the bounds of insanity.

With Trump, no Russian invasion anywhere.

Without Trump and with any other US President in the 21st Century, Russian invasions occur.

and let us not forget the events in hong kong or whats been happening out by taiwan.
It won't be easy with people like this floating around America.

View attachment 67378660

LOL ... get a good laugh every time I see those two filthy "deplorables".

And they're poster boys for the tens of millions of "poorly educated" rubes in bush counties all over the country.

As their fat cult leader once said … filthy republican politicians "love the poorly educated"...
Oh. Is that why one of the first things Trump did as President was to make a deal to sell LNG to Poland...taking their business away from Russia?

Jesus...just stop making shit up already.

He didn't make the deal. He supported the deal.
If you take anything that Bolton says about Trump to the bank...it'll bounce.

(I know you are from Denmark. I hope you understand the reference. If not, do a search on "take it to the bank".)
Oh I don't disagree... Bolton is scum, but in this case his words have some logic behind them. Trump was pushing to leave NATO.
The thing about that title is that it's true at every point in spacetime at which Trump is not president.
ukranian invasions under biden:1 ukranian invasions under trump :zero .point.zero
I see the commies are having another TDS moment with this.
Let me remind you. Trump wanted to get the NATO countries to spend MORE on defense. Not less.
You need to rethink that talking point.
I see the commies are having another TDS moment with this.
Let me remind you. Trump wanted to get the NATO countries to spend MORE on defense. Not less.
You need to rethink that talking point.
Trump and Pompeo's comments of "genius" and admiration haven't aged well, considering Putin is murdering civilians (including girls in wheelchairs) and those comments are only weeks old!
Trump and Pompeo's comments of "genius" and admiration haven't aged well, considering Putin is murdering civilians (including girls in wheelchairs) and those comments are only weeks old!

It was a negotiation technique. Our current senile scarecrow is incapable of any sort of strategy in that area. I hope his underlings are better than he is.

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