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Texas woman, 26, charged with murder for self-induced abortion (1 Viewer)

Any comments?
The misogynist minions of the anti-choice movement suffer from a sickness in the head. By itself, just the arrogance of assuming that they are fit to judge anyone else's life, is a grotesque psychopathology. They should seek help.
At least she's been bailed out. Half a mil for doing something which is not illegal.
And the inevitable comes to pass.

Even the article admits this is a bogus charge.

Texas law exempts Herrera from a criminal homicide charge for aborting her own pregnancy, University of Texas law professor Stephen Vladeck said.​
Homicide “doesn’t apply to the murder of an unborn child if the conduct charged is ‘conduct committed by the mother of the unborn child’,” Vladeck said.​

So traumatic for this woman :( but she's got an excellent case to take to the federal level. I hope she takes this all the way.
Even the article admits this is a bogus charge.

Texas law exempts Herrera from a criminal homicide charge for aborting her own pregnancy, University of Texas law professor Stephen Vladeck said.​
Homicide “doesn’t apply to the murder of an unborn child if the conduct charged is ‘conduct committed by the mother of the unborn child’,” Vladeck said.​

So traumatic for this woman :( but she's got an excellent case to take to the federal level. I hope she takes this all the way.

Maybe. A couple of lines up in the article:

It was unclear whether Lizelle Herrera was accused of having an abortion or whether she helped someone else get an abortion.​
Even the article admits this is a bogus charge.

Texas law exempts Herrera from a criminal homicide charge for aborting her own pregnancy, University of Texas law professor Stephen Vladeck said.​
Homicide “doesn’t apply to the murder of an unborn child if the conduct charged is ‘conduct committed by the mother of the unborn child’,” Vladeck said.​

So traumatic for this woman :( but she's got an excellent case to take to the federal level. I hope she takes this all the way.
The DA dismissed the murder charge.
Maybe. A couple of lines up in the article:

It was unclear whether Lizelle Herrera was accused of having an abortion or whether she helped someone else get an abortion.​
Actually, in some other articles about this, it says she went to the hospital after having a miscarriage and told her doctors something and was then reported to the government. There goes medical privacy.
Actually, in some other articles about this, it says she went to the hospital after having a miscarriage and told her doctors something and was then reported to the government. There goes medical privacy.
Thanks for the follow- up :)
Any comments?
Actually, in some other articles about this, it says she went to the hospital after having a miscarriage and told her doctors something and was then reported to the government. There goes medical privacy.
Somehow, I doubt this will be an isolated case.
She was indicted by a grand jury. The DA has some explaining to do..


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