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Texas has spent billions of dollars on border security. But what taxpayers got in return is a mystery. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 15, 2019
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Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
You would think after almost 20 years and billions of dollars spent, the GQP would have something to show for all this money spent.


Here's what the citizens of texas are getting, we're owning the libs, at our expense. That's what I call superior tactics.
From what I hear 10's of thousands of illegals are still walking freely over the open border - and given a free phone.

And why should Abbott really stop that - he gets more money in the budget and excellent 'scary' campaign material while still being able to point the ultimate blame on the Feds when he still can't control it.
You would think after almost 20 years and billions of dollars spent, the GQP would have something to show for all this money spent.

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Considering he {and other republicans) are still screeching about how many "illegals' are crossing the border every day it looks like you got nothing. It seems to have been totally ineffectual.
Considering he {and other republicans) are still screeching about how many "illegals' are crossing the border every day it looks like you got nothing. It seems to have been totally ineffectual.

That seems to be the case... Twenty years and billions of dollars later....
How much money has Texas fined Texas companies for employing illegal?
Ted Cruz is using it to fly to Cancun.
This plan was "genius".
Most people coming here illegally aren't crossing the border, they're overstaying their visas. But, whatever.
Just think how many free bus rides that Texas could give people with that money.

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