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Texas Guardsmen on border start unionizing to combat difficult conditions (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 15, 2019
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
This is going to complicate things for Abbott..

In the wake of a Justice Department filing declaring that National Guard troops can form and join unions while serving on state active duty orders, a growing number of Texas troops assigned to the U.S.-Mexico border for Operation Lone Star have organized under an existing public sector union.

The first meeting of the Texas State Employees Union’s Military Caucus, which consists of troops on state active duty orders assigned to the border, is scheduled for next week, according to a soldier leading organizing efforts. The soldier requested anonymity due to fear of retaliation from Texas Military Department leadership ahead of the meeting.

Damn, you know things are bad when members of the National Guard want to form a union.
Crap! What kind of people are they signing up? Where's the training?

It’s a complete cluster.. screwed up pay (some soldiers going months without pay), really crappy living conditions and very little to actually do..

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