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Terrorists always recieve liberal media sympathy! (1 Viewer)

Stu Ghatze

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
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The on going media story of American soldiers "burning" the dead bodies for hygienic reasons,... of the Taliban, is helping to give aid & moral comfort to the terror enemy.

Perhaps the liberal media feels American soldiers should give the bastard enemy terrorists a gravesite candle light service instead, ..for those that practice beheadings, & dismemberment, or perhaps the dragging around of the corpes as was done to American soldiers in Mogadishu, ..after they recieved their ritual hacking to death first?

The liberal media is nothing short of scandalous,& out of control in its attempt to court sympathy for a terrorist enemy that lives by bombing its victims into millions of pieces, & despises true freely elected governments!

The american people should be outraged at this filthy liberal media;.. who since the Viet-Nam era REFUSES to discern who the real enemy of mankind really is in its liberal idelogical twisted concept of fairness.

Those same liberal infected traitors that sit in the senate, disguised as democratic senators who EVEN opined that our American soldiers were as bad as the Taliban, & that terrorists should be GRANTED constitutional rights should be jailed for treason, ..or at the very least incarcerated for giving aid, & sympathy to the terror enemy!

This liberal media has done so much harm to America as a nation, our society, our public schools, & even our constitution by its false re-interpretation, & its war on traditional religion in America ...YET, it loves to uplift the terrorists religion of Islam, &..be sensitive to their religious belief system & customs.

The American mainstream media has NO moral objectivity, & has made itself into nothing but a Godless moral relativist organization,...if not an anti-American one,...who can be grateful this is not another time, or era whereas they would have faced the wrath of the American citizens, & the American government for treason, & propaganda meant ONLY to aid American adversaries in a time of war!

Perhaps by the media's ignorant journalistic feeding, & support of our adversaries, one day their lust to ALWAYS assist the enemy, ..the hand of fate may step in, & a Godless new government may be imposed to which the media will LOSE all its rights by a "foreign" enemy that will not even have to fire a shot to multi-culturalize, or islamicize & defeat the American government, & the American way of life.

Going to the gallows, or the chopping block might actually be a rewarding experience, ...as long as knowing the poor miserable unfortunate bastard next to me represents a member of the liberal media that awaits the same fate!

A far fetched thought..? Who would have thought the mainstream media would have ever recognized a terror supporting news organization such as; "Al-Jazeera", or looked at them as respectable legitimate contemporaries? :shock:
Stu Ghatze said:
Those same liberal infected traitors that sit in the senate, disguised as democratic senators who EVEN opined that our American soldiers were as bad as the Taliban, & that terrorists should be GRANTED constitutional rights should be jailed for treason, ..or at the very least incarcerated for giving aid, & sympathy to the terror enemy!
At least you're forthright in your calls to have your fellow Americans incarcerated for their political views. I'll give you credit for that. At least your honest about your un-American longings.

Stu Ghatze said:
Going to the gallows, or the chopping block might actually be a rewarding experience, ...as long as knowing the poor miserable unfortunate bastard next to me represents a member of the liberal media that awaits the same fate!
Should we round them up and send them to re-education camps first? Or is summary execution of your perceived political opponents a better option?
Simon W. Moon said:
At least you're forthright in your calls to have your fellow Americans incarcerated for their political views. I'll give you credit for that. At least your honest about your un-American longings.

Should we round them up and send them to re-education camps first? Or is summary execution of your perceived political opponents a better option?

Struck a nerve chord huh, ..you know TOO what I posted is exactly right in regards to liberal media behavior!

Of course its best to portray the person saying it as a nazi,.. or intollerant etc, right? ;)

Naturally additional american deaths as a result of the filthy media's lust to give aid, & moral support to the enemy do not concern you.

In answering your last question, ...maybe we should have an independent prosecutor, & grand jury question the liberal medias motives, or have them try to "remember" every word they ever spoke, in like fashion of Fitzgerald, ..& then see if there is sufficient evidence to indict for treason!:smile:
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This is why the conflict continues. Any attempt (by either side) to actually understand where the opposing hostility comes from is labeled as treason or heresy by the extreme elements of society.
Stu Ghatze said:
Struck a nerve chord huh, ..you know TOO what I posted is exactly right in regards to liberal media behavior!
Actually, no to both. I was remarking on your expressed desires.

Stu Ghatze said:
Of course its best to portray the person saying it as a nazi,.. or intollerant etc, right?
Well, I, at least, didn't compare you to a nazi. As to the intolerance part, well, personally, I think 'intolerance' is a bit weak of a word for someone who calls for his perceived political oppnents to be incarcerated for their political beliefs.

I can understand why you might wish to portray your criminalization of politics as mere intolerance though. Somewhat more palatable package that way I suppose.

Stu Ghatze said:
Naturally additional american deaths as a result of the filthy media's lust to give aid, & moral support to the enemy do not concern you.
That is a factually inaccurate statement. If you find comfort of some sort in believing this, I expect there won't be any persuading you otherwise.
Binary_Digit said:
This is why the conflict continues. Any attempt (by either side) to actually understand where the opposing hostility comes from is labeled as treason or heresy by the extreme elements of society.

Not so. It is PRECISELY because of modern liberalism in believing "falsely" that rights issues give the media a free pass to say, or write any damn thing it pleases whenever it feels like it, without regard to future consequences, or journalistic responsibility, or even national security!

And what does this media do with its freedoms? It distorts, & spews anti-American propaganda, ..at the behest of its ideologically twisted bed fellows; the "democrats" in its disingenuine effort to change presidential policies, & to undermine the president. (Generally ALWAYS a republican president at that)

Amazing, generations ago EVERYBODY knew, & understood what treason, & what giving the enemy aid & comfort meant.

Not co-incidently, most Americans also knew what "obscenity" was as well, & it was easily defined except by the same filthy liberal supreme court judges who also had a hand in killing off any, & all mention in the very name of God that has now turned our nation into a secularist state, helped to slaughter the growing child within the womb by defining them as non-persons, advancing immoral perverse behavior of homosexualism by turning them into a victim group, ..& probably the most disgusting of all, ..is the ACLU's defense of the man/boy love organization NAMBLA; which is nothing short of the sexual exploitation, & assault of young pubiscent boys!

This has been the so called "moral" beacon of American liberalism that can find no shame whatsoever in whom, & what it spends it entire life cycle promoting, & defending, ..not to which supporting their own country when at a time of war is EVER practiced.
I assume that you believe that the United States is always right in what it does, and that attacking the political, religious, and moral beliefs of these so called "terrorists" is ok. I believe that blaming liberals for voicing their opinions on the matter is just wrong, because its violated their freedom of speech, and is counterproductive, because if we dont' work together, how are we going to solve anything?

Use your mind and conscience before you speak.
I dont suppose anyone here has ever heard of a .....Mr. McCarthy
I've heard of McCarthy. There was actually a movie just released about him. . .well more about this guy Murrow but whatever. ITs called Good Night and Good luck. Its very very very good.
This new hatred of liberals can be greatly associated with McCarthyism. Very clever of you to point it out.
This diatribe sounds like something off of the O'Liely Factor talking points.

Not so. It is PRECISELY because of modern liberalism in believing "falsely" that rights issues give the media a free pass to say, or write any damn thing it pleases whenever it feels like it, without regard to future consequences, or journalistic responsibility, or even national security!

Obviously, the policies of the bush administration serve only to **** others off thus inreasing net negative consequences for Americans. Pointing out these mistakes does not constitute "unamerican" activities or hateful "liberalism."

Rights do give the media the ability to say what they wish; Faux news sure does. Nothing's false. This entire concept of the "liberal media bias' is nonsensical in the first place. It's a boogey man made up by right-wingers so they can slander everyone else but fox news.
Stu Ghatze said:
The on going media story of American soldiers "burning" the dead bodies for hygienic reasons,... of the Taliban, is helping to give aid & moral comfort to the terror enemy.

Perhaps the liberal media feels American soldiers should give the bastard enemy terrorists a gravesite candle light service instead, ..for those that practice beheadings, & dismemberment, or perhaps the dragging around of the corpes as was done to American soldiers in Mogadishu, ..after they recieved their ritual hacking to death first?

The liberal media is nothing short of scandalous,& out of control in its attempt to court sympathy for a terrorist enemy that lives by bombing its victims into millions of pieces, & despises true freely elected governments!

The american people should be outraged at this filthy liberal media;.. who since the Viet-Nam era REFUSES to discern who the real enemy of mankind really is in its liberal idelogical twisted concept of fairness.

Those same liberal infected traitors that sit in the senate, disguised as democratic senators who EVEN opined that our American soldiers were as bad as the Taliban, & that terrorists should be GRANTED constitutional rights should be jailed for treason, ..or at the very least incarcerated for giving aid, & sympathy to the terror enemy!

This liberal media has done so much harm to America as a nation, our society, our public schools, & even our constitution by its false re-interpretation, & its war on traditional religion in America ...YET, it loves to uplift the terrorists religion of Islam, &..be sensitive to their religious belief system & customs.

The American mainstream media has NO moral objectivity, & has made itself into nothing but a Godless moral relativist organization,...if not an anti-American one,...who can be grateful this is not another time, or era whereas they would have faced the wrath of the American citizens, & the American government for treason, & propaganda meant ONLY to aid American adversaries in a time of war!

Perhaps by the media's ignorant journalistic feeding, & support of our adversaries, one day their lust to ALWAYS assist the enemy, ..the hand of fate may step in, & a Godless new government may be imposed to which the media will LOSE all its rights by a "foreign" enemy that will not even have to fire a shot to multi-culturalize, or islamicize & defeat the American government, & the American way of life.

Going to the gallows, or the chopping block might actually be a rewarding experience, ...as long as knowing the poor miserable unfortunate bastard next to me represents a member of the liberal media that awaits the same fate!

A far fetched thought..? Who would have thought the mainstream media would have ever recognized a terror supporting news organization such as; "Al-Jazeera", or looked at them as respectable legitimate contemporaries? :shock:

this is the biggest bunch of plain f___ki_g lies I have yet read in here. your conclulsions are pure BS

Why do some Neo conservatives hate Americans so much?
tecoyah said:
I dont suppose anyone here has ever heard of a .....Mr. McCarthy

You can suppose all you want about McCarthy. Yes..it is true that he exaggerated his accusations, & went down a very slippery slope accusing many americans of being communists who probably were not..

Know what, ..he WAS right about so called communists, & sympathizers that did worm their way into high governmental positions within the American government, ..& that is NO secret whatsoever!

You also may not know that Joe McCarthy also had two young understudy's working for him in investigating the communists who WERE definitley plying their subversion in America, & one of McCarthy's aids was a young Bobby Kennedy; & he certainly did not believe McCarthy was as full of shyte as you do.

McCarthy was destroyed, & villified by the liberal media, ..but he was VERY correct about subversives being employed within the U.S. government, & at the very least one WAS SUCCESSFULLY prosecuted by another man you probably love to hate, in the young prosecutor Richard Nixon who was successful at helping to prosecute Alger Hiss, ..a state dept official appointed by FDR !

Hiss lied about saying he never knew who Whittaker Chambers was, when in fact he was probably in cahoots with Chamber's in supplying the then young Soviet government with damaging security documents, ..& some even hint that Hiss was a closet homosexual, ..which is not paramount to his case but probably got him into the fine art of being a spy for the soviet union, as they used homosexuals, loose women, ..& even money to subvert their "new" subjects to lure them in.

You probably even "doubt" the fact that wre "thousands" of german agents within the Unites States from the late 30's to the 40's as agents of Nazi Germany posing as common immigrants but employed in many sensitive areas, ..& even sabotuers.

But America had more common sense back then, ..they rounded the bastards up, & prosecuted them; ..they were not concerned about giving them constitutional rights as some of the whacko leading democratic senators would today, ..& they damn sure did not attempt to make them look like victims either, ..as the g-damn mainstream media does today!:smile:
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Stu Ghatze said:
You can suppose all you want about McCarthy. Yes..it is true that he exaggerated his accusations, & went down a very slippery slope accusing many americans of being communists who probably were not..

Know what, ..he WAS right about so called communists, & sympathizers that did worm their way into high governmental positions within the American government, ..& that is NO secret whatsoever!

You also may not know that Joe McCarthy also had two young understudy's working for him in investigating the communists who WERE definitley plying their subversion in America, & one of McCarthy's aids was a young Bobby Kennedy; & he certainly did not believe McCarthy was as full of shyte as you do.

McCarthy was destroyed, & villified by the liberal media, ..but he was VERY correct about subversives being employed within the U.S. government, & at the very least one WAS SUCCESSFULLY prosecuted by another man you probably love to hate, in the young prosecutor Richard Nixon who was successful at helping to prosecute Alger Hiss, ..a state dept official appointed by FDR !

Hiss lied about saying he never knew who Whittaker Chambers was, when in fact he was probably in cahoots with Chamber's in supplying the then young Soviet government with damaging security documents, ..& some even hint that Hiss was a closet homosexual, ..which is not paramount to his case but probably got him into the fine art of being a spy for the soviet union, as they used homosexuals, loose women, ..& even money to subvert their "new" subjects to lure them in.

You probably even "doubt" the fact that wre "thousands" of german agents within the Unites States from the late 30's to the 40's as agents of Nazi Germany posing as common immigrants but employed in many sensitive areas, ..& even sabotuers.

But America had more common sense back then, ..they rounded the bastards up, & prosecuted them; ..they were not concerned about giving them constitutional rights as some of the whacko leading democratic senators would today, ..& they damn sure did not attempt to make them look like victims either, ..as the g-damn mainstream media does today!:smile:

Here's being independant heres you

Thats right. You're spewing facts, with BS strewn in it.
Polish Rob said:
Here's being independant heres you

Thats right. You're spewing facts, with BS strewn in it.

Your damn right what I said was factual. You liberals love to edify your own thoughts about "McCarthyism", ..when in fact MUCH of what he did say; "WAS TRUE"!

Never mind that McCArthyISM now means bullcrap, & witch hunts. You might want to tell the FBI they were looking for "phantoms" when there WAS massive sabotage', & communist subversive activity going on right in America, & EVEN AT SUCH SITES AS WHERE THE ATOMIC BOMB SECRETS WERE STOLEN FROM BY SOVIET AGENTS, & THEIR IDEOLOGICALLY TWISTED THINKING SYMPATHIZERS!

The Soviet Union's success of gathering Atomic bomb secrets that enabled them to construct their own atomic program was NO phantom because of subversives, spies, sympathizers & so called "diplomats" who had access to state dept. officials WAS the message of Joe McCarthy.

The idiots DUPED were the liberally challenged, ..& MUCH of the media that helped to destroy McCarthy.

Washington WAS a breeding ground for subversive communist activity, some by sheer stupidity in their zeal to make friends with a murderous communist State's ideology, & by others who WERE subversives!

In truth, McCarthy WAS right, there were communist sympathizers, & subversives who had ACCESS to state dept officals, & their were even communist writers, & directors in hollywood ALL propagandizing "communism" to help make it look politically palpable, & non threatening so America could provide the rope for its own lynching!

Ahh, so now the word "McCarthyISM" is left to our posterior by the liberals who helped destroy his name,& his message! I love it, ..one would think the liberals have a patent on all the "ism's", huh huh! :2razz:

So...when liberals are confronted with those who oppose their belief system, .."EVERYBODY" is now treated with the descriptive term of being a "McCarthyite", or engaging in "McCArthyISM"!

How novel that really is, ...& how so very liberal! Huh huh:lol:

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