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terror attack question (1 Viewer)


British, Irish and everything in-between.
DP Veteran
Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland
Political Leaning
This is a curious question that my friends were discussing.

Just say next week there was another terrorist attack on American, just as bad or as worst than 9/11. Thousands of Americans dead.

Would you demand for the resignation of Bush, Cheney etc? Or would you stand by the government and unite behind the president to defend and support the country? Or maybe react somewhat differently?

Just interested.
GarzaUK said:
This is a curious question that my friends were discussing.

Just say next week there was another terrorist attack on American, just as bad or as worst than 9/11. Thousands of Americans dead.

Would you demand for the resignation of Bush, Cheney etc? Or would you stand by the government and unite behind the president to defend and support the country? Or maybe react somewhat differently?

Just interested.

Marshal law would probably come into effect. It came close after 911.

I would stand by my President and sign up if they would let me.
GarzaUK said:
This is a curious question that my friends were discussing.
Would you demand for the resignation of Bush, Cheney etc? Just interested.

Regardless of the circumstances, I'm sure you would demand it. With your bias of OUR president, this question is completely loaded.
Batman said:
Regardless of the circumstances, I'm sure you would demand it. With your bias of OUR president, this question is completely loaded.

I don't think it's a loaded question at all. And I think history shows that whenever anything like this happens people rally behind their leaders. The vacuum created by an instant enemy creates an opprotunity for the leader. Bush's numbers were dreadful prior to 9-11 and the day after were something like 94% approval. I remember thinking "who the heck are these 6%?" Same thing happend in the UK prior to WWII Churchill's popularity sucked. He's often been quoted as saying "Hitler saved my political career." He might well be right. Who knows maybe Bush owes Osama?
I'm not much for Bush's policies, but... unless he (et al) were complicit in the terrorist activities (which 99.99% wouldn't be the case), I don't see what would be accomplished by his resignation. Unfortunately, that would give a sign to whatever group of folks that caused the attack. The sign might as well say "do what you want, kill whom you please, and we'll change our leadership". It goes back to the Reagan-era meme "we do not negotiate with terrorists". Negotiation would only encourage further actions.
shuamort said:
The sign might as well say "do what you want, kill whom you please, and we'll change our leadership".

Spain is the perfect example of that.
Batman said:
Regardless of the circumstances, I'm sure you would demand it. With your bias of OUR president, this question is completely loaded.

I can't demand it - I'm a poor foreigner :D . The question was not meant to be loaded batman, I was just curious about what answers you Americans might give - there was no wrong or right answer.

Me and my mates had this discussion and we were split, I said that Americans would rally behind the President, others said that Americans would see it that Bush had failed protecting them.

This may surprise you Batman but I don't hate Bush. I don't hate, it's not my way.
GarzaUK said:
This may surprise you Batman but I don't hate Bush. I don't hate, it's not my way.

I'm sorry. The He forgot Poland - YES! at the end of ALL of your posts kind of threw me off. If hate is not your way, it appears mocking is.
LOL, yeah I am a mocker (I even mock myself), but come on it's vintage Bush "He forgot Poland" lol classic. The same website has a funny pic of Kerry throwing a football through his own legs, funny. You have to laugh a politicans some of the time batman, if they were meant to be taken seriously they wouldn't have such Clarke Kent hair cuts.
GarzaUK said:
LOL, yeah I am a mocker (I even mock myself), but come on it's vintage Bush "He forgot Poland" lol classic. The same website has a funny pic of Kerry throwing a football through his own legs, funny. You have to laugh a politicans some of the time batman, if they were meant to be taken seriously they wouldn't have such Clarke Kent hair cuts.

LOL. Clark Kent - talk about transformations! You sure have done one. :D

I'm glad you have Old Glory waving and Lee Greenwood playing in the background now. LOL :razz:
WMD"S ???? UM'GAL"A-UM'GAL'A Re: terror attack question

My fellow debate memembers TERROR?? ,WMD'S ??

I ask my self if the terrorest really wanted to get US what's really stoping them ??


I'M sure anyone of US who was good in high school cemestry can find 1000's of BOMBS right here in our back yard !.

Every day of the week Iin every city & town acooss AMERICA you can see TRUCK CARRYING COMMPRESSED LQUIED NATURAL GAS


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