DP Veteran
Do you think Congress acted appropriately when it involved itself in the Terri Schiavo issue?
ShamMol said:I don't think so, this was clearly a state issue and the federal government shouldn't have stepped in to try and affect the situation. On the flip side, they didn't dictate how the court should rule, so point goes to them for that...but still a state issue..
Squawker said:I think it was more of a symbolic gesture to make their constituents happy. I don't believe they really thought their action would have any impact on the court. We might see future legislation resulting from this case, but it would have be on a broader scale.
pwo said:I stand alone and say yes, they did the right thing.
Ether way, it is sad. I think congress knew that nothing could be done, but they went out on a limb. I comend congress for acting with their heart for once. I don't, however, blame the courts for the way they acted. Legally, nothing could be done to save her. But, I smell a rat, I don't know if her husband is honest. I would encourage all here to tell their loved ones, their wishes if a tragic event occurs in their lives.
Batman said:You don't stand alone pwo. I think congress did the right thing too.
Death row inmates have rights to appeal to Federal courts and even up to the Supreme Court. This bill gave the family the opportunity to have the Federal courts review all the evidence again. The bill did not guarantee anything.
If this is a "state issue" stop appeals to the Supreme Court the night someone is to get executed in Texas.
I like what Bill Kristol had to say - The Supreme Court decided 17 year old mass murderers should get life, they decided Terri should get death (by refusing case).
I hope you're not saying THE reason why the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that murderers under the age of 18 should not get the death penalty IS because advocates had the right to appeal to the Supreme Court.ShamMol said:The reason that they decided that the murders who are underage should not be executed is because after it is appealed all the way to the states' supreme courts it then can go to the supreme court of the us.
Hey man! Good thing the rep system got turned off - someone might have given you some "bad rep" for that.RightatNYU said:The juvenile death penalty case is ridiculous.
It's not saying that people under 18 should not be killed because that is inhumane, it is saying that crimes committed while under 18, regardless of how old the person is now, cannot be punished that way because people under 18 are not developed enough to be held responsible for their actions.
Yet, in many states, these "undeveloped juveniles" are deemed responsible enough to decide whether or not they should abort their child...
Batman said:Hey man! Good thing the rep system got turned off - someone might have given you some "bad rep" for that.
But I'm here to publicly say "This post is good and has excellent points" RightatNYU.
(See how easy it is.)
Pacridge said:I'm not even sure I see it as a State matter. I see it as a family matter. Though I suppose when the family disagreed on how to handle the situation, it did then become a court matter and then a State matter. But I never understood how it became a federal matter. I personally would much rather have my wife speak for me then my parents.
Squawker said:Sorry to interrupt you two, but the most disgusting thing I saw concerning this case was when the protesters brought retarded people in to be exposed to the public. There was one shot of a woman who looked terrified, and started to suck her thumb. They didn't know why they were there or what was going on. That was just cruel, IMO.
Pacridge said:Do you think Congress acted appropriately when it involved itself in the Terri Schiavo issue?
Squawker said:This became a bit too personal, so I moved some of the posts to the Basement. Keep it civil please. Posters who enter the Basement should do so at their own risk. Do not complain if you are offended.The wine is for Moderators and Administrators only so keep ya mitts off it. Cheese is available, however you must raid the mouse traps.
batman said:Third, "you have my full...and you know"
I know what you are and what you want. The answer is no. Stay off my website and never make remarks directed to my 14 year old son like that again.
No wonder why someone has to start a thread to tell you what you have to j*ck off to
We can’t argue with that or what you said Hoot. The problem is the parents have presented a different view that some people believe. Some of the people protesting are doing so in good faith because they believe in the sanctity of life. The right wing isn’t acting any different than the left wing when they protest.Well...if you had a dog...that couldn't drink water, or feed itself...or get up and go outside to do it's business, and did not respond to outside stimulus, 99.9% of dog owners would mercifully put that dog to "sleep."
Well said. Get a bunch of people together on a single idea and craziness insues. Add a camera and some news reporters and insanity prevails every time.Squawker said:The right wing isn’t acting any different than the left wing when they protest.