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Tennessee governor vetoes law christening Bible as official book (1 Viewer)

I wouldn't have survived a first amendment challenge anyway, this whole bill was a completely pointless waste of money and time.
Probably the right choice, it was a nonsensical and unnecessary bill in the first place.
I wouldn't have survived a first amendment challenge anyway, this whole bill was a completely pointless waste of money and time.

Makes you wonder if these southern state legislatures have nothing better to do.
Makes you wonder if these southern state legislatures have nothing better to do.

They have plenty better things to do, they just don't care and would prefer to bleat uselessly.
Maybe they looked at the North Carolina bathroom fiasco, and got wise.

Good job by the Tennessee governor. This bill violates the secular principles that our nation was founded on.

I agree - was pretty sure he'd veto it, but now it's going to have to survive an effort already filed to override the veto. It only takes a bare majority in TN, but in most cases after a veto, enough votes switch sides to allow it to stand. We'll see next week when the legislature reconvenes.
Maybe they looked at the North Carolina bathroom fiasco, and got wise.

I think that's part of it. We have a similar 'bathroom' bill being considered but so far it looks like that will be allowed to die in committee. The people who matter put a 'fiscal note' on that bill (loss of government grants) which makes bills much harder to pass. It's (hopefully) a signal they're looking for a way to let it fail.
I agree - was pretty sure he'd veto it, but now it's going to have to survive an effort already filed to override the veto. It only takes a bare majority in TN, but in most cases after a veto, enough votes switch sides to allow it to stand. We'll see next week when the legislature reconvenes.
To the bolded:

Wow, now isn't that interesting!

So it would seem the TN Constitution strongly supports the legislature (i.e. 'the people') over the governor (i.e, the administrator).
I agree - was pretty sure he'd veto it, but now it's going to have to survive an effort already filed to override the veto. It only takes a bare majority in TN, but in most cases after a veto, enough votes switch sides to allow it to stand. We'll see next week when the legislature reconvenes.

What a total waste of taxpayer $$. Like someone else posted...dont they have more important duties on behalf of the state?
To the bolded:

Wow, now isn't that interesting!

So it would seem the TN Constitution strongly supports the legislature (i.e. 'the people') over the governor (i.e, the administrator).

That's a good point - haven't thought about it that way. It honestly doesn't come up very often. Even our last democratic Governor vetoed very few bills and this is only Haslam's 4th as I recall in 6 years.

The paper says the sponsors have an unnamed poll that shows more than 60% support (doesn't surprise me really) but some big hitters in the business community have lined up against both the bathroom bill and this "official book" nonsense. So I'm guessing it doesn't get through - maybe just enough will be busy doing something else during that vote....
The TN legislature wants a theocracy, eh?
That's a good point - haven't thought about it that way. It honestly doesn't come up very often. Even our last democratic Governor vetoed very few bills and this is only Haslam's 4th as I recall in 6 years.

The paper says the sponsors have an unnamed poll that shows more than 60% support (doesn't surprise me really) but some big hitters in the business community have lined up against both the bathroom bill and this "official book" nonsense. So I'm guessing it doesn't get through - maybe just enough will be busy doing something else during that vote....
Actually, my comment of the 'legislature representing the people' was a bit theoretical and idealistic; we'd have to see who the legislators' real-life constituents are, and I suspect monied interests may often enough over-ride the citizenry.

So I suspect you're right: Businesses complained, and the government is acting in their interests.
What a total waste of taxpayer $$. Like someone else posted...dont they have more important duties on behalf of the state?

You mean like healthcare for the uninsured? For that important issue they just took a big step forward and voted to appoint a task force to look into the Obamacare alternative, so they're on the ball! :roll:

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