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Tennesseans and the wall on their southern border... (1 Viewer)

Oh no, the missalabamians are coming.
Ok, so you are not able to read into the statement and come up with what she is saying. Too much like Joe Biden you are.
Good point. Because we know folks like you are dead set against every trying to take someone's words out of context in order to slam them. Kudos. Please pass it along to the rest of the right wingers.
Ok, so you are not able to read into the statement and come up with what she is saying. Too much like Joe Biden you are.
Things you could have done:
  • Laughed it off in good humor
  • LOL'd but also seriously stated that TN should have a more savvy conservative representative for the state of TN
  • Ignored the thread
What you instead chose to do:
  • Rose to Blackburn's defense with a "Covfefe actually means something, Trump plays 5D chess!"-esque narrative
  • Tried and failed to tangent the topic to a Biden attack, as if you're some 3rd rate Kellyanne Conway
You pick weird hills to die for.
Sometimes tweets are just too funny not to share...

I mean, obviously she meant the southern border of the united states, but I'm still going to take the small amusement and run into the sunset with it, giggling.
Things you could have done:
  • Laughed it off in good humor
  • LOL'd but also seriously stated that TN should have a more savvy conservative representative for the state of TN
  • Ignored the thread
What you instead chose to do:
  • Rose to Blackburn's defense with a "Covfefe actually means something, Trump plays 5D chess!"-esque narrative
  • Tried and failed to tangent the topic to a Biden attack, as if you're some 3rd rate Kellyanne Conway
You pick weird hills to die for.
Things you could've done:
  • Recognized the thread is not in the lighter side forum so it was an obvious partisan swipe at a politician.
  • Acknowledge the person you responded to was correct.
  • Ignored the thread.
What you instead chose to do:
  • Flaccidly attempted to defend the OP and the original response in it.
  • Whine
He didn't die on the hill. He's still there. You charged up where he was standing and took a bayonet to the face.
Stupid idiots who don’t know what ‘our’ means. And it’s not the state border lol.

Adolescents and their word game spam.
Marsha, Marsha, Marsha, what is your definition of a wahl?
They do call riots insurrections as well. Birthing people. On and on. Word spam.
Defense in depth! After the Tennessee Wall, comes the Kentucky-Virginia Wall, then the Ohio River and Pennsylvania Wall.

Gotta protect that white majority in the Northeast, see?

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