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Ten Things We Can Do With Guantanamo Bay Detainees (1 Viewer)


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May 31, 2005
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Ten Things We Can Do With Guantanamo Bay Detainees
By: Aaron Goldstein
RightConservative.com 06-12-05

Since Amnesty International Secretary General Irene Khan’s infamously described Guantanamo Bay as the “gulag of our times” the Left has fallen all over itself in calling for Guantanamo’s closure. Never mind that millions were killed in the Soviet gulags while Guantanamo Bay holds fewer than 600 detainees. But again, as so often happens with today’s Left, why let the facts get in the way of a good sound bite.

Over the past week, former President Jimmy Carter, Democratic Senator Joe Biden, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and the New York Times have called for Guantanamo Bay to be closed.

So what happens to the detainees at Guantanamo? The aforementioned individuals and organizations are less clear. Senator Biden indicated on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos that we keep the detainees we need to keep but is vague about where the remainder should end up.

Despite the fact that President Bush dismissed Amnesty International’s charges as “absurd” he has hinted that Guantanamo’s days may be numbered. In an interview with Neil Cavuto of the Fox News Channel, Bush remarked, “Well, you know, we’re exploring all alternatives as to how best to do the main objective, which is to protect America. I mean, what we don’t want to do is let somebody out that comes back and harms us, and so we’re looking at all alternatives, and have been.”

With all due respect to the President this seems odd. If Guantanamo is to be closed on the basis that a former prisoner could harm us one could also argue that every prison in the United States should be closed because their inmates might offend again once released back into society. Moreover, it legitimizes the Left’s misrepresentation of the treatment of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. This was an error on Bush’s part not only for emboldening his political foes but confusing his closest political allies.

Prior to Bush’s interview, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld called Guantanamo the only “safe option” for detainees that were captured in Afghanistan. However, since Bush’s interview, Rumsfeld has indicated that the detainees ought to be tried in their country of origin. Of course, this assumes that the detainees’ countries of origins want them back in the first place.

Very good read. Click here for the rest.
From the home office in Tampa:

10.Render (no I don't mean send to other countries)
9.House/cabana boys for 9/11 victims
8.Inter at monkey house at zoo: we throw feces at them
7.Hanukkah stocking stuffers
6.Behead one of ours: we behead two of yours
5.I got a great idea. send them to other countries and let them torture them...huh....wha...oh never mind
4.one word: chum
3.be real cruel:send them to an American prison
2.dress up as little boys:send to neverland
and the number one thing to do with gitmo detainees: wait for deer season-staple antlers to heads and send to swampkritters neck of the woods
If they ARE terrorists CHARGE them in a fair trail and then imprison them, but the US won't do that.
Which makes me believe that the US government doesn't have proof that they are terrorists. You can't rule out the fact that a just a few might have been in the wrong place at the wrong time - and a few is too many.

If you want to treat them as POW's fair enough by me, as long as you give them all the rights that come with being a POW.
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Religious services on demand(I know, I know, it's pretty much already there)

Educate them and supply them with a large library of prefferably pro American books or anti violence books.

Satellite TV in all the cells so they can watch TLC all day.

Feed them the best food that is affordable, how ever much they want. Fatten them up.

Not really in the mood to think up ten.

Anything else that makes them enjoy their stay at prison.
The number one thing to do with the Gitmo detainees: treat them like we would have them treat us. With justice, fairness, and honesty. They should be treated within the spirit of the Geneva accord as it pertains to human rights, regardless of the legal technicality that they aren't PoW's. They should be given a fair trial and appropriately punished if found guilty.
teacher said:
From the home office in Tampa:

10.Render (no I don't mean send to other countries)
9.House/cabana boys for 9/11 victims
8.Inter at monkey house at zoo: we throw feces at them
7.Hanukkah stocking stuffers
6.Behead one of ours: we behead two of yours
5.I got a great idea. send them to other countries and let them torture them...huh....wha...oh never mind
4.one word: chum
3.be real cruel:send them to an American prison
2.dress up as little boys:send to neverland
and the number one thing to do with gitmo detainees: wait for deer season-staple antlers to heads and send to swampkritters neck of the woods

How many of these people have actually been found guilty of anything? How many have had a trial?

And GWB (and, I'm ashamed to say, Phoney Blair) wanted to invade Iraq to stop what? Exactly this kind of thing, perhaps?

What total hypocracy!
Shouldn't the US get off Cuban territory and set up it's torture camps on it's own land?
GarzaUK said:
If they ARE terrorists CHARGE them in a fair trail and then imprison them, but the US won't do that.
Which makes me believe that the US government doesn't have proof that they are terrorists. You can't rule out the fact that a just a few might have been in the wrong place at the wrong time - and a few is too many.

If you want to treat them as POW's fair enough by me, as long as you give them all the rights that come with being a POW.

The Clinton Administration tried that in 1993 during the first attack on the World Trade Center....it took quite a long time, and the mastermind got a slap on the wrist, it seems.
First things first. William H. Schultz, executive director of Amnesty International USA, is a far left leaning Democrat who contributed $2000 (the most allowed by a private citizen) to John Kerry's presidential run and $1000 to Ted Kennedy's 2006 senate campaign. So I have a hard time believing the GITMO report in an honest assessment.


Those who think we should charge or release the detainees don't know much about international law. The detainees have been give "enemy combatant" status and thus do not have to be charged until the war (on terrorism) is declared over. The detainees are not legally afforded the right of due process. No laws, national or international, have been violated.

Somebody posted a line stating that we should treat them like would would want them to treat us. Maybe they should feel lucky we do not treat them like they treat us. We choose to leave their heads on their shoulders.

Lets not forget the majority of these detainees were captured on the battlefields of Afghanistan taken up arms against us.
ANAV said:
Those who think we should charge or release the detainees don't know much about international law. The detainees have been give "enemy combatant" status and thus do not have to be charged until the war (on terrorism) is declared over. The detainees are not legally afforded the right of due process. No laws, national or international, have been violated.

No war will ever end terrorism... which means that the war will go on forever... which means we get to keep them locked up without trial forever? You're okay with that? I don't care what kind of laws have or have not been broken, that's pretty screwed up.

Somebody posted a line stating that we should treat them like would would want them to treat us. Maybe they should feel lucky we do not treat them like they treat us. We choose to leave their heads on their shoulders.

Lets not forget the majority of these detainees were captured on the battlefields of Afghanistan taken up arms against us.

Just because they do not treat their prisoners with respect or because they were once our enemy, doesn't mean that should treat them subpar. These are people just like me and you. Our reputation has to precede us. Right now the world sees Abu Grahib and 37 deaths of detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In WWI, we treated the German POWs so well that they weren't afraid to surrender in WWII. That saves lives. It saves face and other equally important yet unlisted characteristics.
Gandhi>Bush said:
No war will ever end terrorism... which means that the war will go on forever... which means we get to keep them locked up without trial forever? You're okay with that? I don't care what kind of laws have or have not been broken, that's pretty screwed up.

Just because they do not treat their prisoners with respect or because they were once our enemy, doesn't mean that should treat them subpar. These are people just like me and you. Our reputation has to precede us. Right now the world sees Abu Grahib and 37 deaths of detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In WWI, we treated the German POWs so well that they weren't afraid to surrender in WWII. That saves lives. It saves face and other equally important yet unlisted characteristics.

I am fine with keeping them locked up as long is it takes. Several of them have pledged to carry out violence when, and if, they are released. The threat of them carry out attacks is neutralized by keeping them detained. Some that have been released have already re-joined the ranks of the Taliban and Al Queda.


And they are not people like me. I am not a savage barbarian who commits or supports inflicting terror on the innocent.
teacher said:
From the home office in Tampa:

10.Render (no I don't mean send to other countries)
9.House/cabana boys for 9/11 victims
8.Inter at monkey house at zoo: we throw feces at them
7.Hanukkah stocking stuffers
6.Behead one of ours: we behead two of yours
5.I got a great idea. send them to other countries and let them torture them...huh....wha...oh never mind
4.one word: chum
3.be real cruel:send them to an American prison
2.dress up as little boys:send to neverland
and the number one thing to do with gitmo detainees: wait for deer season-staple antlers to heads and send to swampkritters neck of the woods

Top ten things to do with Gitmo house guests (liberal version)

10.Nightly cumbaya singalongs led by salty Marines.
9.24/7 Martha Stewart video feed. The kicker: supply all craft items to follow along, it's a good thing.
8.Treat them humanly, clean healthy environment, let them practice their religion, let them....huh.....wha...we already do you say.....we treat these SOB's better than our own prisoners and still the libs want...huh...wha...oh this is the NICE list?
7.Fresh in room flowers, daily massages, mints on pillows.
6.Weekly raffle to get to bone Hillary. "number 36, number 36? Come on we know someone has number 36. number 36...........
5.Cake and ice cream birthday parties with pin the tail on Rumsfeld and a Bush pinata.
4.Jew insulting contests: 1st prize=Full Popeye Pez dispenser.
3.Let them beat local hired whores with sticks. Gives them a sense of continuity.
2.Day room flight simulator.
And the number 1 thing to do with Gitmo house guests (liberal version) Weekend pass and date with those Arab women shown dancing in the street after 9/11.
ANAV said:
I am fine with keeping them locked up as long is it takes. Several of them have pledged to carry out violence when, and if, they are released. The threat of them carry out attacks is neutralized by keeping them detained. Some that have been released have already re-joined the ranks of the Taliban and Al Queda.

This is from your link:

Pentagon officials acknowledged that the release process is imperfect, but they said most of the Guantanamo detainees released have steered clear of Islamist insurgent groups.

It also said 7 have gone back to terrorism out of the 146 released. That's almost 5%. Like they said it's not perfect, though I never said release them, I said to keep them locked away without trial until the end of the war is a little screwed up.

And they are not people like me. I am not a savage barbarian who commits or supports inflicting terror on the innocent.

Do you call everyone who does not share your view a savage barbarian? They do not see us as innocent, they see us as the evil infidel across the ocean. You won't unmake that by calling them names or keeping them locked up without trial.
Binary_Digit said:
The number one thing to do with the Gitmo detainees: treat them like we would have them treat us. With justice, fairness, and honesty. They should be treated within the spirit of the Geneva accord as it pertains to human rights, regardless of the legal technicality that they aren't PoW's. They should be given a fair trial and appropriately punished if found guilty.

Very well said
This is fun, what can we do with 6 minors who are imprisoned at G-Bay?

Lawyers: Some minors held at Guantanamo:-

Lawyers representing terror suspects at the U.S. Guantanamo Bay military prison in Cuba claim there may be six minors being held there.

My top FIVE!

5)Kill 'em, since we're america we can get away with this and no one will ever know except maybe that nosey liberal media.
4)Instead of torturing them with Christina Aguilera, we do it with Raffi.
3)Young muslims, milk fed, make great veal substitute
2)Kathie Lee Gifford needs a new sweatshop
1)Give em to Michael Jackson now that he's found not-guilty.

And that folks is American Pride! Weeeee hoooo!

Seriously, treat your enemy like your friend. Treat your enemy as you would your countryman. Everyone deserves justice.
No, I don't call people who do not share my views barbarians. I do call people who target civilians barbaric assholes. It's weird how the further away we get from 9/11 the sympathy and understanding some people have for the very people who killed thousands of innocent people.

I consider filming the sawing heads off people barbaric. Do you?
WOW the Responses. There so negative. May be if you a BRAVE ENOUGH you Will tell All of these "Proud Serving Marines", at this website:FlyingHammer Forums Start post in "News" or "Talk Chit" Categories.


That is if you have the guts?

FYI: Yes I know the website is changing hosts, I know the Web Site owner personally, and he will have it up in less than a weeks time. Sorry, but you can debate me in the meantime! LOL!
shuamort said:
Seriously, treat your enemy like your friend. Treat your enemy as you would your countryman. Everyone deserves justice.

Did you mean, Keep you friends close, Keep you enemies closer?

And if so, should they all be challenged in a court in California?

Didn't know where to post this thought. This is for the folks that say, "Recruitment is down,see, so the war must be wrong." and "If you think it's all right to enforce your will on another country you go risk your life."

Recruitment is down how many percent? A pittance compared to the many still joining.

The ones still joining know where they are going and what they will be doing. That's a lot of people risking their lives for something they believe in.

Who's convictions are stronger? Those at home nay saying? Or those signing up know knowing the stakes?
teacher said:
Didn't know where to post this thought. This is for the folks that say, "Recruitment is down,see, so the war must be wrong." and "If you think it's all right to enforce your will on another country you go risk your life."

Recruitment is down how many percent? A pittance compared to the many still joining.

The ones still joining know where they are going and what they will be doing. That's a lot of people risking their lives for something they believe in.

Who's convictions are stronger? Those at home nay saying? Or those signing up know knowing the stakes?

All I can say is that the army has missed it's goal by over 6,000 troops. I don't think that necessarily shows a correlation with the progress/success of this war though.
ANAV said:
No, I don't call people who do not share my views barbarians. I do call people who target civilians barbaric assholes. It's weird how the further away we get from 9/11 the sympathy and understanding some people have for the very people who killed thousands of innocent people.

You've got understand their position. You've got to understand why these "barbaric assholes" commit acts like 9/11. You can't change what you refuse to understand. You can't change what you write off as barbaric. They have reasons for hating us, some of them legitimate. They see us in the same fashion that you see them. Returning their sentiments is not going to steer anyone away from terrorism.

I consider filming the sawing heads off people barbaric. Do you?

stsburns said:
WOW the Responses. There so negative. May be if you a BRAVE ENOUGH you Will tell All of these "Proud Serving Marines", at this website Start post in "News" or "Talk Chit" Categories.


That is if you have the guts?

A human life is a human life. I don't see one more valuable than the other. I think it is sick that someone had to die. I think it is equally if not more disgusting that someone had to kill.
Gandhi>Bush said:
All I can say is that the army has missed it's goal by over 6,000 troops. I don't think that necessarily shows a correlation with the progress/success of this war though.

My short point being there are a lot of Americans who so believe in this war and the good they think it will do that that they will put their own lives at jeopardy. At the very least you can't call this group "wishy washy".

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