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Te "Big Lie" turns out to be the "Big Coup" ! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 3, 2006
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So even thought our Politicians assured us the election was free , fair and secure, the FACTS that are coming out prove that they are,
Wrong, Lying, or apart of the Crime!

1st we have the CRIMES of "People other than State Legislators" changing Voting laws!
2nd Broken Chain of custody for the "Drop Boxes" and "Thumb Drive", Then the Voting Machines
illegally being connected to the Internet, video of Poll workers rescanning thousands of Ballots up 3 time each,
People in GA Stuffing the Drop Boxes ect....

So a lot of people had to be Dumb as Rock, in denial, willfully ignorant, or Complicit!

But now we have a guy who actually got legal authority to INVESTIGATE what happened, and he Found "MASSIVE FRAUD"!!!
He has also called to "Decertify the 2020" Election !

Here are his FACTUALL FINDINGS (Not the BS Lies that the MSM Feed the Sheep) !

So DEM's What's more important to you "Democracy" (Freedom to Vote for your President) or getting your Lesser of 2 evils in office? ...
P.S. From Day 1, Trump and those who saw the Fraud stated they saw these types of fraud in these states.(See photo)


  • type-of-election-faud-in-each-swing-state.png
    60.8 KB · Views: 7
So even thought our Politicians assured us the election was free , fair and secure, the FACTS that are coming out prove that they are,

1st we have the CRIMES of "People other than State Legislators" changing Voting laws!
2nd Broken Chain of custody for the "Drop Boxes" and "Thumb Drive", Then the Voting Machines
illegally being connected to the Internet, video of Poll workers rescanning thousands of Ballots up 3 time each,
People in GA Stuffing the Drop Boxes ect....

,,,But now we have a guy who actually got legal authority to INVESTIGATE what happened, and he Found "MASSIVE FRAUD"!!!
He has also called to "Decertify the 2020" Election !

Here are his FACTUALL FINDINGS (Not the BS Lies that the MSM Feed the Sheep) !


I pointed this out in another thread on this subject here:

In that response I provided a link to the results of the Wisconsin Special Counsel's investigation report too.

I also raised similar concerns in this Forum back during the 2020 election period in discussions of vote security and integrity, predicting the possibility that long-after the election evidence may come to light showing such problems occurred.

I even provided evidence of a Texas social worker caught doing this back during the 2020 election, and the only response was "well she was caught so that means it can't/doesn't/won't/didn't happen anywhere else."

IMO when major last-minute changes are made to long-standing election procedures such that vote security can be compromised in a variety of ways, that it WILL occur and MAY have been sufficient to effect an election.
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So even thought our Politicians assured us the election was free , fair and secure, the FACTS that are coming out prove that they are,
Wrong, Lying, or apart of the Crime!

1st we have the CRIMES of "People other than State Legislators" changing Voting laws!
2nd Broken Chain of custody for the "Drop Boxes" and "Thumb Drive", Then the Voting Machines
illegally being connected to the Internet, video of Poll workers rescanning thousands of Ballots up 3 time each,
People in GA Stuffing the Drop Boxes ect....

So a lot of people had to be Dumb as Rock, in denial, willfully ignorant, or Complicit!

But now we have a guy who actually got legal authority to INVESTIGATE what happened, and he Found "MASSIVE FRAUD"!!!
He has also called to "Decertify the 2020" Election !

Here are his FACTUALL FINDINGS (Not the BS Lies that the MSM Feed the Sheep) !

So DEM's What's more important to you "Democracy" (Freedom to Vote for your President) or getting your Lesser of 2 evils in office? ...
P.S. From Day 1, Trump and those who saw the Fraud stated they saw these types of fraud in these states.(See photo)
The election fraud deniers will keep on denying. The election fraud cover up will continue.

They are all waiting for the 22 months to run out and then they can get rid of ALL of the evidence.

And then they'll try to do it again.

They CANNOT allow Trump to be President. There are TRILLIONS at stake. That makes ANY criminal actions worth it.
You got proof? Take it to court. Pick one of the hundreds of judges Trump appointed to make sure you get a "fair" hearing. Otherwise it;s the same BS I've been hearing since Trump lost in a free and fair election.
IMO when major last-minute changes are made to long-standing election procedures such that vote security can be compromised in a variety of ways, that it WILL occur and MAY have been sufficient to effect an election.
Every fair-minded person will agree with that comment.

If the incumbent had been a Democrat, one can be confident that the media would have been demanding a full investigation.

Since it was (the admittedly obnoxious) Donald J. Trump, there was an unseemly rush to declare it to be "the most secure election" in American history.

Well, KARMA is a [B-word].

If the Dems did stuff the ballot boxes enough to affect the outcome, we should not be shocked by how KARMA shows its displeasure.
So even thought our Politicians assured us the election was free , fair and secure, the FACTS that are coming out prove that they are,
Wrong, Lying, or apart of the Crime!

1st we have the CRIMES of "People other than State Legislators" changing Voting laws!
2nd Broken Chain of custody for the "Drop Boxes" and "Thumb Drive", Then the Voting Machines
illegally being connected to the Internet, video of Poll workers rescanning thousands of Ballots up 3 time each,
People in GA Stuffing the Drop Boxes ect....

So a lot of people had to be Dumb as Rock, in denial, willfully ignorant, or Complicit!

But now we have a guy who actually got legal authority to INVESTIGATE what happened, and he Found "MASSIVE FRAUD"!!!
He has also called to "Decertify the 2020" Election !

Here are his FACTUALL FINDINGS (Not the BS Lies that the MSM Feed the Sheep) !

So DEM's What's more important to you "Democracy" (Freedom to Vote for your President) or getting your Lesser of 2 evils in office? ...
P.S. From Day 1, Trump and those who saw the Fraud stated they saw these types of fraud in these states.(See photo)
The Wisconsin special council is an avid Trump supporter who hired people from Trump's campaign to investigate fraud in hopes of putting Trump back into the WH.

Not credible in the least.
You got proof? Take it to court. Pick one of the hundreds of judges Trump appointed to make sure you get a "fair" hearing. Otherwise it;s the same BS I've been hearing since Trump lost in a free and fair election.

Do you bother to read the source material, or is it your typical tactic to just respond in a partisan way?

This report was conducted in the State of Wisconsin. Like any Special Counsel investigation, (you know, like the famous "Mueller Report") it then is up to the government that authorized the investigation to choose what to do with it.
Do you bother to read the source material, or is it your typical tactic to just respond in a partisan way?

This report was conducted in the State of Wisconsin. Like any Special Counsel investigation, (you know, like the famous "Mueller Report") it then is up to the government that authorized the investigation to choose what to do with it.
Take it to court or it's the same BS since Trump lost a free and fair election.
The election fraud deniers will keep on denying. The election fraud cover up will continue.

They are all waiting for the 22 months to run out and then they can get rid of ALL of the evidence.

And then they'll try to do it again.

They CANNOT allow Trump to be President. There are TRILLIONS at stake. That makes ANY criminal actions worth it.
So you don't understand that this is one of the only people who got poweres to do any REAL INVESTIGATING, and he found Mass Fraud?
Did you not read that Wisconsin Report? ..... At least read the Table of Contents!
Take it to court or it's the same BS since Trump lost a free and fair election.

This is not an issue of "changing the election." Once Congress confirms the results, the President-elect becomes the President in fact.

What the issue is in WISCONSIN concerns vote security and regulation, and it is up to the Wisconsin Legislature to determine the merits and then if the laws in Wisconsin will be affected/changed.
You got proof? Take it to court. Pick one of the hundreds of judges Trump appointed to make sure you get a "fair" hearing. Otherwise it;s the same BS I've been hearing since Trump lost in a free and fair election.
Wonder how they even got to AG Barr and Trump’s own cyber security guy to proclaim the election as ok.
The Wisconsin special council is an avid Trump supporter who hired people from Trump's campaign to investigate fraud in hopes of putting Trump back into the WH.

Not credible in the least.
So if he find FACTS they should not be believed?....

Take it to court or it's the same BS since Trump lost a free and fair election.
It was not FREE AND FAIR !
Did you not read the findings? They broke many FEDERAL LAWS, thus making it a CRIMINAL ELECTION !
So you don't understand that this is one of the only people who got poweres to do any REAL INVESTIGATING, and he found Mass Fraud?
Did you not read that Wisconsin Report? ..... At least read the Table of Contents!
Vos is the controlling factor in the state...and he won't do anything about it. Garland is the controlling factor in the DOJ...and he won't do anything about it.
So even thought our Politicians assured us the election was free , fair and secure, the FACTS that are coming out prove that they are,
Wrong, Lying, or apart of the Crime!

1st we have the CRIMES of "People other than State Legislators" changing Voting laws!
2nd Broken Chain of custody for the "Drop Boxes" and "Thumb Drive", Then the Voting Machines
illegally being connected to the Internet, video of Poll workers rescanning thousands of Ballots up 3 time each,
People in GA Stuffing the Drop Boxes ect....

So a lot of people had to be Dumb as Rock, in denial, willfully ignorant, or Complicit!

But now we have a guy who actually got legal authority to INVESTIGATE what happened, and he Found "MASSIVE FRAUD"!!!
He has also called to "Decertify the 2020" Election !

Here are his FACTUALL FINDINGS (Not the BS Lies that the MSM Feed the Sheep) !

So DEM's What's more important to you "Democracy" (Freedom to Vote for your President) or getting your Lesser of 2 evils in office? ...
P.S. From Day 1, Trump and those who saw the Fraud stated they saw these types of fraud in these states.(See photo)

Vos is the controlling factor in the state...and he won't do anything about it. Garland is the controlling factor in the DOJ...and he won't do anything about it.
So you're ok with Politicians being about to commit a Coup ? ...
Every fair-minded person will agree with that comment.

If the incumbent had been a Democrat, one can be confident that the media would have been demanding a full investigation.

Since it was (the admittedly obnoxious) Donald J. Trump, there was an unseemly rush to declare it to be "the most secure election" in American history.

Well, KARMA is a [B-word].

If the Dems did stuff the ballot boxes enough to affect the outcome, we should not be shocked by how KARMA shows its displeasure.
Yet I repeat, no one has come forward to sell the story of the century. I am pretty certain of three things: the election was free and fair as all the failed lawsuits, AG Barr and Trump’s cybersecurity guy indicated. Second, if Trump runs again in 2024, he will claim fraud if he loses, and even perhaps if he wins, as he did in 2016, and several other times. Amazing how cursed this man has been, to be defrauded in two presidential elections, one primary caucus and two Emmy selections as he has claimed. Third, that this will stay with some Trump bitter-enders like the “stab in the back” notion preached to Germans post-WWI or the Confederacy’s lost cause.
So even thought our Politicians assured us the election was free , fair and secure, the FACTS that are coming out prove that they are,
Wrong, Lying, or apart of the Crime!

1st we have the CRIMES of "People other than State Legislators" changing Voting laws!
2nd Broken Chain of custody for the "Drop Boxes" and "Thumb Drive", Then the Voting Machines
illegally being connected to the Internet, video of Poll workers rescanning thousands of Ballots up 3 time each,
People in GA Stuffing the Drop Boxes ect....

So a lot of people had to be Dumb as Rock, in denial, willfully ignorant, or Complicit!

But now we have a guy who actually got legal authority to INVESTIGATE what happened, and he Found "MASSIVE FRAUD"!!!
He has also called to "Decertify the 2020" Election !

Here are his FACTUALL FINDINGS (Not the BS Lies that the MSM Feed the Sheep) !

So DEM's What's more important to you "Democracy" (Freedom to Vote for your President) or getting your Lesser of 2 evils in office? ...
P.S. From Day 1, Trump and those who saw the Fraud stated they saw these types of fraud in these states.(See photo)
It was not FREE AND FAIR !
Did you not read the findings? They broke many FEDERAL LAWS, thus making it a CRIMINAL ELECTION !
I thought elections were under state authority not federal…

Who wants big government???
Is it funny or sad that the insurrection supporters and deniers have all identified themselves to us?
So even thought our Politicians assured us the election was free , fair and secure, the FACTS that are coming out prove that they are,
Wrong, Lying, or apart of the Crime!

1st we have the CRIMES of "People other than State Legislators" changing Voting laws!
2nd Broken Chain of custody for the "Drop Boxes" and "Thumb Drive", Then the Voting Machines
illegally being connected to the Internet, video of Poll workers rescanning thousands of Ballots up 3 time each,
People in GA Stuffing the Drop Boxes ect....

So a lot of people had to be Dumb as Rock, in denial, willfully ignorant, or Complicit!

But now we have a guy who actually got legal authority to INVESTIGATE what happened, and he Found "MASSIVE FRAUD"!!!
He has also called to "Decertify the 2020" Election !

Here are his FACTUALL FINDINGS (Not the BS Lies that the MSM Feed the Sheep) !

So DEM's What's more important to you "Democracy" (Freedom to Vote for your President) or getting your Lesser of 2 evils in office? ...
P.S. From Day 1, Trump and those who saw the Fraud stated they saw these types of fraud in these states.(See photo)
More republican whack-jobbery. Do you really need to waste more bandwidth with this bullshit?

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