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Taxpayers Sued by Schools. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 12, 2005
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We pay taxes to have educated people teach our children. Should we be sued because we don’t pay “extra” for them to do their job? The no child left behind act was designed to force schools to give our children a “basic” education, so they could pass a standard test. What these Schools/Teachers are really saying is, “I don’t want to be held accountable”.

Apr 20, 2:39 PM (ET)

By The Associated Press
Details of the No Child Left Behind Act lawsuit, Pontiac v. Spellings, filed Wednesday:
Plaintiffs: Pontiac School District in Michigan; Laredo Independent School District in Texas; Leicester Town School District, Neshobe Elementary School District, Otter Valley Union High School District, Rutland Northeast Supervisory Union, Pittsford Town School District, Sudbury Town School District and Whiting Town School District in Vermont; National Education Association and its affiliates in Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, New Hampshire, Ohio, Texas, Utah, Vermont and Reading, Pa.
Defendant: Margaret Spellings, in her capacity as secretary of the Department of Education.
Key section of the law in question: Section 9527(a), which says nothing in the law authorizes the federal government to "mandate a state or subdivision thereof to spend any funds or incur any costs not paid for under this Act."
Claim: Spellings has violated the law and the U.S. Constitution by requiring school districts to comply with the law despite "multibillion dollar national funding shortfalls."
Remedy sought: A court order that states and school districts are not required to spend their own money (the peoples money who pay for a service)to comply with the mandates of the federal law, and that the Education Department may not withhold federal money from states that refuse to comply on such grounds.
Squawker said:
We pay taxes to have educated people teach our children. Should we be sued because we don’t pay “extra” for them to do their job? The no child left behind act was designed to force schools to give our children a “basic” education, so they could pass a standard test. What these Schools/Teachers are really saying is, “I don’t want to be held accountable”.

Of course. When have public schools ever been accountable for anything. Year after year, they turn out an inferior product and year after year, they get more money.

Now, they see the handwriting on the wall and they don't like what it says. As it is to be expected, the socialist-lib-dem controlling National Education Association is up to its eyeballs in the lawsuit.

When they're asked to put up or else, they become belligerent. Gall?

This would be a great time to greatly expand the use of Supreme Court approved school vouchers to let kids opt out of lousy schools.

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