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Taxpayers footing the bill for sex change hormone therapy. (1 Viewer)

Trajan Octavian Titus

DP Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
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This has got to be one of the most insane things I've ever heard:
Prisoner sues for sex change
Wisconsin inmate demands completion of procedure

A Wisconsin prisoner, serving 123 years for multiple armed robberies and stabbing another inmate, is suing the state, demanding it provide him with surgery needed to complete a sex change.

Scott Konitzer, who now uses the name Donna Dawn Konitzer after developing some characteristics as a result of state-paid hormone therapy is suing prison officials in federal court for not completing the process.

Trajan Octavian Titus said:
This has got to be one of the most insane things I've ever heard:


Well it's from Newsmax so my first guess is BS. It could be a lot of things. For all we know the person in question was born with both male and female genitalia and needs the shots to maintain some sort of balance. As for a convict suing the state, no big shock there. Cons do that all the time. Personally I think we need some reforms in the laws to make it more difficult for an inmate to sue the government.
Well here it is from the Wis. Leg. site itself:

http://www.legis.state.wi.us/assembly/asm84/news/Sex Change 4-5-05.pdf

Maybe there is some truth to this crazy story. I find it odd that the committee voted four to one in passing a motion to stop the DOC from providing the medical procedure. Who would vote for something like this...and why? I mean why isn't the vote 5-0?

I agree with TOT, this is some of the craziest crap I think I've ever heard. That is unless there some part of the story we're not being told.
Pacridge said:
Well it's from Newsmax so my first guess is BS. .

Before dismissing it as BS why not search for other news reports to confirm or contridict the story?


Of course stories of this type of insanity is unfortunatly nothing nothing new.

jamesrage said:

I didn't simply dismiss it. I took a guess, based on the source, that it was BS. Given Newsmax's record it wasn't a bad guess. But then you'll note I did some looking into it and posted nine minutes later that there might be some facts behind the story.
Pacridge said:
I didn't simply dismiss it. I took a guess, based on the source, that it was BS. Given Newsmax's record it wasn't a bad guess. But then you'll note I did some looking into it and posted nine minutes later that there might be some facts behind the story.

I know the lunacy of inmates getting sex change operations is a hard to beleave story.
Pacridge said:
Well it's from Newsmax so my first guess is BS. It could be a lot of things. For all we know the person in question was born with both male and female genitalia and needs the shots to maintain some sort of balance. As for a convict suing the state, no big shock there. Cons do that all the time. Personally I think we need some reforms in the laws to make it more difficult for an inmate to sue the government.

I heard the story on the news and then found an article on it there's hundreds of them, but where did you get that it was from newsmax in the first place? It's from worldnetdaily.
Pacridge said:
Well here it is from the Wis. Leg. site itself:

http://www.legis.state.wi.us/assembly/asm84/news/Sex Change 4-5-05.pdf

Maybe there is some truth to this crazy story. I find it odd that the committee voted four to one in passing a motion to stop the DOC from providing the medical procedure. Who would vote for something like this...and why? I mean why isn't the vote 5-0?

I agree with TOT, this is some of the craziest crap I think I've ever heard. That is unless there some part of the story we're not being told.

Read the article, the lawsuit isn't the crazy part (well it is but) the crazy part is that the he/she had been getting the hormone treatment in the first place and then the governor had to put through legislation to stop it, now why would there need to be legislation to stop something as obviously insane as taxpayer funded hormone therapy for criminals none the less.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
I heard the story on the news and then found an article on it there's hundreds of them, but where did you get that it was from newsmax in the first place? It's from worldnetdaily.

Gezz, how many times can I be wrong in the same thread? You're right the story you posted was WND. Sorry I often get them and NM mixed up. Don't have much faith in either.

I still can't understand why there's even one vote in favor of paying for the procedure. Seems like something missing from the story. Though who knows maybe that one rep. has a large trans-gender vote going for them.

The whole thing sounds NUTZ.
Pacridge said:
I still can't understand why there's even one vote in favor of paying for the procedure.

Special interest,liberalism, and or insanity.
Pacridge said:
Gezz, how many times can I be wrong in the same thread? You're right the story you posted was WND. Sorry I often get them and NM mixed up. Don't have much faith in either.

I still can't understand why there's even one vote in favor of paying for the procedure. Seems like something missing from the story. Though who knows maybe that one rep. has a large trans-gender vote going for them.

The whole thing sounds NUTZ.

Well they're claiming that the ma... wom... 'it,' is suffering from trans-gender disorder (sounds like bullshit to me) and that with holding the hormone treatment is cruel and unusual punishment and violaton to the eighth amendments right to equal protection. I'm sorry but I don't see how not giving elective surgery or hormone treatments to someone guilty of armed robbery can be considered cruel and unusual punishment, in fact wouldn't cutting off the its balls be cruel and unusual???
Well, I have to admit this is the first time I've heard being trans-gendered being referred to as a "disorder".

I can think of a lot of reasons why a man in prison might want to undergo sex-reassignment therapy. Very few of them involve honestly being transgendered.
Korimyr the Rat said:
Well, I have to admit this is the first time I've heard being trans-gendered being referred to as a "disorder".

I can think of a lot of reasons why a man in prison might want to undergo sex-reassignment therapy. Very few of them involve honestly being transgendered.

I really don't give a sh!t what people do but there is no way in hell that the tax payer should be footing the bill in or out of prison.

Oh and correction they called it gender identity disorder, which equally sounds made up to me.
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Trajan Octavian Titus said:
I really don't give a sh!t what people do but there is no way in hell that the tax payer should be footing the bill in or out of prison.

Oh and correction they called it gender identity disorder, which equally sounds made up to me.
I wonder if demanding that tax payers pay for that horseshit surgery is a mental disorder?It should be and whoever the politician that recomended that tax payers pay for that horse **** sex change surgery should be thrown out of office for being mentally ill.
I saw an interview on the news the other night with (D) Senator Barbara Lee from California, and the statement was made that goverment officials' health benefits, paid for by tax payers, covered sex changes. :shock:

It is now official - California is OUT THERE, man! :doh
easyt65 said:
I saw an interview on the news the other night with (D) Senator Barbara Lee from California, and the statement was made that goverment officials' health benefits, paid for by tax payers, covered sex changes. :shock:

It is now official - California is OUT THERE, man! :doh

I wonder how contributing to someone's mental disorder a health benifit?I would think having shrinks try to help these insane people would be a health benifit,not pushing their insanity even further by giving them sex change operation or as those morons try to push it "gender reassignment".
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jamesrage said:
I wonder how contributing to someone's mental disorder a health benifit?

Correcting the patient's physical sex causes the disorder to go away. Gender identity isn't like sexual orientation or various paraphilias-- it isn't just a form of alternative sexual expression.

I don't know if it's even possible to re-align someone's psychological gender as an adult; if it were possible, I suspect that it would most likely involve intensive long-term therapy that would be nearly as expensive and as traumatic as the sex-change operation.
Korimyr the Rat said:
Correcting the patient's physical sex causes the disorder to go away.

Correcting?Correcting the person's mental state would cause the disorder to go away,not chopping off his nuts and giving him female hormones.
Korimyr the Rat said:
Correcting the patient's physical sex causes the disorder to go away. Gender identity isn't like sexual orientation or various paraphilias-- it isn't just a form of alternative sexual expression.

I don't know if it's even possible to re-align someone's psychological gender as an adult; if it were possible, I suspect that it would most likely involve intensive long-term therapy that would be nearly as expensive and as traumatic as the sex-change operation.

That's not the point, this is an elective surgery and there is no way in hell that the tax payer should have to pay for it.

Any ways this gender identity disorder sounds like horseshit pseudoscience to me, people are born male people are born female end of story.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
That's not the point, this is an elective surgery and there is no way in hell that the tax payer should have to pay for it.

Any ways this gender identity disorder sounds like horseshit pseudoscience to me, people are born male people are born female end of story.

one word, but its a big one;)

DeeJayH said:
one word, but its a big one;)


I think the hermaphrodite issue you bring up is a good example. It's pretty easy to say people are born either this sex or that sex end of story when you're born with no sexual feelings for anyone other then the opposite sex.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
That's not the point, this is an elective surgery and there is no way in hell that the tax payer should have to pay for it.

Yeah, I'll give you that one. I don't see the point in the taxpayers footing the bill for this course of treatment.

There are elective surgeries that I think government healthcare services should pick up, however-- abortion, and less controversially, eyesight correction. (Saves money in the long run; compare having LASIK done once to the number of pairs of eyeglasses the average person uses in a lifetime.)

Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Any ways this gender identity disorder sounds like horseshit pseudoscience to me, people are born male people are born female end of story.

Your prerogative. I haven't yet seen sufficient evidence either way, but there is a distinct difference between biological sex and psychological gender. It's conceivable that the two can become mismatched.

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