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Tavern Photography contest (1 Viewer)

You never know when you might need a stapler.
ewww... that's no you, is it?
My son about 5 years ago. He is short and plays soccer. A player kicked him in the head, both were standing. Tough kid. 5 Staples no anasthesia. They said the needle for it was as bad as the stapling. A bunch of residence newbies on call on a Sunday. Interesting day. LOL! Happy Thanksgiving.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk
My son about 5 years ago. He is short and plays soccer. A player kicked him in the head, both were standing. Tough kid. 5 Staples no anasthesia. They said the needle for it was as bad as the stapling. A bunch of residence newbies on call on a Sunday. Interesting day. LOL! Happy Thanksgiving.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

Tough kid indeed! I played competitive soccer for many years and it just about killed me. Sign your kid up for rugby -- he certainly seems to have the mettle.
OK everyone... time to get your butts to the Tavern and vote for your fav pics. Hurry... this instalment will be over soon!

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