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Task Force Against Homosexuality (TFAH) (1 Viewer)

I don't even know what to say in response to that video.

I couldn't help but laugh at it, but then I remembered that they were serious.

Thats pretty ****ed up.
The country that gave us Idi Amin, "bus accidents massacres" and Entebe now gives us a black version of Reverend Phelps
The country that gave us Idi Amin, "bus accidents massacres" and Entebe now gives us a black version of Reverend Phelps

But you gotta admit, his delivery is way funnier than Phelps'. It's hard not to laugh at his gestures.
Aside from laughing at the video, I wonder if they would condemn heterosexual couples from doing some of the things that homosexual couples do. I think not.
Aside from laughing at the video, I wonder if they would condemn heterosexual couples from doing some of the things that homosexual couples do. I think not.

Heterosexual people dont have POOPOO.
Well he was very into what he was saying I'll give him that ;) ****ing christ this is ****ed.
I would love to see Barack Obama's reply to the guys question in the end.

"We want Barack Obama to explain to us why he wants to bring to Africa as a human right, to eat the POOPOO of our chillldreeennn"

That guy seems to have an answer to everything but i think he'd be speechless after being asked that.
Oh my...

... hate legislation against gays in a nation that is overwhelmingly (80%) "Christian"...

Whodda thunk it could happen?


Wonder where they find the Thou shalt hate rules in their "Good Book."
But you gotta admit, his delivery is way funnier than Phelps'. It's hard not to laugh at his gestures.

true, Phelps is pure scum-this guy must have had a crush on a man at one point

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