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Target’s Stock Down 5 Percent, Brand Damaged, By Pro-Transgender Bathroom Rules… (1 Viewer)


Mar 2, 2016
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Target’s stock price and its favorability among shoppers are crashing as the public rebukes the retail giant for ignoring their vigorous protest against mixed-sex changing rooms and bathrooms.

The company’s stock was two cents shy of $84 on August 19, when it revealed it would not allow shoppers to use single-sex bathrooms or changing rooms. Instead, all rooms were opened up to anyone claiming to be of either sex. As of 4.00 p.m. Friday, the stock had dropped almost $4.50, down to $79.50.

[glow=yellow,2,300]That’s a huge loss of 5 percent in stock value, costing shareholders roughly $2.5 billion in company value.[/glow]

In between those two dates, more than one million people had signed a boycott petition sponsored by the American Family Association. Public opinion also shifted strongly in favor of single-sex bathrooms.

The damage to Target’s favorability is also being tracked by YouGov’s BrandIndex service.

By April 27, “The percentage of consumers who would consider buying items at Target the next time they want to go shopping at a department store dropped from 42% to 38% over the past two weeks,” YouGov reported April 29. That’s a 10 percent drop, likely fueled by social-media conversations via Facebook and various news sites.

Target's Stock Down 5 Percent, Brand Damaged, by Public Rebuke to Pro-Transgender Bathroom Rules - Breitbart

Direct result of liberals damaging parts of the economy..


Target’s stock price and its favorability among shoppers are crashing as the public rebukes the retail giant for ignoring their vigorous protest against mixed-sex changing rooms and bathrooms.

The company’s stock was two cents shy of $84 on August 19, when it revealed it would not allow shoppers to use single-sex bathrooms or changing rooms. Instead, all rooms were opened up to anyone claiming to be of either sex. As of 4.00 p.m. Friday, the stock had dropped almost $4.50, down to $79.50.

[glow=yellow,2,300]That’s a huge loss of 5 percent in stock value, costing shareholders roughly $2.5 billion in company value.[/glow]

In between those two dates, more than one million people had signed a boycott petition sponsored by the American Family Association. Public opinion also shifted strongly in favor of single-sex bathrooms.

The damage to Target’s favorability is also being tracked by YouGov’s BrandIndex service.

By April 27, “The percentage of consumers who would consider buying items at Target the next time they want to go shopping at a department store dropped from 42% to 38% over the past two weeks,” YouGov reported April 29. That’s a 10 percent drop, likely fueled by social-media conversations via Facebook and various news sites.

Target's Stock Down 5 Percent, Brand Damaged, by Public Rebuke to Pro-Transgender Bathroom Rules - Breitbart

Direct result of liberals damaging parts of the economy..

Hmm, hasn't stopped me from shopping at Target.

The few times I've used their restrooms I could see no problem. They are single person use with locks on the doors.

As far as I can see, at least at the stores I've been to, all this does is open up two restrooms for people to use instead of having to stand in line for the one marked "male". :shrug:
As far as I can see, at least at the stores I've been to, all this does is open up two restrooms for people to use instead of having to stand in line for the one marked "male". :shrug:

And dump the stock price and generate a million strong boycott petition right?
And dump the stock price and generate a million strong boycott petition right?

I don't own any stock. I don't care.

My point was that at the stores I've been to the restrooms can only be used one person at a time with locked doors.

I have a single restroom in my house, with a lock on the door. If it was male only then women would be out of luck. :coffeepap:
I'm laughing at Target right now - douches. Did they really think no one would ever give a damn? Millions of people don't care?


It matters and a lot and people care - a tiny handful of people claim it doesn't bother them... well let them use the 'family' restroom, then.
I don't own any stock. I don't care.

My point was that at the stores I've been to the restrooms can only be used one person at a time with locked doors.

I have a single restroom in my house, with a lock on the door. If it was male only then women would be out of luck. :coffeepap:

If you don't care what stockholders think ( which is a real thing, actually loosing money) then why should they care how you feel (not a real thing)..
News flash, trans people have been using bathrooms that THEY THEMSELVES say are their gender for years and years and years and years.
If you don't care what stockholders think ( which is a real thing, actually loosing money) then why should they care how you feel (not a real thing)..

I don't care about the stock, or stockholders true. If the store is open I will shop there. That means they are still profiting from my custom. If it closes? I'll shop elsewhere. :shrug:
News flash, trans people have been using bathrooms that THEY THEMSELVES say are their gender for years and years and years and years.

Which is why Target should have just kept their mouths shut on the issue. They need to focus on selling stuff and not stepping in the middle of the latest PC battle.


Target’s stock price and its favorability among shoppers are crashing as the public rebukes the retail giant for ignoring their vigorous protest against mixed-sex changing rooms and bathrooms.

The company’s stock was two cents shy of $84 on August 19, when it revealed it would not allow shoppers to use single-sex bathrooms or changing rooms. Instead, all rooms were opened up to anyone claiming to be of either sex. As of 4.00 p.m. Friday, the stock had dropped almost $4.50, down to $79.50.

[glow=yellow,2,300]That’s a huge loss of 5 percent in stock value, costing shareholders roughly $2.5 billion in company value.[/glow]

In between those two dates, more than one million people had signed a boycott petition sponsored by the American Family Association. Public opinion also shifted strongly in favor of single-sex bathrooms.

The damage to Target’s favorability is also being tracked by YouGov’s BrandIndex service.

By April 27, “The percentage of consumers who would consider buying items at Target the next time they want to go shopping at a department store dropped from 42% to 38% over the past two weeks,” YouGov reported April 29. That’s a 10 percent drop, likely fueled by social-media conversations via Facebook and various news sites.

Target's Stock Down 5 Percent, Brand Damaged, by Public Rebuke to Pro-Transgender Bathroom Rules - Breitbart

Direct result of liberals damaging parts of the economy..

Holy ****, it is liberals fault conservatives are boycotting. That is hilarious!
Direct result of liberals damaging parts of the economy..
Target was at $79 on the 11th. Two months ago it was at $68.

I'm not sure I understand where you're seeing this great reaction?????
I don't like the thought of men and women sitting in stalls side by side. It's disgusting as hell sitting next to some men. It's really too gross and too much to ask of women, it just shows a lack of class. Install a new bathroom for trans folks if you want but don't make everyone use the same one.
The bigger picture.

Target was at $79 on the 11th. Two months ago it was at $68.

I'm not sure I understand where you're seeing this great reaction?????

It was at a high of 84ish earlier this week, now about 79ish. Next week it will be back up as this blip winds down.
Holy ****, it is liberals fault conservatives are boycotting. That is hilarious!

I don't think a matter of public-facility and personal comfort is even ideological. I'm not a Conservative (well I'm not a Liberal, either). Quite a few Liberals embrace this simple concept of separate gender facilities and have a problem with this 'co-ed' facility thing.

Some people seem to be clinging to this bathroom issue through the eyes of being 'a civil adult' - but many people out there are not civil nor adults.
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I don't care, all I care about is the rest of my post.

So you care more about socialism than capitalism.. Economy be dammed as long as no Trans gets their feelins hurt..
So you care more about socialism than capitalism.. Economy be dammed as long as no Trans gets their feelins hurt..

Is it going to crush the economy to add a one stall bathroom to accommodate the small percentage of trans folks out there? Btw, if I owned a physical building for my business, I wouldn't be letting men and women use the same restrooms and I wouldn't be adding any either.
I don't think a matter of public-facility and personal comfort is even ideological. I'm not a Conservative (well I'm not a Liberal, either). Quite a few Liberals embrace this simple concept of separate gender facilities and have a problem with this 'co-ed' facility thing.

Some people seem to be clinging to this bathroom issue through the eyes of being 'a civil adult' - but many people out there are not civil nor adults.

I am just pointing out what the OP stated.
So you care more about socialism than capitalism.. Economy be dammed as long as no Trans gets their feelins hurt..

You should probably learn what the word "socialism" means before you use it any more.

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