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Taiwan Accidentally Fires Missile Toward Rival China, Hits Boat (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 1, 2014
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TAIPEI, Taiwan — A Taiwanese naval ship accidentally fired a supersonic missile in the direction of its rival China on Friday, killing the captain of a nearby fishing boat, a state-run news agency said.

The 500-ton Chinchiang-class corvette launched the missile during a training exercise while docked at a harbor in the southern port city of Kaohsiung.
China — which has been locked in a decades-long standoff with Taiwan — is around 160 miles away from the harbor. The missile had a range of 200 miles but did not cross the Taiwan Strait's median line, which separates the two countries.

Taiwan Accidentally Fires Missile Toward Rival China, Hits Boat - NBC News

Will China use this as an excuse to strike out in some way against Taiwan?

Thoughts? Comments?
Since these ocean confrontations get pretty tense I truly wonder if that was an accidental firing...

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